Yuliy Baryshnikov
(no pronouns/use only name)
Primary Affiliation
Mechanisms of Cognitive ControlAffiliations
Yuliy Baryshnikov is a professor in the Department of Mathematics. Yuliy’s primary affiliation is Mechanisms of Cognitive Control. Additionally, Yuliy is a Director of Graduate Studies in Mathematics and a Professor in several departments: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Coordinated Science Lab, and Beckman Insitute for Advanced Science and Technology.
MSc., applied mathematics, Moscow Institute of Railroad Engineering, Moscow, 1982
Ph.D., applied mathematics, Institute for Control Sciences, Moscow, 1987
2006: Lady Davis Professorship at Technion
1993-1996: Habilitation Fellowship of the DFG, German Science Foundation
1990-1991: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship
Research Areas:
Decentralized and distributed control
Discrete-event, switched and hybrid systems
Random processes
Robotics and motion planning
Research Interests:
Nonlinear dynamics and control
Applied topology
Stochastic processes
Yuliy Baryshnikov’s research covers a large variety of topics: autonomous systems and artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity and privacy, data science and analytics, data/Information Science and Systems, decision science, healthcare and medical technologies, network science and engineering, neuro-engineering, policy and economics, quantum optics, cryptography, information, and computing, robotics, sensing systems, socio-technical systems and networking, speech, language, and audio processing.
- A topological proof of the Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem Baryshnikov, Y. and Root, J., Jan 2024, In: Economics Letters. 234, 111447.
- Asymptotics of Multivariate Sequences IV: Generating Functions with Poles on a Hyperplane Arrangement Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S. & Pemantle, R., Mar 2024, In: Annals of Combinatorics. 28, 1, p. 169-221 53 p.
- Around Arrow Baryshnikov, Y., Sep 2023, In: Mathematical Intelligencer. 45, 3, p. 224-231 8 p.
- CurveQuad: A Centimeter-Scale Origami Quadruped that Leverages Curved Creases to Self-Fold and Crawl with One Motor Feshbach, D., Wu, X., Vasireddy, S., Beardell, L., To, B., Baryshnikov, Y. and Sung, C., 2023, 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 2485-2492 8 p. (IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems).
- Flux in Tilted Potential Systems: Negative Resistance and Persistence Baryshnikov, Y. and Kvalheim, M. D., Jun 2023, In: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 400, 2, p. 853-930 78 p.
- Linear obstacles in linear systems, and ways to avoid them Baryshnikov, Y., Oct 2023, In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 151, 102579.
- Navigating the Negative Curvature of Google Maps Baryshnikov, Y. and Ghrist, R., Jun 2023, In: Mathematical Intelligencer. 45, 2, p. 120-125 6 p.
- On the topology of no k-equal spaces Baryshnikov, Y., Klivans, C. and Kosar, N., Aug 2023, In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 149, 102538.
- Topological perplexity of feedback stabilization Baryshnikov, Y., Mar 2023, In: Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. 7, 1, p. 75-87 13 p.
- Stationary Points at Infinity for Analytic Combinatorics Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S. and Pemantle, R., Oct 2022, In: Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 22, 5, p. 1631-1664 34 p.
- Automated, objective method of assessing tinnitus condition Husain, F. T., Baryshnikov, Y., Zimmerman, B. J. and Abraham, I. T., Mar 30 2021, U.S. Patent No. 10959670
- Quadratic differentials and signed measures Baryshnikov, Y. and Shapiro, B., Dec 2021, In: Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 144, 1
- Comparing Cyclicity Analysis With Pre-established Functional Connectivity Methods to Identify Individuals and Subject Groups Using Resting State fMRI Shahsavarani, S., Abraham, I. T., Zimmerman, B. J., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Husain, F. T., Jan 20 2020, In: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 13, 94.
- Euler Characteristics of Exotic Configuration Spaces Baryshnikov, Y., 2020, In: Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. 84, 20.
- Minimal unimodal decomposition on trees Baryshnikov, Y. and Ghrist, R., Jun 2020, In: Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. 4, 2, p. 199-209 11 p.
- Typical representatives of free homotopy classes in multi-punctured plane Arnold, M., Baryshnikov, Y. and Mileyko, Y., Sep 1 2019, In: Journal of Topology and Analysis. 11, 3, p. 623-659 37 p.
- Diagonal asymptotics for symmetric rational functions via ACSV Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S., Pemantle, R. and Straub, A., Jun 1 2018, 29th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, AofA 2018. Ward, M. D. & Fill, J. A. (eds.). Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, 12. (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs; vol. 110).
- Dissociating tinnitus patients from healthy controls using resting-state cyclicity analysis and clustering Zimmerman, B. J., Abraham, I., Schmidt, S. A., Baryshnikov, Y. and Husain, F. T., Dec 1 2018, In: Network Neuroscience. 3, 1, p. 67-89 23 p.
- Large deviations for increasing subsequences of permutations and a concurrency application Baryshnikov, Y. and Magner, A., Mar 20 2018, In: Performance Evaluation Review. 45, 3, p. 84-89 6 p.
- Stokes’s Theorem, Data, and the Polar Ice Caps Baryshnikov, Y. and Ghrist, R., Oct 21 2018, In: American Mathematical Monthly. 125, 9, p. 830-834 5 p.
- Large deviations for increasing subsequences of permutations and a concurrency application Baryshnikov, Y. and Magner, A., Sep 1 2017, In: Performance Evaluation Review. 45, 2, p. 39-41 3 p.
- Math PhD careers: New opportunities emerging amidst crisis Baryshnikov, Y., DeVille, L. and Laugesen, R., Mar 2017, In: Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 64, 3, p. 260-264 5 p.
- Persistent-homology-based detection of power system low-frequency oscillations using PMUs Chen, Y., Chintakunta, H., Xie, L., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Kumar, P. R., Apr 19 2017, 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, GlobalSIP 2016 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 796-800 5 p. 7905952. (2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, GlobalSIP 2016 - Proceedings).
- A design of hybrid feedback stabilization on 1D coverage with topological perspectives Baryshnikov, Y., Chen, C. and Wang, H., Jul 28 2016, 2016 American Control Conference, ACC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 5154-5160 7 p. 7526477. (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; vol. 2016-July).
- Cyclicity in multivariate time series and applications to functional MRI data Baryshnikov, Y. and Schlafly, E., Dec 27 2016, 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 1625-1630 6 p. 7798498. (2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016).
- Ensemble controllability by lie algebraic methods Agrachev, A., Baryshnikov, Y. and Sarychev, A., Oct 1 2016, In: ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 22, 4, p. 921-938 18 p.
- Range-space based identification of parametric linear systems Yarkony, E., Baryshnikov, Y. and Bresler, Y., Aug 1 2016, 2016 IEEE 12th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop, IVMSP 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 7528192. (2016 IEEE 12th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop, IVMSP 2016).
- Shapes of cyclic pursuit and their evolution Baryshnikov, Y. and Chen, C., Dec 27 2016, 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 2561-2566 6 p. 7798648. (2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016).
- Types of markov fields and tilings Baryshnikov, Y., Duda, J. J. and Szpankowski, W., Aug 2016, In: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 62, 8, p. 4361-4375 15 p., 7480427.
- A topological perspective on cycling robots for full tree coverage Wang, H., Chen, C. & Baryshnikov, Y., 2015, Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics - Selected Contributions of the 11th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, WAFR 2014. van der Stappen, A. F., Levent Akin, H., Amato, N. M. and Isler, V. (eds.). Springer, p. 659-675 17 p. (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics; vol. 107).
- Cyclic vectors of associative matrix algebras and reachability criteria for linear and nonlinear control systems Baryshnikov, Y. and Sarychev, A., Feb 8 2015, 54rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,CDC 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 2695-2701 7 p. 7402623. (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; vol. 54rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,CDC 2015).
- Billiard dynamics of bouncing dumbbell Baryshnikov, Y., Blumen, V., Kim, K. and Zharnitsky, V., Feb 15 2014, In: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 269, p. 21-27 7 p.
- Cyclic pursuit without coordinates: Convergence to regular polygon formations Arnold, M., Baryshnikov, Y. and Liberzon, D., 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,CDC 2014. February ed. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 6191-6196 6 p. 7040359. (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; vol. 2015-February, no. February).
- How to Run a Centipede: A Topological Perspective Baryshnikov, Y. and Shapiro, B., 2014, Geometric control theory and sub-Riemannian geometry. Springer, Vol. 5. p. 37-51 15 p. (Springer INdAM Series).
- Markov field types and tilings Baryshnikov, Y., Duda, J. and Szpankowski, W., 2014, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 2639-2643 5 p. 6875312. (IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings).
- Min-type morse theory for configuration spaces of hard spheres Baryshnikov, Y., Bubenik, P. and Kahle, M., Jan 2014, In: International Mathematics Research Notices. 2014, 9, p. 2577-2592 16 p.
- Convex hull asymptotic shape evolution Arnold, M., Baryshnikov, Y. and Lavalle, S. M., 2013, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Frazzoli, E., Roy, N., Lozano-Perez, T. and Rus, D. (eds.). Springer, p. 349-364 16 p. (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics; vol. 86).
- Hadwiger's Theorem for definable functions Baryshnikov, Y., Ghrist, R. and Wright, M., Oct 1 2013, In: Advances in Mathematics. 245, p. 573-586 14 p.
- Robust stability conditions for switched linear systems: Commutator bounds and the ojasiewicz inequality Baryshnikov, Y. and Liberzon, D., 2013, 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 722-726 5 p. 6759967. (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control).
- Asymptotic traffic flow in a hyperbolic network Baryshnikov, Y. and Tucci, G. H., 2012, 5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012. 6217862. (5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012).
- On robust Lie-algebraic stability conditions for switched linear systems Agrachev, A. A., Baryshnikov, Y. and Liberzon, D., Feb 2012, In: Systems and Control Letters. 61, 2, p. 347-353 7 p.
- On the structure of the space of networks and traffic patterns Baryshnikov, Y., 2012, 5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012. 6217866. (5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012).
- Search on the brink of chaos Baryshnikov, Y. and Zharnitsky, V., 2012, 9th Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics 2012, ANALCO 2012. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications, p. 56-65 10 p. (9th Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics 2012, ANALCO 2012).
- Search on the brink of chaos Baryshnikov, Y. and Zharnitsky, V., Nov 2012, In: Nonlinearity. 25, 11, p. 3023-3047 25 p.
- Asymptotics of multivariate sequences, part III: Quadratic points Baryshnikov, Y. and Pemantle, R., Dec 20 2011, In: Advances in Mathematics. 228, 6, p. 3127-3206 80 p.
- CAUCHY localization: A distributed computation of WSNs Baryshnikov, Y. M., Coffman, E. G. and Kwak, K. J., Sep 2011, In: Performance Evaluation Review. 39, 2, p. 59-61 3 p.
- Euclidean versus hyperbolic congestion in idealized versus experimental networks Jonckheere, E., Lou, M., Bonahon, F. and Baryshnikov, Y., Jan 1 2011, In: Internet Mathematics. 7, 1, p. 1-27 27 p.
- Inversion of Euler integral transforms with applications to sensor data Baryshnikov, Y., Ghrist, R. and Lipsky, D., Dec 2011, In: Inverse Problems. 27, 12, 124001.
- Load balancing by network curvature control Lou, M., Jonckheere, E., Bonahon, F., Baryshnikov, Y. and Krishnamachari, B., 2011, In: International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control. 6, 1, p. 134-149 16 p.
- Minimalist counting in sensor networks (Noise helps) Baryshnikov, Y. M., Coffman, E. G., Kwak, K. J. and Moran, B., Aug 2011, In: Ad Hoc Networks. 9, 6, p. 987-997 11 p.
- Two-dimensional Quantum Random Walk Baryshnikov, Y., Brady, W., Bressler, A. and Pemantle, R., Jan 2011, In: Journal of Statistical Physics. 142, 1, p. 78-107 30 p.
- Enumeration formulas for young tableaux in a diagonal strip Baryshnikov, Y. and Romik, D., 2010, In: Israel Journal of Mathematics. 178, 1, p. 157-186 30 p.
- Mahalanobis-based adaptive nonlinear dimension reduction Aouada, D., Baryshnikov, Y. and Krim, H., 2010, Proceedings - 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2010. p. 742-745 4 p. 5596035. (Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition).
- Towards robust Lie-algebraic stability conditions for switched linear systems Agrachev, A. A., Baryshnikov, Y. and Liberzon, D., 2010, 2010 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2010. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 408-413 6 p. 5717603. (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control).
- Gaussian limits for generalized spacings Baryshnikov, Y., Penrose, M. D. and Yukich, J. E., Feb 2009, In: Annals of Applied Probability. 19, 1, p. 158-185 28 p.
- Target enumeration via euler characteristic integrals Baryshnikov, Y. and Ghrist, R., 2009, In: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 70, 3, p. 825-844 20 p.
- Target enumeration via integration over planar sensor networks Baryshnikov, Y. and Ghrist, R., 2009, Robotics: Science and Systems IV. Brock, O., Trinkle, J. and Ramos, F. (eds.). MIT Press Journals, p. 238-245 8 p. (Robotics: Science and Systems; vol. 4).
- Cyclic cellular automata: A tool for self-organizing sleep scheduling in sensor networks Kwak, K. J., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Coffman, E. G., 2008, Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2008. p. 535-536 2 p. 4505504. (Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2008).
- High performance sleep-wake sensor systems based on cyclic cellular automata Baryshnikov, Y. M., Coffman, E. G. and Kwak, K. J., 2008, Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2008. p. 517-526 10 p. 4505500. (Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2008).
- Modeling market dynamics in competitive communication consumer markets Baryshnikov, Y., Borger, J., Lee, W. and Saleh, A., Jun 2008, In: Bell Labs Technical Journal. 13, 2, p. 193-208 16 p.
- Moderate deviations for some point measures in geometric probability Baryshnikov, Y., Eichelsbacher, P., Schreiber, T. and Yukich, J. E., Jun 2008, In: Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics. 44, 3, p. 422-446 25 p.
- Self-assembling sweep-and-sleep sensor systems Kwak, K. J., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Coffman, E. G., 2008, In: Performance Evaluation Review. 36, 2, p. 131-133 3 p.
- Self-organizing sleep-wake sensor systems Kwak, K. J., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Coffman, E. G., 2008, Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2008. p. 393-402 10 p. 4663442. (Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2008).
- Stochastic counting in sensor networks, or: Noise is good Baryshnikov, Y. M., Coffman, E. G., Kwak, K. J. and Moran, B., 2008, Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems - 4th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2008, Proceedings. p. 32-45 14 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 5067 LNCS).
- Experiments in stochastic self assembly Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. and Yimwadsana, B., 2007, p. 146-150. 5 p.
- Localization for anchoritic sensor networks Baryshnikov, Y. and Tan, J., 2007, Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems - Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Proceedings. Springer, p. 82-95 14 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 4549 LNCS).
- On expected number of maximal points in polytopes Baryshnikov, Y., 2007, 2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, AofA 07. Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy, p. 227-236 10 p. (Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AH).
- On times to compute shapes in 2D tile self-assembly Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. and Yimwadsana, B., 2006, DNA Computing - 12th International Meeting on DNA Computing, DNA12, Revised Selected Papers. p. 215-222 8 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 4287 LNCS).
- On times to compute shapes in 2D tile self-assembly Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. and Yimwadsana, B., 2006, p. 204-208. 5 p.
- Sub-riemannian geometry and periodic orbits in classical billiards Baryshnikov, Y. and Zharnitsky, V., Jul 2006, In: Mathematical Research Letters. 13, 4, p. 587-598 12 p.
- Asymptotic analysis of a nonlinear AIMD algorithm Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E., Feng, J. and Momv cilovi, P., 2005, 2005 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms. Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy, p. 27-37 11 p. (Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AD).
- Billiards and nonholonomic distributions Baryshnikov, Y. and Zharnitsky, V., Jul 2005, In: Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 128, 2, p. 2706-2710 5 p.
- DNA-based computation times Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. and Momcilovic, P., 2005, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3384, p. 14-23 10 p.
- Gaussian limits for random measures in geometric probability Baryshnikov, Y. and Yukich, J. E., Feb 2005, In: Annals of Applied Probability. 15, 1 A, p. 213-253 41 p.
- Predictability of web-server traffic congestion Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E., Pierre, G., Rubenstein, D., Squillante, M. and Yimwadsana, T., 2005, Proceedings - WCW 2005: 10th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution. p. 97-103 7 p. 1541217. (Proceedings - WCW 2005: 10th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution).
- Stochastic yield analysis of self-assembling, single-enzyme reaction networks Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. and Yimwadsana, T., 2005, p. 43-47. 5 p.
- Flood search under the California Split rule Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E., Jelenkovic, P., Momcilovic, P. and Rubenstein, D., May 2004, In: Operations Research Letters. 32, 3, p. 199-206 8 p.
- Space filling and depletion Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. G. and Jelenkovic, P., Sep 2004, In: Journal of Applied Probability. 41, 3, p. 691-702 12 p.
- Whispering gallery modes inside asymmetric resonant cavities Baryshnikov, Y., Heider, P., Parz, W. and Zharnitsky, V., Sep 24 2004, In: Physical review letters. 93, 13, p. 133902-1-133902-4 133902.
- An asymptotically optimal greedy algorithm for large optical burst switching systems Andrew, L. L. H., Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E. G., Hanly, S. V. and White, J., Sep 2003, In: Performance Evaluation Review. 31, 2, p. 14-16 3 p.
- Gaussian Fields and Random Packing Baryshnikov, Y. and Yukich, J. E., Apr 2003, In: Journal of Statistical Physics. 111, 1-2, p. 443-463 21 p.
- 2001 Counting intervals in the packing process Baryshnikov, Y. and Gnedin, A., Aug 2001, In: Annals of Applied Probability. 11, 3, p. 863-877 15 p.
- GUEs and queues Baryshnikov, Y., Feb 2001, In: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 119, 2, p. 256-274 19 p.
- On Stokes sets Baryshnikov, Y., 2001, New developments in singularity theory (Cambridge, 2000). Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, Vol. 21. p. 65-86 22 p. (NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem.).
- On isotopic dictators and homological manipulators Baryshnikov, Y. M., Feb 2000, In: Journal of Mathematical Economics. 33, 1, p. 123-134 12 p.
- On small Carnot-Carathéodory spheres Baryshnikov, Y., 2000, In: Geometric and Functional Analysis. 10, 2, p. 259-265 7 p.
- Optimal strategies in a risk selection investment model Assaf, D., Baryshnikov, Y. and Stadje, W., Jun 2000, In: Advances in Applied Probability. 32, 2, p. 518-539 22 p.
- Sequential selection of an increasing sequence from a multidimensional random sample Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Gnedin, A. V., Feb 2000, In: Annals of Applied Probability. 10, 1, p. 258-267 10 p.
- Supporting-points processes and some of their applications Baryshnikov, Y., Jun 2000, In: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 117, 2, p. 163-182 20 p.
- Intergenerational choice: a paradox and a solution Baryshnikov, Y. and Chichilnisky, G., 1999, Topology and Markets. Chichilnisky, G. (ed.). American Mathematical Society, p. 99-110 12 p. (Fields Institute Communications; vol. 22).
- Asymptotics of damped periodic motions with random initial speed Baryshnikov, Y. and Stadje, W., 1998, In: Mathematische Nachrichten. 189, p. 5-21 17 p.
- Wiener soccer and its generalization Baryshnikov, Y., Nov 17 1998, In: Electronic Communications in Probability. 3
- Wiener soccer and itsgeneralization Baryshnikov, Y., Jan 1 1998, In: Electronic Communications in Probability. 3, p. 1-11 11 p.
- Bifurcation diagrams of quadratic differentials Baryshnikov, Y., Jul 1997, In: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series I: Mathematics. 325, 1, p. 71-76 6 p.
- Gaussian samples, regular simplices, and exchangeability Baryshnikov, Y. M., Apr 1997, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry. 17, 3, p. 257-261 5 p.
- Topological and discrete social choice: In a search of a theory Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1997, In: Social Choice and Welfare. 14, 2, p. 199-209 11 p.
- Wiener soccer and its generalization Baryshnikov, Y., Nov 17 1997, In: Electronic Communications in Probability. 3, p. 1-11 11 p.
- A set of maxima for arbitrary orders Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Orlova, E. S., Jan 1996, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 1, p. 139-148 10 p.
- Counting the shape of a drum Baryshnikov, Y., Mar 1996, In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 17, 1, p. 101-116 16 p.
- Determination of maxima for arbitrary orders Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Orlova, E. S., 1996, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 1, p. 139-148 10 p.
- How many variants can be optimal? Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1996, In: Mat. Model.. 8, 4, p. 79-88 10 p.
- A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the limiting probability of a tie for first place Baryshnikov, Y., Eisenberg, B. and Stengle, G., May 15 1995, In: Statistics and Probability Letters. 23, 3, p. 203-209 7 p.
- Complexity of trajectories in rectangular billiards Yu. Baryshnikov, B., Nov 1995, In: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 174, 1, p. 43-56 14 p.
- In inverse problem for trigonometric polynomials: Does the distribution of a homogeneous polynomial in a Gaussian random point define the polynomial? Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Stadje, W., Sep 1994, In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 15, 3, p. 336-359 24 p.
- Regular simplices and Gaussian samples Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Vitale, R. A., Dec 1994, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry. 11, 1, p. 141-147 7 p.
- Independent events and independent experiments Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Eisenberg, B., Jun 1993, In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 118, 2, p. 615-617 3 p.
- Independent variables with independent sum and difference: S1-case Baryshnikov, Y., Eisenberg, B. and Stadje, W., May 1993, In: Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 45, 2, p. 161-170 10 p.
- On sets of integers with prescribed gaps Baryshnikov, Y. and Stadje, W., Jun 1993, In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 116, 2, p. 83-98 16 p.
- Unifying impossibility theorems: A topological approach Baryshnikov, Y. M., Dec 1993, In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 14, 4, p. 404-415 12 p.
- Efficiency of decision rules in multicriterial problems of the choice of some best variants Baryshnikov, Y. M., Podinovskiui, V. V. and Polyashuk, M. V., 1990, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 12, p. 136-142 7 p.
- Hamiltonian form of non-holonomic variational problems Baryshnikov, Y. M., Feb 28 1990, In: Russian Mathematical Surveys. 45, 1, p. 198-199 2 p.
- Indices for extremal embeddings of 1-complexes Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1990, Theory of Singularities and its Applications. Arnol'd, V. I. (ed.). American Mathematical Society, p. 137-144 8 p. (Advances in Soviet Mathematics; vol. 1).
- Real vanishing inflections and boundary singularities Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1990, Theory of Singularities and its Applications. Arnold, V. I. (ed.). American Mathematical Society, p. 129-135 7 p. (Advances in Soviet Mathematics; vol. 1).
- The average number of variants that cannot be dominated in V. V. Podinovski\ui comparisons Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1990, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 6, p. 161-165 5 p.
- Topology of rearrangements of non-smoothness sets of minimum functions in variational problems Baryshnikov, Y. M., Jul 1990, In: Functional Analysis and Its Applications. 24, 3, p. 220-221 2 p.
- Mnogokriterialnaya optimizatsiya Berezovskii, B. A., Baryshnikov, Y. M., Borzenko, V. I. and Kempner, L. M., 1989, Moscow: Nauka Publishers.
- Asymptotic equivalence of choice functions Berezovskii, B. A. and Baryshnikov, Y., 1986, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 10, p. 101-105 5 p.
- DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF NONDOMINATING VARIANTS. Baryshnikov, Y. M., Sep 1986, In: Soviet journal of computer and systems sciences. 24, 5, p. 107-111 5 p.
- On a class of best-choice problems Berezovskiy, B. A., Baryshnikov, Y. M. and Gnedin, A. V., Aug 1986, In: Information Sciences. 39, 1, p. 111-127 17 p.
- Mathematical expectation of the number of variants that are nondominated with respect to a binary relation Baryshnikov, Y. M., 1985, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 6, p. 111-116 6 p.
- The probability of stopping on a nondominated variant Baryshnikov, Y. M., Berezovskiui, B. A. and Gnedin, A. V., 1984, In: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 10, p. 131-137 7 p.