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Ostoja-Starzewski joins Beckman Institute

The Beckman Institute welcomes Martin Ostoja-Starzewski from the Department of Aerospace Engineering as a new faculty member.

Published on April 10, 2008

Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, has joined the Beckman Institute Bioimaging Science and Technology group.

Ostoja-Starzewski received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University in Canada. He became a professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering at Illinois in 2006.

Ostoja-Starzewskis research areas are in Stochastic mechanics, mechanics and transport in random media, computational mechanics, thermomechanics, waves, and helices. His research focuses on the intersection of mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science and applied/stochastic mathematics.

In this article

  • Martin Starzewski
    Martin Starzewski's directory photo.