Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phone 300-4664
Email elbanna2@illinois.edu
Ahmed Elbanna is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His primary affiliation is autonomous materials systems. He is also affiliated with theoretical and computational biophysics. He is a member of many professional societies: United States Association of Computational Mechanics, Society of Engineering Sciences, American Physics Society, Engineering Mechanics Institute -ASCE, and the American Geophysics Union. His service on department committees include being a member of Graduate Recruitment Weekend, a member of Structures Conference Organizing Committee, and Chair of Structural Engineering Qualification Exam Committee. His service on campus committees include being a member of the Faculty Senate and a steering committee member of the Computational Science and Engineering Program. Additionally, he is a co-leader of the Computational Science Disciplinary Group within the Planning Committee of the Southern California Earthquake Center.
BSc., civil engineering faculty of engineering, Cairo University, 2003
MSc., structural engineering faculty of engineering, Cairo University, 2005
MSc., applied mechanics, California Institute of Technology, 2006
PhD., civil engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2011
2020: Donald Biggar Willet Faculty Fellow
2019: 7th Arab American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine - Invited Participant
2019: Journal of Applied Mechanics Paper Award
2018: National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award
2015-2016: National Center for Super Computing Applications Fellowship
Research Interests
Modeling epidemics
Friction and fracture
Mechanical metamaterials.
Mechanics and physics of networked and biological materials
Mechanics and physics of earthquakes and granular matter
Research Areas
Structural engineering
Energy-water-environment sustainability
Structural engineering
Their research focuses on problems in theoretical and applied mechanics of solids, in the presence and absence of pore fluids, with special emphasis on fracture, deformation and wave propagation. Currently, we have three major research thrusts:
The long term objective of this research is to link small scale processes in fault zones with large scale dynamic rupture characteristics, wave propagation, seismic and aseismic slip, and long term earthquake cycle models to provide rigorous predictive tools for nonlinear fault dynamics that can ultimately inform next generation seismic hazard models. Their work is contributing to the development of micromechanical models of deformation and failure in granular materials, modeling dynamic ruptures in heterogeneous fault zones and branched fault systems, identification of hydro-thermo- mechanical weakening mechanisms specific to fault gouge, investigation of strain localization and stick-slip dynamics in sheared and vibrated granular layers with breakable particles, and establishment of novel hybrid numerical techniques for multi-scale fault zone dynamics.
The long term objective of this research is to develop a rigorous understanding for the effect of micro-structure and local topology on deformation and failure of networked materials. Specific systems of interest include polymer networks as arising in hydrogels and soft tissues and trabecular networks in human bone. Current efforts focus on multi-scale constitutive modeling and fracture in soft materials including rate dependence, damage evolution, poro-mechanical effects and structure-function relations as well as the development of quasi-continuum models for domain decomposition in fractured lattice-like materials.
The primary objective of this research is to design materials with adaptive, tunable and extreme elastodynamic properties using principles from biology and geophysics that will transform applications in impact resistance, wave modulation, and earthquake engineering. Current efforts focus on theoretical understanding of the nature of mechanical band gaps, elastodynamic response of layered systems, novel applications of transformation elastodynamics, and modeling of negative stiffness structural elements.
To address these challenging topics they use a variety of theoretical techniques stemming from non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics (shear transformation zone theory), computational mechanics (finite element and boundary integral methods), optimization theory (topology optimization), machine learning, and nonlinear dynamics (stability analysis, reduced order models and chaos theory).
- Erickson, B. A., Jiang, J., Lambert, V., Abdelmeguid, M., Almquist, M., Ampuero, J. P., ... & Yang, Y. (2023). Incorporating Full Elastodynamic Effects and Dipping Fault Geometries in Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS). Bulletin of Seismological Society of America (In press)
- Abdelmeguid, M., & Elbanna, A. (2022). Modeling Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS) in Elasto-plastic Fault Zones with A Hybrid Finite Element Spectral Boundary Integral scheme. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2022JB024548.
- Abdelmeguid, M., & Elbanna, A. (2022). Sequences of seismic and aseismic slip on bimaterial faults show dominant rupture asymmetry and potential for elevated seismic hazard. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 593, 117648.
- Faisal Amlani, Harsha S Bhat, Wim JF Simons, Alexandre Schubnel, Christophe Vigny, Ares J Rosakis, Joni Efendi, Ahmed Elbanna, Hasanuddin Z Abidin (2022), Supershear shock front contribution to the tsunami from the 2018 M w 7.5 Palu, Indonesia earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 230(3), 2089-2097.
- Fei, F., Mia, M. S., Elbanna, A. E., & Choo, J. (2022). A phase-field model for quasi-dynamic nucleation, growth, and propagation of rate-and-state faults. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Volume 47 Issue 2
- Mia, M. S., Abdelmeguid, M., & Elbanna, A. E. (2022). Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Seismicity Enabled by Off-Fault Plasticity. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(8), e2021GL097601.
- Ranoa, D. R. E., Holland, R. L., Alnaji, F. G., Green, K. J., Wang, L., Fredrickson, R. L., ... & Burke, M. D. (2022). Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission at a large public university. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-16.
- Albertini, G., Elbanna, A. E., & Kammer, D. S. (2021). A three-dimensional hybrid finite element—spectral boundary integral method for modeling earthquakes in complex unbounded domains. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(23), 6905-6923.
- Elbanna, A., Abdelmeguid, M., Ma, X., Amlani, F., Bhat, H. S., Synolakis, C., & Rosakis, A. J. (2021). Anatomy of strike-slip fault tsunami genesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(19).
- Ghareeb, A., & Elbanna, A. (2021). Modeling fracture in rate-dependent polymer networks: A quasicontinuum approach. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88(11).
- Hajarolasvadi, S., Elbanna, A. (2021). Dispersion properties and dynamics of ladder-like meta-chains. Extreme Mechanics Letters. Volume 43, February 2021, 101133
- Tkachenko, A. V., Maslov, S., Elbanna, A., Wong, G. N., Weiner, Z. J., & Goldenfeld, N. (2021). Time-dependent heterogeneity leads to transient suppression of the COVID-19 epidemic, not herd immunity, PNAS April 27, 2021 118 (17) e2015972118; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2015972118
- Tkachenko, A. V., Maslov, S., Wang, T., Elbana, A., Wong, G. N., & Goldenfeld, N. (2021). Stochastic social behavior coupled to COVID-19 dynamics leads to waves, plateaus, and an endemic state. Elife, 10, e68341.
- Erickson, B. A., J. Jiang, M. Barall, N. Lapusta, E. M. Dunham, R. Harris, L. S. Abrahams, K. L. Allison, J.-P. Ampuero, S. Barbot, C. Cattania, A. Elbanna, Y. Fialko, B. Idini, J. E. Kozdon, V. Lambert, Y. Liu, Y. Luo, X. Ma, M. B. McKay, P. Segall, P. Shi, M. van den Ende, M. Wei, The community code verification exercise for simulating sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip (SEAS), Seismological Research Letters (2020)91 (2A): 874–890.
- Ghareeb, A., & Elbanna, A. (2020). An Adaptive Quasi-Continuum Approach for Modeling Fracture in Networked Materials: Application to Modeling of Polymer Networks. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Volume 137, April 2020, 103819
- Peetz, D., & Elbanna, A. (2020). On the use of multigrid preconditioners for topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-19.
- Wong, G. N., Weiner, Z. J., Tkachenko, A. V., Elbanna, A., Maslov, S., & Goldenfeld, N. (2020). Modeling COVID-19 dynamics in Illinois under nonpharmaceutical interventions. Physical Review X, 10(4), 041033.
- Abdelmeguid, M., Ma, X., & Elbanna, A. E. (2019). A Novel Hybrid Finite Element-Spectral Boundary Integral Scheme for Modeling Earthquake Cycles: Application to Rate and State Faults with Low-Velocity Zones. Journal of Geophysical Research.Volume124, Issue12, December 2019. Pages 12854-12881
- Chen, Q., & Elbanna, A. (2019). On the duality of complex geometry and material heterogeneities in linear elastodynamics. International Journal of Solids and Structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 168, 203-210.
- Ghareeb, A., & Elbanna, A. (2019). Adhesion Asymmetry in Peeling of Thin Films with Homogeneous Material Properties: A Geometry-Inspired Design Paradigm. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 86(7), 071005.
- Ghareeb, A., & Elbanna, A. (2019). Extreme enhancement of interfacial adhesion by bulk patterning of sacrificial cuts. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 28, 22-30.
- Hajarolasvadi, S., & Elbanna, A. (2019). Dynamics of metamaterial beams consisting of periodically-coupled parallel flexural elements: A theoretical study. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(31), 315101.
- Ma X., and Elbanna A. E. (2019), Dynamic Rupture Propagation on Fault Planes with Explicit Representation of Short Branches. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 523, 115702.
- Mondal, A., Nguyen, C. Ma, X, Elbanna, A. & Carlson, J. (2019). Network models for characterization of trabecular bone. Physical Review E, 99(4), 042406.
- Nguyen C., Peetz D., Elbanna, A., and Jean M. Carlson (2019). Characterization of fracture in topology-optimized bioinspired networks. Physical Review E 100, 042402 – Published 2 October 2019
- Ghareeb A., & Elbanna A. E. (2018), On the role of the plaque porous structure on Mussel adhesion: Implications for adhesion control using bulk patterning. Journal of Applied Mechanics 85(12):121003-121003-11. doi: 10.1115/1.4041223
- Hyunh, P., Zhu, H., Chen, Q., & Elbanna, A. (2018). Data-Driven Estimation of Frequency Response from Ambient Synchrophasor Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2832838
- Ma X., Hajarolasvadi S., Albertini G., Kammer D., & Elbanna A. E. (2018). A Hybrid Finite Element-Spectral Boundary Integral Approach: Applications to Dynamic Rupture Simulations in Unbounded Domains. Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 317-338 https://doi.org/10.1002/nag.2865
- Ma, X., and Elbanna, A. E. (2018), Strain Localization in Dry Sheared Fault Gouge: A Compactivity based approach. Phys Rev E 98,022906
- Chen Q., & Elbanna A. E., (2017) Emergent wave phenomena in coupled elastic bars: from extreme damping to realization of elastodynamic switchers. Nature Scientific Reports 7
- Hajarolasvadi S. & Elbanna A. E. (2017), A new hybrid numerical scheme for simulating fault ruptures with near-fault bulk heterogeneities. Geophysics Journal International, 211, 873–886.
- Kothari K., Hu, Y., Gupta, S., and Elbanna A. E. (2017), Mechanical response of 2D polymer networks: role of topology, rate dependence, and damage accumulation. Journal of Applied Mechanics. J. Appl. Mech 85(3), 031008 (Jan 24, 2018) (11 pages) doi: 10.1115/1.4038883
- Kothari, K., and Elbanna, A. (2017), Localization and instability in sheared granular materials: Role of friction and vibration, Phys. Rev. E. [Accepted 11 January 2017]
- Lopez-Berganza, J. A., Song, R., Elbanna, A., & Espinosa-Marzal, R. M. (2017). Calcium carbonate with nanogranular microstructure yields enhanced toughness. Nanoscale, 9(43), 16689-16699.
- Chen, Q., & Elbanna, A. (2016), Modulating elastic band gap structure in layered soft composites using sacrificial interfaces, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83(11), 111009[8 pages].
- Lieou, C. K., Elbanna, A. E., and Carlson, J. M. (2016), Dynamic friction in sheared fault gouge: implications of acoustic vibration on triggering and slow slip, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 121, Issue 3, 1483-1496
- Yang, Z., Chen, Q., Elbanna, A. E., & Kim, S. (2016), Transfer printing enabled soft composite films for tunable surface topography, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 7, 145-153