
Babak Hemmatian Borujeni's directory photo.

Babak Hemmatian Borujeni


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Primary Affiliation

Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellows


Status Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow

Home Coordinated Science Lab



Address 2622 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue

  • Biography

    Babak Hemmatian is a Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.


    • B.A., clinical psychology, University of Tehran, 2013

    • M.S., computer science, Brown University, 2021

    • Ph.D., cognitive science, Brown University, 2021

  • Honors
    • 2021: Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Research

    Research areas:

    • Cognitive Neuroscience

    • Computational Neuroscience

    Research interests:

    • Internalization of social information

    • Text anaylsis, neuroimaging, and behavioral experiments

    • Causal and narrative frames for organizing and communication information

    His research is focused on how individuals incorporate information from their communities into their reasoning, and how they negotiate the contents of this collective information base with other members. He uses a variety of behavioral, computational, and neural methodologies to this end. Outside academia, he is a peace activist and formalist poetry translator.

  • 2020

    • Hemmatian, Babak & Sloman, Steven. (2020). Two Systems for Thinking with a Community: Outsourcing versus Collaboration.


    • Hemmatian, B., Sloman, S.J., Cohen Priva, U. et al. Think of the consequences: A decade of discourse about same-sex marriage. Behav Res 51, 1565–1585 (2019).


    • Hemmatian, Babak & Sloman, Steven. (2018). Community Appeal: Explanation Without Information. Journal of Experimental Psychology General. 147. 1677-1712. 10.1037/xge0000478.