Beckman Funding Programs
The Beckman Institute's seed, outreach and engagement, and bridge funding programs are meant to inspire interdisciplinary research, encourage considering new perspectives, and bridge the gaps researchers may find between grants.

Research seed grants
These grants are intended to seed new interdisciplinary research projects happening at the Beckman Institute. Proposals may request up to $150,000 for two years.
The expectation is that the selected projects will lead to externally funded research proposals within two years and will form the building blocks of novel programs of research at the Beckman Institute. Submissions are due early in the spring semester each year. The Beckman Institute Program Advisory Committee will evaluate them in accordance with Beckman’s core values: excellence, collaboration, integrity, transdisciplinarity, exploration and diversity.
Please direct questions to Beckman Associate Director for Research Cristina Álvarez-Mingote.
Download the PDF of the full call for more details.
Outreach and engagement grants
This program intends to support items not covered by grants that go beyond research, and foster education, outreach, and community-building.
Beckman affiliate, part- and full-time faculty are eligible, as are staff, postdocs, and graduate students. The expected support level will be up to $7,500 and can be used over a two-year period. Proposals will be evaluated monthly and awarded on a rolling basis.
Anyone with questions on submitting a proposal for an external outreach project should consult with Beckman Outreach Specialist Lexie Kesler to help develop the idea.
Download the PDF of the full call for more details.
Bridge grants
This program aims to capture the needs of Beckman’s full- and part-time researchers that are not covered by grants and provide funding to bridge the gap. Funding requests should be between $500 and $7,500, and funding must be used within a one-year period. Proposals will be evaluated monthly and awarded on a rolling basis.
Download the PDF of the full call for more details.