Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Phone 244-6303
Email tawfick@illinois.edu
Address 3355 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Sameh Tawfick is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering. He co-leads the Autonomous Materials Systems group at the Beckman Institute.
B.M.E., Cairo University, Egypt, 2003
M.S., ME Cairo University, Egypt, 2007
Ph.D., ME University of Michigan, 2012
2022: Engineering Council Stanley H. Pierce Award (for Empathetic Student-faculty Cooperation)
2020: Two-Year Alumni Effective Teaching Award
2018: Everett Award for Teaching Excellence
2018: AFOSR Young Investigator Program
2017: Chao and Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer
2016: Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award
2011: Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
2011: The Ivor K. McIvor Award for Outstanding Research in Applied Mechanics
2010: Azarkhin Scholarship for Outstanding Research in Applied Mechanics
2010: Robert M. Caddell Memorial Award for Outstanding Manufacturing Research
Research Interests:
Carbon nanomaterials: carbon nanotubes and graphene
Additive manufacturing of polymeric and composite materials
Data- and machine learning-driven manufacturing
Nanomechanics and nanomanufacturing
Solid mechanics and materials
- Davydovich, O., J. Paul, J. Feist, J. Aw, F. Balta Bonner, J. Lessard, S. Tawfick, Y. Xia, N. Sottos, and J. Moore "Frontal Polymerization of Dihydrofuran Comonomer Facilitates Thermoset Deconstruction" Chemistry of Materials 34 (19) 8790–8797, 2022.
- Ha, J., Y. Kim, R. Siu, and S. Tawfick "Dynamic Pattern Selection in Polymorphic Elastocapillarity" Soft Matter 18 (2), 262-271, 2022. (Selected for Cover Article)
- Hwang, J., J. Ha, R. Siu, Y. Kim, and S. Tawfick "Swelling, Softening and Elastocapillary Adhesion of Cooked Pasta" Physics of Fluids, special issue on Kitchen Flows 34, 042105, 2022.
- Kanj. A., R. Parithimal, C. Lee, J. Kulikowsky, G. Bahl and S. Tawfick "Dynamics, Dissipation and Design of a Torsional Magnetic Spring Mechanism" Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 179, 109307, 2022.
- Kim, H., S. Tawfick, and W. King "Modeling and Design of Zero-stiffness Elastomer Springs Using Machine Learning" Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2200225, 2022.
- McGregor, D, M. Bimrose, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W. King "Using Machine Learning to Predict Dimensions and Qualify Diverse Part Designs Across Multiple Additive Machines and Materials" Additive Manufacturing 55, 102848, 2022.
- McGregor, D., M. Bimrose, S. Tawfick, and W. King "Large Batch Metrology on Internal Features of Additively Manufactured Parts Using X-ray Computed Tomography" Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 306, 1176052021, 2022.
- Surana, M., G. Ananthakrishnan, M. Poss, J. Yaacoub, K. Zhang, T. Ahmed, N. Admal, P. Pochet, H. Johnson, S. Tawfick "Strain-driven Faceting of Graphene-catalyst Interface" accepted in Nano Letters, 2022.
- Wang, C., A. Mojahed, S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis "Machine Learning Non-reciprocity of a Linear Waveguide with a Local Nonlinear, Asymmetric Gate: Case of Weak Coupling" Journal of Sound and Vibration 537, 117211, 2022.
- Wang, C., S Tawfick, and A. Vakakis "Two-dimensional Granular-thin Plate Interface for Shock Mitigation" International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 146, 104168, 2022.
- Wang, C., S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis "Non-reciprocal Frequency Conversion in a Two-dimensional Waveguide Incorporating a Local Nonlinear Gate" accepted in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 107041, 2022.
- Wang, Y., Q. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Qin, L. Cheng, O. Bolmina, M. Alleyne, A. Wissa, R. Baughman, D. Vella, and S. Tawfick "Insect-scale Jumping Robots Enabled by a Dynamic Buckling Cascade " accepted in PNAS, 2022.
- Yang, Y., D. McGregor, S. Tawfick, W.P. King, and C. Shao "Hierarchical Data Models Improve the Accuracy of Feature Level Predictions for Additively Manufactured Parts" Additive Manufacturing 51, 102621, 2022.
- Ananthakrishnan, G., M. Surana, K. Zhang, J. Yaacoub, N. Admal, P. Pochet, S. Tawfick and H.J. Johnson "Graphene-Mediated Stabilization of Surface Facets on Metal Substrates" Journal of Applied Physics 130 (16), 165302, 2021.
- Chu, H. et al. "Unipolar-stroke, Electroosmotic-pump Carbon Nanotube Yarn Muscles" Science 371 (6528), 494-498, 2021.
- Kanj, A., C. Wang, A. Mojahed, A. Vakakis, and S. Tawfick "Wave Redirection, Localization and Non-reciprocity in a Dissipative Nonlinear Lattice by Macroscopic Landau-Zenner Tunneling: Experimental Results", AIP Advances 11, 065328, 2021.
- Kim, S., J. Bunyan, P. Ferrari, A. Kanj, A. Vakakis, A. Van Der Zande, and S. Tawfick "Buckling-mediated Phase Transitions in Nano-Electromechanical Phononic Waveguides" Nano Lett. 21 (15) 6416–6424, 2021.
- McGregor, D., S. Rylowicz, A. Brenzel, D. Baker, C. Wood, D. Pick, H. Deutchman, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King "Analyzing Part Accuracy and Sources of Variability for Additively Manufactured Lattice Parts Made on Multiple Printers" Additive Manufacturing 40, 101924, 2021.
- Thanalakshme, R., A. Kanj, J. Kim, E. Wilken-Resman, J. Jing, I. Grinberg, J. Bernhard, S. Tawfick, and Gaurav Bahl "Magneto-Mechanical Transmitters for Ultra-Low Frequency Near-Field Data Transfer" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70 (5), 3710-3722, 2021.
- Wang, C., A. Kanj, A. Mojahed, S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis, "Wave Redirection, Localization and Non-reciprocity in a Dissipative Nonlinear Lattice by Macroscopic Landau-Zenner Tunneling: Theoretical Results", Journal of Applied Physics 129 (9), 095105 (special issue on Acoustic Metamaterials), 2021.
- Wang, C., S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis "Time Scale Disparity Yielding Acoustic Nonreciprocity in a Two-dimensional Granular-Elastic Solid Interface with Asymmetry" Physical Review E 104 (4), 044906, 2021.
- Ha, J., Y. Kim, K. Jiang, R. Siu, and S. Tawfick "Hydrodynamic Capillary Morphing of Hair Bundles" Physical Review Letters 125 (25), 254503, 2020. (also selected as Editor's Suggestion in PRL, and as Synopsis in Physics)
- King, W. et al "Emergency Ventilator for COVID-19" PloS one 15 (12), e0244963, 2020.
- Schiller, J., R. Toro, A. Shah, M. Surana, K. Zhang, M. Robertson, K. Miller, K. Cruse, K. Liu, B. Seong, C. Seol, I. Foster, B. Blaiszek, B. Galewsky, D. Adams, D. Katz, P. Ferreira, E. Ertekin, and S. Tawfick "Crowd-sourced Data and Analysis Tools for Advancing Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene" ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (10), 10144-10155, 2020.
- Wang, C., A. Kanj, A. Mojahed, S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis, "Experimental Landau-Zener Tunneling for Wave Redirection in Nonlinear Waveguides" Physical Review Applied 14 (3), 034053, 2020.
- Zhang, K., M. Surana, R. Haasch, and S. Tawfick, "Elastic Modulus Scaling in Graphene-Metal Nanocomposites" Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 (18), 185305, 2020.
- Bunyan, J. and S. Tawfick, "Exploiting Structural Instability to Design Architected Materials Having Essentially Nonlinear Stiffness" Advanced Engineering Materials, 21 (2): 1800791, 2019. (also selected for Cover Article)
- Fronk M., S. Tawfick, C. Daraio, S. Li, A. Vakakis, and M. Leamy, "Acoustic Non-Reciprocity in Lattices with Nonlinearity, Internal Hierarchy and Asymmetry: Computation Study" ASME J. of Vibrations and Acoustics, 141 (5), 051011, 2019.
- Kovanko L. and S. Tawfick, "Dynamics of Capillary-Driven Hair Twisting" Langmuir 35 (41), 13421-13426, 2019.
- Lamuta, C., H. He, K. Zhang, M. Rogalski, N. Sottos, and S. Tawfick, "Digital Texture Voxels for Stretchable Morphing Skin Applications" Advanced Materials Technologies 4(8) 1900260, 2019.
- McGregor D., S. Tawfick, and W. P. King, “Mechanical Properties of Hexagonal Lattice Structures Fabricated Using Continuous Liquid Interface Production Additive Manufacturing” Additive Manufacturing, 25:10-18, 2019.
- McGregor D., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King, "Automated Metrology and Geometric Analysis of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures" Additive Manufacturing 28: 535-545, 2019.
- Mojahed, A., J. Bunyan, S. Tawfick, and A. Vakakis, "Tunable Acoustic Nonreciprocity in Nonlinear Asymmetric Waveguides " Physical Review Applied Physical Review Applied 12 (3), 034033, 2019.
- Sandin, C., T. Talukdar, J. Abelson, and S. Tawfick, "Bottom-Up Synthesis and Mechanical Behavior of Refractory Coatings Made of Carbon Nanotube-Hafnium Diboride Composites" ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11 (1): 1487-1495, 2019.
- Tawfick S., N. Nayakanti, C. Prohoda, and A.J. Hart, "Geometric Tailoring of Strength and Toughness in Self-locking Interleaved Laminates" Extreme Mechanics Letters 27: 94-101, 2019.
- Tawfick, A., and Y. Tang, "Stronger Artificial Muscles, with a Twist" Science, 365(6449): 125-126, 2019.
- Wang C., S. Tawfick and A. Vakakis, "Irreversible Energy Transfer, Localization and Non-reciprocity in Weakly Coupled, Nonlinear Lattices with Asymmetry" Physica D: Nonlinear Phenoman, 132229, 2019.
- Androuilidakis C., E. N. Koukaras, M. Poss, K. Papagelis, C. Galiotis, and S. Tawfick, “Strained Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Phonon Shift and Grüneisen Parameter” Physical Review B Rapid Communications 97: 241414(R), 2018.
- Androulidakis C., K. Zhang, M. Robertson, and S. Tawfick*, "Tailoring the Mechanical Properties of 2D Materials and Heterostructures" 2D Materials 5 (3), 2018. (*invited)
- Bunyan J., K. Moore, A. Mojahed, M. Fronk, S. Tawfick, M. Leamy, and A. Vakakis, "Accoustic Non-reciprocity in a Lattice Incorporating Nonlinearity, Asymmetry and Internal Scale Hierarchy: Experimental Study" Physical Review E 97: 052211, 2018.
- Lamuta C., S. Messelot, and S. Tawfick, "Theory of the Tensile Actuation of Fiber Reinforced Coiled Muscles" Smart Materials and Structures 27: 055018, 2018.
- Moore, K., J. Bunyan, S. Tawfick, O. Gentleman, S. Li, M. Leamy, and A. Vakakis, "Non-Reciprocity in the Dynamics of Coupled Oscillators with Nonlinearity, Asymmetry and Scale Hierarchy" Physical Review E 97: 012219, 2018.
- Nayakanti, N., S. Tawfick, and A.J. Hart, "Deployable Multi-Stable Structures from Twist-Coupled Kirigami" Extreme Mechanics Letters 21: 17-24, 2018.
- Shin, D. and S. Tawfick, “Polymorphic Elastocapillarity: Kinetically Reconfigurable Self-assembly of Hair Bundles by Varying The Drain Rate” Langmuir 34 (21): 6231-6236, 2018.
- Zhang K., C. Androulidakis, M. Chen, and S. Tawfick, "Gilding with Graphene: Rapid Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of Graphene on Thin Metal Leaves” Advanced Functional Materials 28: 1804068, 2018.
- Bunyan J. and S. Tawfick, “Mechanical Behavior of PDMS at Low Pressure” Materials Research Express 4 (7), 2017.
- Liang, Y., D. Sias, P. Chen, and S. Tawfick, "Tough Nano-Architectured Conductive Textile Made by Capillary Splicing of Carbon Nanotubes” Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (7), 2017.
- Pagano, A., T. Yan, B. Chien, A. Wissa, and S. Tawfick, “A Crawling Robot Driven by Multi-Stable Origami” Smart Materials and Structures 26 (9), 2017.
- Zhang, K., M. Poss, P. Chen, and S. Tawfick, "Strengthening Nickel by In Situ Graphene Synthesis" Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (12), 2017.