Parking and travel

Parking and travel

Getting to Beckman

Urbana is located in the heart of Central Illinois, so it's close to Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis.


The Beckman Institute offers plenty of parking and close proximity to several hotels.


The institute is located at:

405 N. Mathews Ave.

Urbana, IL 61801

Beckman Aerial 5
An aerial view of the east side of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Parking information

Many metered parking spaces are available near Beckman:

  • On Wright Street to the west
  • In the circle drive to Beckman's east
  • In the campus parking deck across Mathews Avenue, which requires paying via app or a payment machine near University and Mathews.

Meters are $1.25 per hour. For more information on campus parking, please see the campus parking website.


Nearby hotels

Use this Google Map to find nearby hotels.

The Urbana Hampton Inn is the closest hotel; it's across University Avenue from Beckman. The Illini Union Hotel gives guests a feel for campus, and many enjoy the atmosphere at the Hyatt Place in downtown Champaign.


Travel to Urbana

By air

The University of Illinois' Willard Airport serves Champaign-Urbana. It's located about four miles south of campus in Savoy, Illinois. It provides airlines service by American Airlines.

By bus or train

Illinois Terminal in downtown Champaign is about a mile west of the Beckman Institute. See a full list of bus and train transportation options, as well as information about CU MTD, the area's award-winning mass transit system.

By automobile

The drive from Chicago takes about two hours; from Indianapolis, about two hours; and from St. Louis, about three hours.