Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Phone 244-3864
Email wpk@illinois.edu
Dr. King is the founding Chief Technology Officer at the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), one of the nation’s first Manufacturing Innovation Institutes launched by the Department of Defense in 2014. DMDII is located in Chicago, IL, and is a collaboration of UI LABS. Dr. King was the architect of the UI LABS DMDII proposal, which brought together the world’s best manufacturing companies, hundreds of small manufacturing businesses, and 30 universities. More information is available at DMDII.
William P. King received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton (1996) and the M.S. (1998) and Ph.D. (2002) degrees in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. He completed the Program for Leadership Development at Harvard Business School (2012)
Dr. King is the winner of the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation (2003), the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the Department of Energy and the White House (2005), and the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research (2007). He was named Young Manufacturing Engineer by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2006). In 2006, Technology Review Magazine named him one of the people under the age of 35 whose innovations are likely to change the world. He is the winner of the 2009 ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Award for Young Investigator in Heat Transfer. Dr. King has twice won the R&D 100 Award. In 2013 he won the ASME Gustus-Larson Award for accomplishment in Mechanical Engineering. He has authored over 190 journal articles and 20 patents, and is a Member of the Defense Sciences Research Council. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Dayton, 1996
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1998
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2002
2000-2002: IBM Graduate Research Fellow
2003-2008: National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2004: University of Dayton School of Engineering Outstanding Alumni Award
2004: Invited Participant, National Academy of Sciences Keck Futures Conference on Nanobiotechnology
2005-2006: Georgia Institute of Technology Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow
2005-2010: Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, PECASE
2006: Society of Manufacturing Engineers International Branimir F. von Turkovich Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award
2006: Invited Participant, US-Japan Exchange Program for Nanotechnology and Nanomanufacturing
2006: TR35 - Technology Review’s list of the most innovative people under the age of 35
2006-2010: Kritzer Faculty Scholar, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC
2007: Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
2007: R&D 100 Award - “Nano Thermal Analysis” - one of the 100 most technologically significant innovations to enter the market
2007: Micro/Nano 25 - “Nano Thermal Analysis” - one of the 25 most significant micro/nano technology innovations
2007-2009: Fellow, Defense Sciences Research Council
2008: R&D 100 Award - “VESTA” - one of the 100 most technologically significant innovations to enter the market
2009: Xerox Award, College of Engineering
2009: ASME Bergles-Roshenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer
2010: Naval Research Laboratory Edison Award for Innovation
2010: Willett Faculty Scholar, College of Engineering, UIUC
2010: Best Paper Award, IEEE Sensors Conference
2011-2016: Abel Bliss Professor, College of Engineering
2011: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, “Innovations that will Change Manufacturing”
2011: Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
2013: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2013: ASME Gusts-Larson Memorial Award
2013: Best Paper Award, 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
2014: Fellow, American Physical Society
2018: World Economic Forum Lighthouse Factory Award
2020: Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2020: UIUC Engineering Council Outstanding Advising Award
2022: Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2022: Excellence in Translational Research, Grainger College of Engineering (Inaugural Winner)
2022: Fellow, SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers)
2022: Fellow, National Academy of Inventors
2022: UIUC Top Faculty Advisor for Engineering Design
2023: ASME Ennor Award for Distinguished Accomplishment in Manufacturing
- Kim, H., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Buckling elastomeric springs and lattices for tailored energy absorption," Materials Today Communications 35, 106417, 2023
- Kim, S., H. Kim, W.P. King, N. Miljkovic, "Gaussian Process Optimization of Phase Change Material Heat Sink Design," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2023.
- McAfee, R.C., M.C. Fish, A.A. Wilson, H.H. Tsang, J.A. Boltersdorf, S. Kim, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Fabrication and Thermal Properties of a Gallium and Porous Foam Composite Phase Change Material," ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 2023.
- Tsai, S., Q Wang, Y Wang, W.P. King, and S. Tawfick, "Miniature Soft Jumping Robots Made by Additive Manufacturing," Smart Materials and Structures, 2023.
- Wu, Y., E. Rytkin, M. Bimrose, S. Li, Y.S. Choi, G. Lee, Y. Wang, L. Tang, M. Madrid, G. Wickerson, J.K. Chang, J. Gu, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Tawfick, Y. Huang, W.P. King, I.R. Efimov, and J.A. Rogers, "A Sewing Approach to the Fabrication of Eco/bioresorbable Electronics," Small, 2305017, 2023.
- Kim, S., T. Yang, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Phase Change Material Integrated Cooling for Transient Thermal Management of Electronic Devices," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 213, 124263, 2023.
- Lad, A.A., A. Tayade, M.J. Hoque, Y. Zhao, J.C. Balda, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Conventional and Topologically Optimized Polymer Manifolds for Direct Cooling of Power Electronics," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 201, 123611, 2023.
- Lad, A.A., M.J. Hoque, S. Christian, Y. Zhao, J.C. Balda, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "High Power Density Thermal Management of Discrete Semiconductor Packages enabled by Additively Manufactured Hybrid Polymer-Metal Coolers," Applied Thermal Engineering 220, 2023.
- Lad, A.A., W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Multi-Objective Reduced-Order Design Optimization of Single-Phase Liquid Coolers for Electronics," Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023.
- Park., M., J.Y. Yoo, T. Yang, Y.H. Jung, A. Vázquez-Guardado, S. Li, J.H. Kim, J. Shin, W.Y. Maeng, G. Lee, S. Yoo H Luan, J.T. Kim, H.S. Shin, M.T. Flavin, H.J. Yoon, N. Miljkovic, Y. Huang, W.P. King, and J.A. Rogers, "Skin-integrated systems for power efficient, programmable thermal sensations across large body areas," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2217828120, 2023.
- Stavins, R.A., and W.P. King, "Three-Dimensional Elastomer Bellows Microfluidic Pump," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 27, 13, 2023.
- Yoo, S., T. Yang, M. Park, H. Jeong, Y.J. Lee, D. Cho, J. Kim, S.S. Kwak, J. Shin, Y. Park, Y. Wang, N. Miljkovic, W.P. King, and J.A. Rogers , "Responsive materials and mechanisms as thermal safety systems for skin-interfaced electronic devices," Nature Communications 14, 1024, 2023.
- .Fu, W., Y. Gurumukhi, X. Yan, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Ultrahigh power and energy density dynamic phase change materials using pressure-enhanced close contact melting," Nature Energy, 2022.
- Ho, J.Y., K.F. Rabbi, S. Khodakarami, S. Setta, T.N. Wong, K.C. Leong, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Surface Structuring of Metal Additively Manufactured Materials for Enhanced Vapor-Liquid Phase Transitions," Advanced Science, 2104454, 2022.
- Jankelow, A.M., H. Lee, W. Wang, T.H. Hoang, A. Bacon, F. Sun, S. Chae, V. Kindratenko, K. Koprowski, R.A. Stavins, D. Ceriani, Z. Engelder, W.P. King, M.N. Do, R. Bashir, E. Valera, and B.T. Cunningham, "Smartphone Clip-On Instrument and Microfluidic Processor for Rapid Sample-to-Answer Detection of Zika Virus in Whole Blood Using Spatial RT-LAMP," Analyst 147, 3838-3853, 2022.
- Kim, H., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Modeling and design of zero-stiffness elastomer springs using machine learning," Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2200225, 2022.
- Li, N., B. Zhao, R. Stavins, A.S. Peinetti, N. Chauhan, R. Bashir, B.T. Cunningham, W.P. King, Y. Lu, X. Wang, E. Valera, "Overcoming the Limitations of COVID-19 Diagnostics with Nanostructures, Nucleic Acid Engineering, and Additive Manufacturing," Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 26, 100966, 2022.
- Lim, J., R. Stavins, V. Kindratenko, J. Baek, L. Wang, K. White, J. Kumar, E. Valera, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, "Microfluidic Point-Of-Care Device for Detection of Early Strains and B.1.1.7 Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Virus," Lab on Chip 22, 7, 1297-1308, 2022.
- McGregor, D.J., M.V. Bimrose, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Using machine learning to predict dimensions and qualify diverse part designs across multiple additive machines and materials," Additive Manufacturing 55, 102848, 2022.
- McGregor, D.J., M.V. Bimrose, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Large batch metrology on internal features of additively manufactured parts using X-ray computed tomography," Journal of Materials Processing Technology 306, 117605, 2022.
- Yang, T., F. Diao, A. Mantooth, Y. Zhao, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Heat Spreader Thermal Switch for Power Converter Isothermalization," IEEE Transactions on Components, Technology, and Packaging 12, 7, 2022.
- Yang, Y., D.J. McGregor, S. Tawfick, W.P. King, and C. Shao, "Hierarchical data models improve the accuracy of feature level predictions for additively manufactured parts," Additive Manufacturing 51, 102621, 2022.
- .Yang, T., P.V. Braun, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Phase Change Material Heat Sink for Transient Cooling of High-Power Devices," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 170, 121033, 2021.
- Berger, J., M. Aydin, R. Stavins, J. Heredia, A. Mostafa, A. Ganguli, E. Valera, R. Bashir, and W.P. King, "Portable pathogen diagnostics using microfluidic cartridges made from continuous liquid interface production additive manufacturing," Analytical Chemistry 93, 10048-10055, 2021.
- Chen, S. and W.P. King, "Nanometer-Scale Capillary-Driven Flow and Molecular Weight Govern Polymer Nanostructure Deposition from a Heated Tip," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29, 032601, 2021.
- Chen, S., J. Son, S. Huang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. Bashir, A.M. van der Zande, and W.P. King, "TipBased Cleaning and Smoothing Improves Performance in Monolayer MoS2 Devices," ACS Omega 6, 4013– 4021, 2021.
- Lad, A.A., K.A. James, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Reduced Order Design Optimization of Liquid Cooled Heat Sinks," Journal of Electronic Packaging 143, 041105, 2021.
- McGregor, D.J., S.Rylowicz, A. Brenzel, D. Baker, C. Wood, D. Pick, H. Deutchman, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Analyzing part accuracy and sources of variability for additively manufactured lattice parts made on multiple printers," Additive Manufacturing 40, 101924, 2021.
- Moon, H., D.J. McGregor, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Ultra-power-dense heat exchanger development through genetic algorithm design and additive manufacturing," Joule 5, 3045-3056, 2021.
- Moon, H., K. Boyina, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Heat Transfer Enhancement of Single-Phase Internal Flows using Shape Optimization and Additively Manufactured Flow Structures," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177, 121510, 2021.
- Yang, T., W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Phase change material based thermal energy storage," Cell Reports Physical Science, accepted and to appear Cell Reports Physical Science 2, 100540, 2021.
- Yi, X., T. Yang, J. Xiao, N. Miljkovic, W.P. King, K.S. Haran, "Equivalent Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Form-Wound Windings with Litz Wire Including Transposition Effects," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57, 2, 1440-1449, 2021.
- Ganguli, A., A. Mostafa, J. Berger, M. Aydin, F. Sun, S.A.S. de Ramirez, E.Valera, B.T. Cunningham, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, "Rapid Isothermal Amplification and Portable Detection System for SARS-CoV-2," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 22727–22735, 2020.
- King, W.P., J. Amos, M. Azer, D. Baker, R. Bashir, C. Best, E. Bethke, S.A. Boppart, E. Bralts, R.M. Corey, R. Dietkus, G. Durack, S. Elbel, G. Elliott, J. Fava, N. Goldenfeld, M.H. Goldstein, C. Hayes, N. Herndon, S. Jamison, B. Johnson, H. Johnson, M. Johnson, J. Kolaczynski, T. Lee, S. Maslov, D.J. McGregor, D. Milner, R. Moller, J. Mosley, A. Musser, M. Newberger, D. Null, L. O'Bryan, M. Oelze, J. O'Leary, A. Pagano, M. Philpott, B. Pianfetti, A. Pille, L. Pizzuto, B. Ricconi, M. Rubessa, S. Rylowicz, C. Shipley, A.C. Singer, B. Stewart, R. Switzky, S. Tawfick, M. Wheeler, K. White, E.M. Widloski, E. Wood, C. Wood, A.R. Wooldridge, "Emergency Ventilator for COVID-19," PLOS One 15, 12, e0244963, 2020.
- Kwon, B., T. Foulkes, T. Yang, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Air Jet Impingement Cooling of Electronic Devices Using Additively Manufactured Nozzles," IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology 10, 220-229, 2020.
- Moon, H.K., N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "High Power Density Thermal Energy Storage using Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers and Phase Change Material," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 153, 119591, 2020.
- Riedo, E., X. Zheng, A. Calo, T. Cao, X. Liu, Z. Huang, P.M. Das, M. Drndic, C. Aruta, E. Albisetti, F. Lavini, T.D. Li, V. Narang, W. King, J. Harrold, M. Vittadello, and D. Shahrjerdi, "Spatial Defects Nanoengineering for Bipolar Conductivity in MoS2," Nature Communications 11, 3463, 2020.
- Yang, T., J.G. Kang, P.B. Weisensee, B. Kwon, P.V. Braun, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "A Composite Phase Change Material Thermal Buffer Based on Porous Metal Foam and Low-Melting-Temperature Metal Alloy," Applied Physics Letters 116, 071901, 2020.
- Chen, S., S. Kim, W. Chen, J. Yuan, R. Bashir, J. Lou, A.M. van der Zande, and W.P. King, "Monolayer MoS2 Nanoribbon Transistors Fabricated by Scanning Probe Lithography," Nano Letters 19, 2092-2098, 2019.
- Estrada, D., Z. Li, G.M. Choi, S.N. Dunham, A. Serov, J. Lee, Y. Meng, F. Lian, N.C. Wang, A. Perez, R.T. Haasch, J.M. Zuo, W.P. King, J.A. Rogers, D.G. Cahill, and E. Pop, "Thermal transport in layer-by-layer assembled polycrystalline graphene films," 2D Materials and Applications 3, 10, 2019.
- Kwon, B., L. Liebenberg, A.M. Jacobi, and W.P. King, "Heat Transfer Enhancement of Internal Laminar Flows Using Additively Manufactured Static Mixers," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137, 292-300, 2019
- Kwon, B., N. Maniscalco, A.M. Jacobi, and W.P. King, "High Power Density Two-Phase Cooling in Microchannel Heat Exchangers," Applied Thermal Engineering 148, 1271-1277, 2019.
- McGregor, D.J., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Automated Metrology and Geometric Analysis of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures," Additive Manufacturing 28, 535-545, 2019.
- McGregor, D.J., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Mechanical Properties of Hexagonal Lattice Structures Fabricated Using Continuous Liquid Interface Production Additive Manufacturing," Additive Manufacturing 25, 10-18, 2019.
- Pikul, J.H, S. Özerinç, B. Liu, R. Zhang, P.V. Braun, V. Deshpande, and W.P. King, "High strength metallic wood from nanostructured nickel inverse opal materials," Scientific Reports 9, 719, 2019.
- Son, J., N. Buzov, S. Chen, D. Sung, H. Ryu, J. Kwon, S. Kim, J. Xu, S. Hong, W.P. King, G.H. Lee, and A.M. van der Zande, "Tailoring surface properties via functionalized hydrofluorinated graphene compounds," Advanced Materials 31, 1903424, 2019.
- Yang, T., T. Foulkes, B. Kwon, J.G. Kang, P.V. Braun, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "An Integrated Liquid Metal Thermal Switch for Active Thermal Management of Electronics," IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology 9, 2341-2351,2019.
- Dong, L., W.P. King, M. Raleigh, and H.N.G. Wadley, "A microfabrication approach for making metallic mechanical metamaterials," Materials and Design 160, 147-168, 2018.
- Kim, F., B. Kwon, Y. Eom, J.E. Lee, S. Park, S. Jo, S.H. Park, B.S. Kim, H.J. Im, M.H. Lee, T.S. Min, K.T. Kim, H.G. Chae, W.P. King, and J.S. Son, "3D printing of shape-conformable thermoelectric materials using allinorganic Bi2Te3-based inks," Nature Energy 4, 301-309, 2018.
- Weisensee, P.B., J. Ma, W.P. King, and N. Miljovkic, "Controlling the Contact Times of Bouncing Droplets: Droplet Impact on Vibrating Surfaces," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 140, 030901, 2018.
- Yang, T., B. Kwon, P.B. Weisensee, J.G. Kang, X. Li, P. Braun, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Millimeter-Scale Liquid Metal Droplet Thermal Switch," Applied Physics Letters 112, 063505, 2018.
- Corbin, E.A., O.O. Adeniba, O.V. Cangellaris, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, "Evidence of differential mass change rates between human breast cancer cell lines in culture," Biomedical Microdevices 19, 10, 2017.
- Pandya, S., .D. Wilbur, B. Bhatia, A.R. Damodaran, C. Monachon, A. Dasgupta, W.P. King, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "Direct Measurement of Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Effects in Thin Films," Physical Review Applied 7, 034025, 2017.
- Pikul, J.H., P.V. Braun, and W.P. King, "Performance modeling and design of ultra-high power microbatteries," Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164, E3122-E3131, 2017.
- Rosenberger, M.R., M.C. Wang, X. Xie, J.A. Rogers, S.W. Nam, and W.P. King, "Measuring Individual Carbon Nanotubes and Single Graphene Sheets using Atomic Force Microscope Infrared Spectroscopy," Nanotechnology 28, 355707, 2017.
- Weisensee, P.B., J. Ma, Y.H. Shin, J. Tian, Y. Chang, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Droplet Impact on Vibrating Superhydrophobic Surfaces," Physical Review Fluids 2, 103601, 2017.
- Weisensee, P.B., J. Tian, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King, "Springboard Droplet Bouncing on Flexible Superhydrophobic Substrates," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 139, 020902, 2017.
- Weisensee, P.B., Y. Wang, Q. Hongliang, D. Schultz, W.P. King, and N. Miljkovic, "Condensate Droplet Size Distribution on Lubricant-Infused Surfaces," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109, 187–199, 2017.
- Albisetti, E.; Petti, D.; Pancaldi, M.; Madami, M.; Tacchi, S.; Curtis, J.; King, W. P.; Papp, A.; Csaba, G.; Porod, W.; Vavassori, P.; Riedo, E.; Bertacco, R., Nanopatterning Reconfigurable Magnetic Landscapes via Thermally Assisted Scanning Probe Lithography. Nature Nanotechnology 2016, 11, (6), 545-+.
- Bhatia, B.; Cho, H.; Karthik, J.; Choi, J.; Cahill, D. G.; Martin, L. W.; King, W. P., High Power Density Pyroelectric Energy Conversion in Nanometer-Thick BaTiO3 Films. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2016, 20 (3-4), 137-146. DOI: 10.1080/15567265.2016.1252820.
- Engel, A.; Rappard, G.; King, W.; Kennedy, D. J.; S, I. S. I. S. I., The Effectiveness and Risks of Fluoroscopically-Guided Cervical Medial Branch Thermal Radiofrequency Neurotomy: A Systematic Review with Comprehensive Analysis of the Published Data. Pain Medicine 2016, 17, (4), 658-669.
- Ozerinc, S.; Averback, R. S.; King, W. P., In situ Measurements of Irradiation-Induced Creep of Nanocrystalline Copper at Elevated Temperatures. JOM 2016, 68 (11), 2737-2741. DOI:10.1007/s11837-016-2077-9.
- Pikul, J. H.; Liu, J. Y.; Braun, P. V.; King, W. P., Integration of High Capacity Materials into Interdigitated Mesostructured Electrodes for High Energy and High Power Density Primary Microbatteries. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 315, 308-315.
- Rosenberger, M. R.; Jones, J. P.; Heller, E. R.; Graham, S.; King, W. P., Nanometer-Scale Strain Measurements in AlGaN/GaN High-Electron Mobility Transistors During Pulsed Operation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2016, 63 (7), 2742-2748. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2016.2566926.
- Weisensee PB, Tian J, Miljkovic N, King WP, Water droplet impact on elastic superhydrophobic surfaces. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 27;6:30328. DOI:10.1038/srep30328. PubMed PMID: 27461899; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4962083.
- Choi, J.; Kim, H. J.; Wang, M. C.; Leem, J.; King, W. P.; Nam, S., Three-Dimensional Integration of Graphene via Swelling, Shrinking, and Adaptation. Nano Letters 2015, 15, (7), 4525-4531.
- Corbin, E. A.; Kong, F.; Lim, C. T.; King, W. P.; Bashir, R., Biophysical Properties of Human Breast Cancer Cells Measured Using Silicon Mems Resonators and Atomic Force Microscopy. Lab on a Chip 2015, 15, (3), 839-847, DOI:10.1039/C4lc01179a.
- Hu, H.; Banerjee, S.; Estrada, D.; Bashir, R.; King, W. P., Tip-Based Nanofabrication of Arbitrary Shapes of Graphene Nanoribbons for Device Applications. RSC Advances 2015, 5, (46), 37006-37012, DOI:10.1039/C5ra04257g.
- Johnston, M. T.; King, W. P.; Ewoldt, R. H., Shear Stress Characteristics of Microtextured Surfaces in Gap-Controlled Hydrodynamic Lubrication. Tribology International 2015, 82, 123-132, DOI:10.1016/j.triboint.2014.10.005.
- Kim, H. J.; Choi, J.; Nam, S.; King, W. P., Batch Fabrication of Transfer-Free Graphene-Coated Microcantilevers. IEEE Sensors Journal 2015, 15, (5), 2717-2718, DOI:10.1109/Jsen.2015.2405794.
- Kim, H. J.; King, W. P., A Study of Long Term Operation and Reliability of Heated Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2015, 25, (6), DOI:Artn 065003 DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/25/6/065003.
- King, W.; Ahmed, S. U.; Baisden, J.; Patel, N.; Kennedy, D. J.; MacVicar, J.; Duszynski, B., Diagnosis and Treatment of Posterior Sacroiliac Complex Pain: A Systematic Review with Comprehensive Analysis of the Published Data. Pain Medicine 2015, 16, (2), 257-265.
- Neelakantan, N. K.; Weisensee, P. B.; Overcash, J. W.; Torrealba, E. J.; King, W. P.; Suslick, K. S., Spray-on Omniphobic Zno Coatings. RSC Advances 2015, 5, (85), 69243-69250.
- Ning, H. L.; Pikul, J. H.; Zhang, R. Y.; Li, X. J.; Xu, S.; Wang, J. J.; Rogers, J. A.; King, W. P.; Braun, P. V., Holographic Patterning of High-Performance on-Chip 3D Lithium-Ion Microbatteries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015, 112, (21), 6573-6578, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1423889112.
- Shi, L.; Dames, C.; Lukes, J. R.; Reddy, P.; Duda, J.; Cahill, D. G.; Lee, J.; Marconnet, A.; Goodson, K. E.; Bahk, J. H.; Shakouri, A.; Prasher, R. S.; Felts, J.; King, W. P.; Han, B.; Bischof, J. C., Evaluating Broader Impacts of Nanoscale Thermal Transport Research. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 2015, 19, (2), 127-165, DOI:10.1080/15567265.2015.1031857.
- Shi, L.; Dames, C.; Lukes, J. R.; Reddy, P.; Duda, J.; Cahill, D. G.; Lee, J.; Marconnet, A.; Goodson, K. E.; Bahk, J. H.; Shakouri, A.; Prasher, R. S.; Felts, J.; King, W. P.; Han, B.; Bischof, J. C., Evaluating Broader Impacts of Nanoscale Thermal Transport Research. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 2015, 19, (2), 127-165, DOI:10.1080/15567265.2015.1031857.
- Weisensee, P. B.; Neelakantan, N. K.; Suslick, K. S.; Jacobi, A. M.; King, W. P., Impact of Air and Water Vapor Environments on the Hydrophobicity of Surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2015, 453, 177-185.
- Bhatia, B.; Damodaran, A. R.; Cho, H. N.; Martin, L. W.; King, W. P., High-Frequency Thermal-Electrical Cycles for Pyroelectric Energy Conversion. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 116, (19), DOI:Artn 194509 DOI:10.1063/1.4901993.
- Cahill, D. G.; Braun, P. V.; Chen, G.; Clarke, D. R.; Fan, S. H.; Goodson, K. E.; Keblinski, P.; King, W. P.; Mahan, G. D.; Majumdar, A.; Maris, H. J.; Phillpot, S. R.; Pop, E.; Shi, L., Nanoscale Thermal Transport. II. 2003-2012. Applied Physics Reviews 2014, 1, (1), DOI: 10.1063/1.4832615.
- Carroll, K. M.; Desai, M.; Giordano, A. J.; Scrimgeour, J.; King, W. P.; Riedo, E.; Curtis, J. E., Speed Dependence of Thermochemical Nanolithography for Gray-Scale Patterning. Chemphyschem 2014, 15, (12), 2530-2535, DOI:10.1002/cphc.201402168.
- Carroll, K. M.; Lu, X.; Kim, S.; Gao, Y.; Kim, H. J.; Somnath, S.; Polloni, L.; Sordan, R.; King, W. P.; Curtis, J. E.; Riedo, E., Parallelization of Thermochemical Nanolithography. Nanoscale 2014, 6, (3), 1299-1304, DOI: 10.1039/c3nr05696a.
- Corbin, E. A.; Dorvel, B. R.; Millet, L. J.; King, W. P.; Bashir, R., Micro-Patterning of Mammalian Cells on Suspended Mems Resonant Sensors for Long-Term Growth Measurements. Lab on a Chip 2014, 14, (8), 1401-1404, DOI: 10.1039/c3lc51217g.
- Corbin, E. A.; Dorvel, B. R.; Millet, L. J.; King, W. P.; Bashir, R., Micro-Patterning of Mammalian Cells on Suspended Mems Resonant Sensors for Long-Term Growth Measurements. Lab on a Chip 2014, 14, (8), 1401-1404, DOI:10.1039/C3lc51217g.
- Du, F.; Felts, J. R.; Xie, X.; Song, J. Z.; Li, Y. H.; Rosenberger, M. R.; Islam, A. E.; Jin, S. H.; Dunham, S. N.; Zhang, C. X.; Wilson, W. L.; Huang, Y. G.; King, W. P.; Rogers, J. A., Laser-Induced Nanoscale Thermocapillary Flow for Purification of Aligned Arrays of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. ACS Nano 2014, 8, (12), 12641-12649, DOI:10.1021/Nn505566r.
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- Somnath, S.; Kim, H. J.; Hu, H.; King, W. P., Parallel Nanoimaging and Nanolithography Using a Heated Microcantilever Array. Nanotechnology 2014, 25, (1), DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/1/014001.
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- Corbin, E. A.; Millet, L. J.; Pikul, J. H.; Johnson, C. L.; Georgiadis, J. G.; King, W. P.; Bashir, R., Micromechanical Properties of Hydrogels Measured with MEMS Resonant Sensors. Biomedical Microdevices 2013, 15, (2), 311-319.
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- Felts, J. R.; Law, S.; Roberts, C. M.; Podolskiy, V.; Wasserman, D. M.; King, W. P., Near-Field Infrared Absorption of Plasmonic Semiconductor Microparticles Studied Using Atomic Force Microscope Infrared Spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters 2013, 102, (15).
- Fletcher, P. C.; Mangalam, R. V. K.; Martin, L. W.; King, W. P., Low Voltage Field Emission from PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3-Coated Silicon Nanotips. 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Mems 2013) 2013 437-440.
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- Hu, H.; Mohseni, P. K.; Pan, L.; Li, X. L.; Somnath, S.; Felts, J. R.; Shannon, M. A.; King, W. P., Fabrication of Arbitrarily Shaped Silicon and Silicon Oxide Nanostructures Using Tip-Based Nanofabrication. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2013, 31, (6), DOI: 10.1116/1.4831767.
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- Kim, H. J.; Moldovan, N.; Felts, J. R.; Somnath, S.; Dai, Z.; Jacobs, T. D. B.; Carpick, R. W.; Carlisle, J. A.; King, W. P.; IEEE, Heated Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers with Wear-Resistant Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Tips. 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Mems 2013) 2013 245-248.
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- Kwon, B.; Seong, M.; Liu, J. N.; Rosenberger, M. R.; Schulmerich, M. V.; Bhargava, R.; Cunningham, B. T.; King, W. P., Large Infrared Absorptance of Bimaterial Microcantilevers Based on Silicon High Contrast Grating. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 114, (15), DOI: 10.1063/1.4825313.
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- Song, J. Z.; Lu, C. F.; Xie, X.; Li, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. H.; Grosse, K. L.; Dunham, S.; Huang, Y. G.; King, W. P.; Rogers, J. A., Thermomechanical Modeling of Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy Imaging of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Devices. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2013, 80, (4), DOI: 10.1115/1.4024175.
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- Felts, J. R.; Kjoller, K.; Lo, M.; Prater, C. B.; King, W. P., Nanometer-Scale Infrared Spectroscopy of Heterogeneous Polymer Nanostructures Fabricated by Tip-Based Nanofabrication. ACS Nano 2012, 6, (9), 8015-8021.
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- Greiner, C.; Felts, J. R.; Dai, Z. T.; King, W. P.; Carpick, R. W., Controlling Nanoscale Friction through the Competition between Capillary Adsorption and Thermally Activated Sliding. Acs Nano 2012, 6, (5), 4305-4313.
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- Kim, H. J.; Moldovan, N.; Felts, J. R.; Somnath, S.; Dai, Z. T.; Jacobs, T. D. B.; Carpick, R. W.; Carlisle, J. A.; King, W. P., Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Tip Integrated onto a Heated Atomic Force Microscope Cantilever. Nanotechnology 2012, 23, (49).
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- Xie, X.; Grosse, K. L.; Song, J. Z.; Lu, C. F.; Dunham, S.; Du, F.; Islam, A. E.; Li, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. H.; Pop, E.; Huang, Y. G.; King, W. P.; Rogers, J. A., Quantitative Thermal Imaging of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Devices by Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy. ACS Nano 2012, 6, (11), 10267-10275.
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- Bhatia, B.; Karthik, J.; Cahill, D. G.; Martin, L. W.; King, W. P., High-Temperature Piezoresponse Force Microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99, DOI: 10.1063/1.3652771.
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- Dai, Z.; Yu, X.; Zhang, H.; Kim, T.; Braun, P. V.; King, W. P. Photonic Crystal Nickel and Aluminum Oxide Micromechanical Devices Having 3D Inverse Opal Microstructure, MEMS 2011, Cancun, Mexico, 2011; pp 308-311. 
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- Fletcher, P. C.; Bhatia, B. S.; Wu, Y.;Shannon, M. A.; King, W. P., Electro-Thermal Atomic Force Microscope Cantilever with Integrated Heater and NPN Back-To-Back Diodes. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2011, 20, 644-653.
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- Lee, W. K.; Robinson, J. T.; Gunlycke, D.; Stine, R. R.; Tamanaha, C. R.; King, W. P.; Sheehan, P. E., Chemically Isolated Graphene Nanoribbons Reversibly Formed in Fluorographene Using Polymer Nanowire Masks. Nano Letters 2011, 11, (12), 5461-5464.
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- Nikiforov, M. P.; Hohlbauch, S.; King, W. P.; Voitchovsky, K.; Contera, S. A.; Jesse, S.; Kalinin, S. V.; Proksch, R., Temperature-Dependent Phase Transitions of a Complex Biological Membrane in Zepto-Liter Volumes. Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 055709.
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- Stavis, C.; Clare, T. L.; Butler, J. E.; Radadia, A. D.; Carr, R.; Zeng, H. J.; King, W. P.; Carlisle, J. A.; Aksimentiev, A.; Bashir, R.; Hamers, R. J., Surface functionalization of thin-film diamond for highly stable and selective biological interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108, (3), 983-988. 
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- Laracuente, A. R.; Yang, M.; Lee, W. K.; Senapati, L.; Baldwin, J. W.; Sheehan, P. E.; King, W. P.; Erwin, S. C.; Whitman, L. J., Reversible electron-induced conductance in polymer nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics 2010,107, (10), doi:10.1063/1.3428963.
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- Privorotskaya, N.; Liu, Y. S.; Lee, J. C.; Zeng, H. J.; Carlisle, J. A.; Radadia, A.; Millet, L.; Bashir, R.; King, W. P., Rapid thermal lysis of cells using silicon-diamond microcantilever heaters. Lab on a Chip 2010, 10, (9), 1135-1141.
- Wei, Z. Q.; Wang, D. B.; Kim, S.; Kim, S. Y.; Hu, Y. K.; Yakes, M. K.; Laracuente, A. R.; Dai, Z. T.; Marder, S. R.; Berger, C.; King, W. P.; de Heer, W. A.; Sheehan, P. E.; Riedo, E., Nanoscale Tunable Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Graphene Electronics. Science 2010, 328, (5984), 1373-1376.
- Greiner, C.; Felts, J. R.; Dai, Z.;King, W. P.; Carpick, R. W., Local Nanoscale Heating Modulates Single-Asperity Friction. Nano Letters 2010, 10, 4640-4645. 
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- Wei, Z.; Wang, D.; Kim, S.; Kim, S.-Y.; Hu, Y.; Yakes, M. K.; Laracuente, A. R.; Dai, Z.; Marder, S. R.; Berger, C.; King, W. P.; deHeer, W. A.; Sheehan, P. E.; Riedo, E., Nanoscale Tunable Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Graphene Electronics. Science 2010, 328, 1373-1376. 
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- Corbin, E. A.; Park, K.; King, W. P., Room-temperature temperature sensitivity and resolution of doped-silicon microcantilevers. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 94, (24), 243503.
- Felts, J. R.; King, W. P., Mechanical design for tailoring the resonance harmonics of an atomic force microscope cantilever during tip-surface contact. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2009, 19, (11), doi: 10.1088/0960-1317/19/11/115008.
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- Kim, K. J.; King, W. P., Thermal conduction between a heated microcantilever and a surrounding air environment. Applied Thermal Engineering 2009, 29, (8-9), 1631-1641.
- Nafday, O. A.; Weeks, B. L.; King, W. P.; Lee, J. C., Inducing Nanoscale Morphology Changes of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Using a Heated Atomic Force Microscope Cantilever. Journal of Energetic Materials 2009, 27, (1), 1-16.
- Wang, D. B.; Kim, S.; Underwood, W. D.; Giordano, A. J.; Henderson, C. L.; Dai, Z. T.; King, W. P.; Marder, S. R.; Riedo, E., Direct writing and characterization of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) nanostructures. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 95, (23), doi:10.1063/1.3271178.
- Wang, D. B.; Kodali, V. K.; Underwood, W. D.; Jarvholm, J. E.; Okada, T.; Jones, S. C.; Rumi, M.; Dai, Z. T.; King, W. P.; Marder, S. R.; Curtis, J. E.; Riedo, E., Thermochernical Nanolithography of Multifunctional a Nanotemplates for Assembling Nano-objects. Advanced Functional Materials 2009, 19, (23), 3696-3702.
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