Arden Rowell
Primary Affiliation
Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and ResilienceAffiliations
Arden Rowell is a professor in the Department of Law. Her primary affiliation is Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and Resilience. She has taught courses on environmental law, administrative law, behavioral law and economics, risk and the environment, law and sustainable economic development, and valuation. Her research focuses on integrating scientific and social science insights into risk regulation, and on the interactions between law, science, social science, and policy.
JD University of Chicago Law School
BA University of Washington
2022: Appointed to the Fulbright Specialist Program
2021: Wayne LaFave Award for Scholarly Excellence
Research areas:
Risk regulation
Risk analysis
Environmental law and policy
Research interests:
Climate Change
Recent collaborations at Beckman have focused on work with Professor Zahra Mohaghegh in Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering (NPRE) and the Socio-Technical Risk Analysis Research Laboratory (SoTeRiA) in the Grainger College of Engineering. Past partnerships led to a Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) grant (2017-2020) for enterprise risk management, and ongoing partnerships explore the role of regulatory process and law in the regulation and licensing of advanced nuclear reactors.
- Arden Rowell, Indoor Environmental Law, 54 Environmental Law __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Arden Rowell, “Improving Outer Space,” in The Philosophy of Outer Space (eds. Marcello di Paola and Mirko Garasic) (Routledge, forthcoming 2023).
- Arden Rowell, “The Regulatory Landscape of Respiratory Protection,” in National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Frameworks for Protecting Workers and the Public from Inhalation Hazards 447-528 (2022).
- Arden Rowell, Ethical Choices Inside Regulatory Cost-Benefit Analysis, 20 Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 693-714 (2022) (symposium).
- Arden Rowell & Josephine van Zeben, A Guide to U.S. Environmental Law (California Press 2021)
- Arden Rowell & Kenworthey Bilz, The Psychology of Environmental Law (NYU Press 2021)
- Arden Rowell, Quantitative Valuation in Environmental Law, 96 Notre Dame Law Review 1539-1558 (2021) (symposium).
- Josephine van Zeben & Arden Rowell, A Guide to EU Environmental Law (California Press 2021)