Core research facilities
Tools that make research possible
The Beckman Institute is home to two core research facilities: the Biomedical Imaging Center and the Imaging Technology Group.
People from around campus, the nation, and world use them.

Biomedical Imaging Center
BIC is a state-of-the-art imaging facility that develops and applies cutting-edge techniques using magnetic resonance and molecular imaging tools.
Staff members employ advanced MRI, optical imaging, EEG, PET, SPECT, CT, fluorescence, and bioluminescence techniques to address questions about structure and function of systems across a variety of disciplines.

Imaging Technology Group
ITG is home to Beckman's Microscopy Suite and Visualization Lab.
Hundreds of researchers from the Beckman Institute and nearly every department on campus use its state-of-the-art microscopy, spectroscopy, image processing, and rendering capabilities.
The Microscopy Suite is located in the basement of the Beckman Institute. The Vis Lab is located on the second floor, in 2203 Beckman.Visit ITG's website