Status Full-time Faculty
Home Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 300-3505
Email yingdiao@illinois.edu
Address 3265 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Ying Diao is a researcher at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She serves as the co-chair of Molecular Science and Engineering at the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology and thrust lead of the Molecular Maker Lab Institute – a National Science Foundation (NSF) Artificial Intelligence Institute.
Postdoctoral scholar, Stanford University & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2011-2014
Ph.D., chemical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
M.S., chemical engineering practice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008
B.S.E., chemical engineering, Tsinghua University, 2006
2024 Campus Distinguished Promotion Award
2024 List of 2024 Researchers to Know, Illinois Science & Technology Coalition
2023 University Scholar, University of Illinois
2023 New Horizons Solvay Lectures in Chemistry, International Solvay Institutes
2023 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Fa’16, Sp’18, Sp’20, Fa’20, Fa’21, Fa’22
2022 Van Ness Award Lecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2022 Thiele Award Lecture, University of Notre Dame
2022 “Rising Star” series of Advanced Materials
2022 Soft Matter Emerging Investigator
2021 Campus Distinguished Promotion Award
2021 I. C. Gunsalus Scholar, College of Liberal Arts & Science
2020: NASA Early Career Faculty Award
2020: Rising Star in Materials Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials “Up-and-Coming Series”
2020: List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Fall and Spring)
2020: Emerging Investigator, Chemical Society Reviews, the Royal Society of Chemistry
2019: Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professor Scholar, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
2019: Beckman Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, UIUC
2019: Early Career Award, AVS Prairie Chapter
2019: Emerging Investigator in Crystal Growth & Design, ACS Publications
2019: Emerging Investigator, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry
2019: Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2018: List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Spring)
2018: NSF CAREER Award
2018: 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award
2018: Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry
2018: Chemistry of Materials Reviewer Excellence Award, ACS Publications
2017: School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017: US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, National Academy of Engineering
Research interests:
Phase transformations
Interfacial phenomenon
Molecular Assembly for Energy and Healthcare
Broadly, Diao’s research seeks to understand and control multiscale molecular assembly processes to achieve sustainable manufacturing of materials and devices for environment, energy, and healthcare applications, including therapeutic products. Molecular assembly, where a set of inanimate molecules can form structures with ever-evolving complexity and emergent properties, is inextricably linked to the origin of life. With the advent of modern drug development, the rise of nanotechnology, and most recently the renaissance in energy research, the field has resurged into prominence.
The Diao Research Group, started in 2015 at UIUC, aims to understand the assembly of organic functional materials and innovate printing approaches that enable structural control down to the molecular and nanoscales. The Diao group, started in 2015 at UIUC, focuses on understanding the assembly of organic functional materials and innovating printing approaches that enable structural control down to the molecular and nanoscales. The Diao group focuses on understanding the assembly of functional polymer and innovating printing approaches that enable structural control down to the molecular and nanoscale to achieve a future of cleaner environment and greener energy.
- Meet the 2024 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellows
- Beckman researchers find key chemistry for solar energy and beyond
- Diao receives Campus Distinguished Promotion Award
- Four Beckman researchers recognized as ISTC's "Researchers to Know 2024"
- Ying Diao and team's multicolor 3D-printing technology highlighted in Engineer Live
- Ying Diao speaks on 'science while parenting'
- Diao leads study to improve advanced agricultural practices in space and on Earth
- Professor Ying Diao develops printing processes to transform organic polymers to chiral helical structures
- Professor Diao leads team to being a step closer to successfully growing plants in space
- Beckman's sustainable multicolor 3D printing lauded in Forbes
- Chameleon colors: A sustainable technique to 3D print multiple dynamic colors from a single ink
- Diao leads study that reveals surprising insights into semiconductor material development
- Beckman researchers bring home MURI awards
- Diao invited to present Solvay lectures
- Beckman announces 2023 research seed grant recipients
- Science while parenting: Ying Diao and Pengfei Song
- Molecular teamwork makes the organic dream work