Lynford Goddard
Primary Affiliation
Neurotechnology for Memory and CognitionAffiliations
Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone 244-0799
Email lgoddard@illinois.edu
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2010.
AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, 2011.
Larine Y. Cowan Make a Difference Award for Leadership in Diversity, 2016.
Associate in the Center for Advanced Study 2018.
University Scholar, 2018.
SPIE Fellow, 2019.
- J. Zhu, R. Zhou, L. Zhang, B. Ge, C. Luo, and L. L. Goddard, “Regularized pseudo-phase imaging for inspecting and sensing nanoscale features,” accepted to Opt. Exp. (2019).
- L. Zhang, J. Zhu, K. L. Wilke, Z. Xu, L. Zhao, Z. Lu, L. L. Goddard, and E. N. Wang, “Enhanced Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Using Phase Reconstruction and Its Application in Condensation,” ACS Nano Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b08389 (Jan 2019).
- A. Udupa, X. Yu, L. Edwards, and L. L. Goddard, “Selective area formation of arsenic oxide-rich octahedral microcrystals during photochemical etching of n-type GaAs,” Opt. Mater. Express 8 (2), 289-294 (Feb 2018).
- L. P. Hackett, A. Ameen, W. Li, F. K. Dar, L. L. Goddard, and G. L. Liu, “Spectrometer-free plasmonic biosensing with metal-insulator-metal nanocup arrays,” ACS Sens. 3(2), pp. 290-298 (Jan 2018).
- S. J. McKeown, X. Wang, X. Yu, and L. L. Goddard, “Realization of a Palladium Based Optomechanical Cantilever Hydrogen Sensor,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering 3, 16087 (Mar 2017).
- J. Zhu and L. L. Goddard, “Spatial control of photonic nanojets,” Opt. Express 24, 30444-30464 (Dec 2016).
- J. Zhu, Y. Shi, L. L. Goddard, and S. Liu, “Measurement configuration optimization for accurate critical dimension metrology using optical scatterometry,” Appl. Opt. 55, 6844-6849 (Sep 2016).
- Kim, T.; Zhou, R. J.; Goddard3, L. L.; Popescu3, G., Solving Inverse Scattering Problems in Biological Samples by Quantitative Phase Imaging. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2016, 10, (1), 13-39, DOI:10.1002/lpor.201400467.
- Nguyen, T. H.; Edwards, C.; Goddard3, L. L.; Popescu3, G., Quantitative Phase Imaging of Weakly Scattering Objects Using Partially Coherent Illumination. Optics Express 2016, 24, (11), 1683-1693, DOI:10.1364/Oe.24.011683.
- A. Arbabi, S. M. Kamali, E. Arbabi, B. G. Griffin, and L. L. Goddard, “Grating Integrated Single Mode Microring Laser,” Opt. Express 23, 5335-5347 (Feb 2015).
- Edwards, C.; Bhaduri, B.; Griffin, B. G.; Goddard, L. L.; Popescu, G., Epi-Illumination Diffraction Phase Microscopy with White Light. Optics Letters 2014, 39, (21), 6162-6165, DOI:10.1364/Ol.39.006162.
- Edwards, C.; McKeown, S. J.; Zhou, J.; Popescu, G.; Goddard, L. L., In Situ Measurements of the Axial Expansion of Palladium Microdisks During Hydrogen Exposure Using Diffraction Phase Microscopy. Optical Materials Express 2014, 4, (12), 2559-2564, DOI:10.1364/Ome.4.002559.
- Edwards, C.; Zhou, R. J.; Hwang, S. W.; McKeown, S. J.; Wang, K. Y.; Bhaduri, B.; Ganti, R.; Yunker, P. J.; Yodh, A. G.; Rogers, J. A.; Goddard, L. L.; Popescu, G., Diffraction Phase Microscopy: Monitoring Nanoscale Dynamics in Materials Science [Invited]. Applied Optics 2014, 53, (27), G33-G43, DOI:10.1364/Ao.53.000g33.
- Nguyen, T. H.; Edwards, C.; Goddard, L.; Popescu, G., Quantitative Phase-Shifting DIC Using Programmable Spatial Light Modulators. Quantitative Phase Imaging 2015, 9336, DOI:Artn 93360p DOI:10.1117/12.2080370.
- Nguyen, T. H.; Majeed, H.; Edwards, C. A.; Do, M. N.; Goddard, L. L.; Popescu, G., Halo-Free Quantitative Phase Imaging with Partially Coherent Light. Quantitative Phase Imaging 2015, 9336, DOI:Artn 93360n DOI:10.1117/12.2080358.
- S.M. Kamali, E. Arbabi, and L. L. Goddard, “A zeroth order modification of coupled mode theory for waveguide gratings,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 27 (7) 790-793 (Apr 2015).
- X. Yu, E. Arbabi, L. L. Goddard3, X. Li4 and X. Chen, “Monolithically integrated self-rolled-up microtube-based vertical coupler for three-dimensional photonic integration,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 031102-1-5 (Jul 2015).
- Zhou, R. J.; Edwards, C.; Bryniarski, C.; Dallmann, M. F.; Popescu, G.; Goddard, L. L., White-Light Interferometric Microscopy for Wafer Defect Inspection. Quantitative Phase Imaging 2015, 9336, DOI:Artn 93362p DOI:10.1117/12.2079660.
- Zhou, R. J.; Edwards, C.; Bryniaski, C. A.; Popescu, G.; Goddard, L. L., 9nm Node Wafer Defect Inspection Using Three-Dimensional Scanning, a 405nm Diode Laser, and a Broadband Source. Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xxix 2015, 9424, DOI:Artn 942416 DOI:10.1117/12.2085683.
- Zhou, R. J.; Edwards, C.; Popescu, G.; Goddard, L. L., Semiconductor Defect Metrology Using Laser-Based Quantitative Phase Imaging. Quantitative Phase Imaging 2015, 9336, DOI:Artn 93361i DOI:10.1117/12.2078329.
- A. Arbabi, S.M. Kamali, S. Arnold, and L. L. Goddard, “Hybrid whispering gallery mode/plasmonic chain ring resonators for biosensing,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 231107-1-4 (Dec 2014).