Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Animal Sciences
Phone 333-2006
Email rdilger2@illinois.edu
Ryan Dilger is a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences. His areas of research includes immunophysiology and behavior, production and environment change, and nutrition.
- B.S., Purdue University, 2001
- M.S., Purdue University, 2004
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
- 2020: University Scholar, University of Illinois
- 2016: Distinguished Promotion Award, University of Illinois
- 2016: Outstanding Young Researcher Award, University of Illinois College of ACES
- 2016: North American College Teachers Association (NACTA) Educator Award
- 2016: Bio-Serv Award in Experimental Animal Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
- 2016: Midwest Outstanding Young Researcher Award, American Society for Animal Science (ASAS)
Research areas:
Animal agriculture
Biomedical science
Research interests:
Nutrition & Health
Nutrition & Neuroscience
The research in our laboratory integrates the interdisciplinary fields of animal nutrition, immunophysiology, and neuroscience, including the ability of nutrients to impact metabolic, immunologic, and developmental patterns. We focus on comparative animal nutrition, with an emphasis on biochemical aspects of proteins and amino acids, but also strive to integrate immunological and behavioral outcomes as related to overall animal health. One notable project in our lab is the use of a translational piglet model for studying the impact of nutrient intake and infection during the neonatal period on brain development and cognitive function (i.e., learning and memory). Overall, research projects in this laboratory can be broadly categorized into two areas: 1) practical nutrition issues facing animal agriculture, and 2) fundamental nutrition questions studied using translational animal models to improve human/animal health and well-being.
- Mudd, A. T.; Getty, C. M.; Sutton, B. P.; Dilger, R. N., Perinatal Choline Deficiency Delays Brain Development and Alters Metabolite Concentrations in the Young Pig. Nutritional Neuroscience 2016, 19, DOI:10.1179/1476830515Y.0000000031.
- Mudd, A. T.; Waworuntu, R. V.; Berg, B. M.; Dilger, R. N., Dietary Alpha-Lipoic Acid Alters Piglet Neurodevelopment. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2016, 4, DOI:ARTN 44 10.3389/fred.2016.00044. Mudd, A. T.; Alexander, L. S.; Berding, K.; Waworuntu, R. V.; Berg, B. M.; Donovan, S. M.; Dilger, R. N., Dietary Prebiotics, Milk Fat Globule Membrane, and Lactoferrin Affects Structural Neurodevelopment in the Young Piglet. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2016, 4, DOI:ARTN 4 10.3389/fped.2016.00004.
- Perinatal choline deficiency delays brain development and alters metabolite concentrations in the young pig Mudd, A. T., Getty, C. M., Sutton, B. P. and Dilger, R. N., Dec 12 2016, In: Nutritional Neuroscience. 19, 10, p. 425-433 9 p.
- Perinatal dietary choline deficiency in sows influences concentrations of choline metabolites, fatty acids, and amino acids in milk throughout lactation Mudd, A. T., Alexander, L. S., Johnson, S. K., Getty, C. M., Malysheva, O. V., Caudill, M. A. and Dilger, R. N., 2016, In: Journal of Nutrition. 146, 11, p. 2216-2223 8 p.
- Porcine Milk Oligosaccharides and Sialic Acid Concentrations Vary Throughout Lactation Mudd, A. T., Salcedo, J., Alexander, L. S., Johnson, S. K., Getty, C. M., Chichlowski, M., Berg, B. M., Barile, D. and Dilger, R. N., Sep 8 2016, In: Frontiers in Nutrition. 3, 39.
- Prebiotics and bioactive milk fractions affect gut development, microbiota, and neurotransmitter expression in piglets Berding, K., Wang, M., Monaco, M. H., Alexander, L. S., Mudd, A. T., Chichlowski, M., Waworuntu, R. V., Berg, B. M., Miller, M. J., Dilger, R. N. and Donovan, S. M., 2016, In: Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 63, 6, p. 688-697 10 p.
- Rochell, S. J.; Helmbrecht, A.; Parsons, C. M.; Dilger, R. N., Influence of Dietary Amino Acid Reductions and Eimeria Acervulina Infection on Growth Performance and Intestinal Cytokine Responses of Broilers Fed Low Crude Protein Diets. Poultry Science 2016, DOI:10.3382/ps/pew153.
- Rochell, S. J.; Parsons, C. M.; Dilger, R. N., Effects of Eimeria Acervulina Infection Severity on Growth Performance, Apparent Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility, and Plasma Concentrations of Amino Acids, Carotenoids, and ?1-Acid Glycoprotein in Broilers. Poultry Science 2016, 95, (7), 1573-1581, DOI:10.3382/ps/pew035.
- Alexander, L.; Mudd, A.; Berding, K.; Waworuntu, R.; Berg, B.; Donovan, S.; Dilger, R., A Dietary Prebiotic Blend of Polydextrose and Galactooligosaccharides with Bioactive Whey Protein Fractions Affects Piglet Intestinal Function and Brain Microstructure. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Berding, K.; Wang, M.; Monaco, M.; Berg, B.; Waworuntu, R.; Dilger, R.; Donovan, S., Immunohistochemical Detection of Gut-Brain-Axis Markers along the Gastrointestinal Tract of Formula-Fed Piglets. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Effects of dietary soybean meal concentration on growth and immune response of pigs infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Rochell, S. J., Alexander, L. S., Rocha, G. C., Van Alstine, W. G., Boyd, R. D., Pettigrew, J. E. and Dilger, R. N., Jun 2015, In: Journal of animal science. 93, 6, p. 2987-2997 11 p.
- Evaluation of soluble corn fiber on chemical composition and nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy and its effects on in vitro fermentation and in vivo responses in dogs Panasevich, M. R., Kerr, K. R., Rossoni Serao, M. C., Cattai de Godoy, M. R., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lynch, G. L., Wils, D., Dowd, S. E., Fahey, G. C., Swanson, K. S. and Dilger, R. N., May 2015, In: Journal of animal science. 93, 5, p. 2191-2200 10 p.
- Evaluation of soluble corn fiber on chemical composition and nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy and its effects on in vitro fermentation and in vivo responses in dogs Panasevich, M. R., Kerr, K. R., Rossoni Serao, M. C., de Godoy, M. R. C., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lynch, G. L., Wils, D., Dowd, S. E., Fahey, G. C., Swanson, K. S. and Dilger, R. N., May 2015, In: Journal of animal science. 93, 5, p. 2191-2200 10 p.
- Fructose decreases physical activity and increases body fat without affecting hippocampal neurogenesis and learning relative to an isocaloric glucose diet Rendeiro, C., Masnik, A. M., Mun, J. G., Du, K., Clark, D., Dilger, R. N., Dilger, A. C. and Rhodes, J. S., Apr 20 2015, In: Scientific reports. 5, 9589.
- Getty, C. M.; Almeida, F. N.; Baratta, A. A.; Dilger, R. N., Plasma Metabolomics Indicates Metabolic Perturbations in Low Birth Weight Piglets Supplemented with Arginine. Journal of Animal Science 2015, 93, (12), 5754-5763, DOI:10.2527/jas.2015-9293.
- Getty, C. M.; Dilger, R. N., Moderate Perinatal Choline Deficiency Elicits Altered Physiology and Metabolomic Profiles in the Piglet. Plos One 2015, 10, (7), DOI:ARTN e0133500 10.1371/journal.pone.0133500.
- Jacob, R.; Mudd, A.; Lai, C. S.; Dilger, R., Impact of the Dietary Lipid Matrix on Neurodevelopmental Patterns of the Piglet. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Moderate perinatal choline deficiency elicits altered physiology and metabolomic profiles in the piglet Getty, C. M. and Dilger, R. N., Jul 21 2015, In: PloS one. 10, 7, 0133500.
- Moderately fermentable potato fiber attenuates signs and inflammation associated with experimental colitis in mice Panasevich, M. R., Allen, J. M., Wallig, M. A., Woods, J. A. and Dilger, R. N., 2015, In: Journal of Nutrition. 145, 12, p. 2781-2788 8 p.
- Modulation of the faecal microbiome of healthy adult dogs by inclusion of potato fibre in the diet Panasevich, M. R., Kerr, K. R., Dilger, R. N., Fahey, G. C., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lynch, G. L., Wils, D., Suchodolski, J. S., Steer, J. M., Dowd, S. E. and Swanson, K. S., Jan 14 2015, In: British Journal of Nutrition. 113, 1, p. 125-133 9 p.
- Mudd, A.; Alexander, L.; Waworuntu, R.; Berg, B.; Donovan, S.; Dilger, R., Hippocampal Metabolites Correlate with Neuroimaging Outcomes in the Piglet. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Mudd, A.; Getty, C.; Dilger, R., Neurodevelopment in Piglets Is Influenced by Perinatal Choline Status as Evidenced by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Allen, J. M.; Wallig, M. A.; Woods, J. A.; Dilger, R. N., Moderately Fermentable Potato Fiber Attenuates Signs and Inflammation Associated with Experimental Colitis in Mice. Journal of Nutrition 2015, 145, (12), 2781-2788, DOI:10.3945/jn.115.218578.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Kerr, K. R.; Dilger, R. N.; Fahey, G. C.; Guerin-Deremaux, L.; Lynch, G. L.; Wils, D.; Suchodolski, J. S.; Steiner, J. M.; Dowd, S. E.; Swanson, K. S., Modulation of the Faecal Microbiome of Healthy Adult Dogs by Inclusion of Potato Fibre in the Diet. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113, (1), 125-133, DOI:10.1017/S0007114514003274.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Kerr, K. R.; Rossoni Serao, M. C.; deGodoy, M. R. C.; Guérin-Deremaux, L.; Lynch, G. L.; Wils, D.; Dowd, S. E.; Fahey Jr, G. C.; Swanson, K. S.; Dilger, R. N., Evaluation of Soluble Corn Fiber on Chemical Composition and tMEN and Its Effects on in Vitro Fermentation and in Vivo Responses in Dogs. Journal of Animal Science 2015, 93, 2191-2200.
- Panasevich, M.; Allen, J.; Woods, J.; Dilger, R., Moderately-Fermentable Potato Fiber Attenuates Symptoms during Experimental Colitis. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Plasma metabolomics indicates metabolic perturbations in low birth weight piglets supplemented with arginine Getty, C. M., Almeida, F. N., Baratta, A. A. and Dilger, R. N., Dec 18 2015, In: Journal of animal science. 93, 12, p. 5754-5763 10 p.
- Radlowski, E.; Liu, H. N.; Conrad, M.; Li, Y.; Dilger, R.; Johnson, R., Early Supplementation of Phospholipids and Gangliosides Affects Brain and Cognitive Development in Neonatal Piglets. FASEB Journal 2015, 29.
- Rendeiro, C.; Masnik, A. M.; Mun, J. G.; Du, K.; Clark, D.; Dilger, R. N.; Dilger, A. C.; Rhodes, J. S., Fructose Decreases Physical Activity and Increases Body Fat without Affecting Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Learning Relative to an Isocaloric Glucose Diet. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 9589.
- Rendeiro, C.; Masnik, A. M.; Mun, J. G.; Du, K.; Clark, D.; Dilger, R. N.; Dilger, A. C.; Rhodes, J. S., Fructose Decreases Physical Activity and Increases Body Fat without Affecting Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Learning Relative to an Isocaloric Glucose Diet. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, DOI:ARTN 9589 10.1038/srep09589.
- Rochell, S. J.; Alexander, L. S.; Rocha, G. C.; Van Alstine, W. G.; Boyd, R. D.; Pettigrew, J. E.; Dilger, R. N., Effects of Dietary Soybean Meal Concentration on Growth and Immune Response of Pigs Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. Journal of Animal Science 2015, 93, 2987-2997.
- A neonatal piglet model for investigating brain and cognitive development in small for gestational age human infants Radlowski, E. C., Conrad, M. S., Lezmi, S., Dilger, R. N., Sutton, B., Larsen, R. and Johnson, R. W., Mar 17 2014, In: PloS one. 9, 3, e91951.
- Almeida, J. A. S.; Ponnuraj, N. P.; Lee, J. J.; Utterback, P.; Gaskins, H. R.; Dilger, R. N.; Pettigrew, J. E., Effects of Dietary Clays on Performance and Intestinal Mucus Barrier of Broiler Chicks Challenged with Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium and on Goblet Cell Function in Vitro. Poultry Science 2014, 93, (4), 839-847, DOI: 10.3382/ps.2013-03587.
- An in vivo three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging-based averaged brain collection of the neonatal piglet (Sus scrofa) Conrad, M. S., Sutton, B. P., Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Sep 25 2014, In: PloS one. 9, 9, e107650.
- Conrad, M. S.; Sutton, B. P.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., An in Vivo Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Averaged Brain Collection of the Neonatal Piglet (Sus Scrofa). Plos One 2014, 9, (9), DOI:ARTN e107650 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0107650.
- Early supplementation of phospholipids and gangliosides affects brain and cognitive development in neonatal piglets Liu, H., Radlowski, E. C., Conrad, M. S., Li, Y., Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., 2014, In: Journal of Nutrition. 144, 12, p. 1903-1909 7 p.
- Effects of dietary clays on performance and intestinal mucus barrier of broiler chicks challenged with salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and on goblet cell function in vitro Almeida, J. A. S., Ponnuraj, N. P., Lee, J. J., Utterback, P., Gaskins, H. R., Dilger, R. N. and Pettigrew, J. E., Apr 2014, In: Poultry science. 93, 4, p. 839-847 9 p.
- Evaluation of feeding spray-dried bovine plasma protein on production performance of laying hens exposed to high ambient temperatures Koelkebeck, K. W., DePersio, S., Lima, K., Harrison, P. C., Utterback, C., Utterback, P., Dilger, R. N., Gates, R. S., Green, A. and Campbell, J. M., Sep 2014, In: Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 23, 3, p. 393-402 10 p.
- Koelkebeck, K. W.; dePersio, S.; Lima, K.; Harrison, P. C.; Utterback, C.; Utterback, P.; Dilger, R. N.; Gates, R. S.; Green, A.; Campbell, J. M., Evaluation of Feeding Spray-Dried Bovine Plasma Protein on Production Performance of Laying Hens Exposed to High Ambient Temperatures. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2014, 23, (3), 393-402, DOI:10.3382/japr.2013-00876.
- Liu, H. N.; Radlowski, E. C.; Conrad, M. S.; Li, Y.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., Early Supplementation of Phospholipids and Gangliosides Affects Brain and Cognitive Development in Neonatal Piglets. Journal of Nutrition 2014, 144, (12), 1903-1909, DOI:10.3945/jn.114.199828.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Kerr, K. R.; Dilger, R. N.; Fahey, G. C.; Guerin-Deremaux, L.; Lynch, G. L.; Wils, D.; Suchodolski, J. S.; Steiner, J. M.; Dowd, S. E.; Swanson, K. S., Modulation of the Faecal Microbiome of Healthy Adult Dogs by Inclusion of Potato Fibre in the Diet. British Journal of Nutrition 2014, 113, 125-133.
- Radlowski, E. C.; Conrad, M. S.; Lezmi, S.; Dilger, R. N.; Sutton, B.; Larsen, R.; Johnson, R. W., A Neonatal Piglet Model for Investigating Brain and Cognitive Development in Small for Gestational Age Human Infants. Plos One 2014, 9, (3), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091951.
- Combined dietary effects of supplemental threonine and purified fiber on growth performance and intestinal health of young chicks Wils-Plotz, E. L. and Dilger, R. N., Mar 2013, In: Poultry science. 92, 3, p. 726-734 9 p.
- Dietary guanidino acetic acid is an efficacious replacement for arginine for young chicks Dilger, R. N., Bryant-Angeloni, K., Payne, R. L., Lemme, A. and Parsons, C. M., 2013, In: Poultry science. 92, 1, p. 171-177 7 p.
- Dilger, R. N.; Bryant-Angeoni, K.; Payne, R. L.; Lemme, A.; Parsons, C. M., Dietary Guanidino Acetic Acid is an Efficacious Replacement for Arginine for Young Chicks. Poultry Science 2013, 92, (1), 171-177.
- Johnson, R. W.; Donovan, S. M.; Dilger, R. N., Manganese Neurotoxicity May Underlie the Association between Early Life Iron Deficiency and Impaired Spatial Cognition in Neonatal Piglets Reply. Journal of Nutrition 2013, 143, (4), 549-549.
- Modulation of the intestinal environment, innate immune response, and barrier function by dietary threonine and purified fiber during a coccidiosis challenge in broiler chicks Wils-Plotz, E. L., Jenkins, M. C. and Dilger, R. N., Mar 2013, In: Poultry science. 92, 3, p. 735-745 11 p.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Serao, M. C. R.; de Godoy, M. R. C.; Swanson, K. S.; Guerin-Deremaux, L.; Lynch, G. L.; Wils, D.; Fahey, G. C.; Dilger, R. N., Potato Fiber as a Dietary Fiber Source in Dog Foods. Journal of Animal Science 2013, 91, (11), 5344-5352, DOI: 10.2527/jas.2013-6842.
- Potato fiber as a dietary fiber source in dog foods Panasevich, M. R., Rossoni Serao, M. C., Cattai de Godoy, M. R., Swanson, K. S., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lynch, G. L., Wils, D., Fahey, G. C. and Dilger, R. N., Nov 2013, In: Journal of animal science. 91, 11, p. 5344-5352 9 p.
- Reply to Maitre et al Johnson, R. W., Donovan, S. M. and Dilger, R. N., Apr 1 2013, In: Journal of Nutrition. 143, 4, p. 549 1 p.
- Brain growth of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) from 2 to 24 weeks of age: A longitudinal MRI study Conrad, M. S., Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Oct 2012, In: Developmental Neuroscience. 34, 4, p. 291-298 8 p.
- Early life iron deficiency impairs spatial cognition in neonatal piglets Rytych, J. L., Elmore, M. R. P., Burton, M. D., Conrad, M. S., Donovan, S. M., Dilger, R. N.and Johnson, R. W., Nov 1 2012, In: Journal of Nutrition. 142, 11, p. 2050-2056 7 p.
- Effects of oligosaccharides in a soybean meal-based diet on fermentative and immune responses in broiler chicks challenged with Eimeria acervulina Faber, T. A., Dilger, R. N., Hopkins, A. C., Price, N. P. and Fahey, G. C., Dec 2012, In: Poultry science. 91, 12, p. 3132-3140 9 p.
- Elmore, M. R. P.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., Place and Direction Learning in a Spatial T-Maze Task by Neonatal Piglets. Animal Cognition 2012, 15, (4), 667-676.
- Faber, T. A.; Dilger, R. N.; Hopkins, A. C.; Price, N. P.; Fahey, G. C., Effects of Oligosaccharides in a Soybean Meal-Based Diet on Fermentative and Immune Responses in Broiler Chicks Challenged with Eimeria Acervulina. Poultry Science 2012, 91, (12), 3132-3140.
- Faber, T. A.; Dilger, R. N.; Iakiviak, M.; Hopkins, A. C.; Price, N. P.; Fahey, G. C., Ingestion of a Novel Galactoglucomannan Oligosaccharide-Arabinoxylan (GGMO-AX) Complex Affected Growth Performance and Fermentative and Immunological Characteristics of Broiler Chicks Challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium. Poultry Science 2012, 91, (9), 2241-2254.
- Ingestion of a novel galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide-arabinoxylan (GGMO-AX) complex affected growth performance and fermentative and immunological characteristics of broiler chicks challenged with Salmonella typhimurium Faber, T. A., Dilger, R. N., Iakiviak, M., Hopkins, A. C., Price, N. P. and Fahey, G. C., Sep 2012, In: Poultry science. 91, 9, p. 2241-2254 14 p.
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the neonatal piglet brain Conrad, M. S., Dilger, R. N., Nickolls, A. and Johnson, R. W., Feb 2012, In: Pediatric Research. 71, 2, p. 179-184 6 p.
- Place and direction learning in a spatial T-maze task by neonatal piglets Elmore, M. R. P., Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Jul 2012, In: Animal cognition. 15, 4, p. 667-676 10 p.
- Rytych, J. L.; Elmore, M. R. P.; Burton, M. D.; Conrad, M. S.; Donovan, S. M.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., Early Life Iron Deficiency Impairs Spatial Cognition in Neonatal Piglets. Journal of Nutrition 2012, 142, (11), 2050-2056.
- The effects of a galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide-arabinoxylan (GGMO-AX) complex in broiler chicks challenged with Eimeria acervulina Faber, T. A., Dilger, R. N., Hopkins, A. C., Price, N. P. and Fahey, J. C., May 2012, In: Poultry science. 91, 5, p. 1089-1096 8 p.
- Fasting induces an anti-inflammatory effect on the neuroimmune system which a high-fat diet prevents Lavin, D. N., Joesting, J. J., Chiu, G. S., Moon, M. L., Meng, J., Dilger, R. N. and Freund, G. G., Aug 2011, In: Obesity. 19, 8, p. 1586-1594 9 p.
- Inhibition of betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase in rats causes hyperhomocysteinemia and reduces liver cystathionine ß-synthase activity and methylation capacity Strakova, J., Gupta, S., Kruger, W. D., Dilger, R. N., Tryon, K., Li, L. and Garrow, T. A., Jul 2011, In: Nutrition Research. 31, 7, p. 563-571 9 p.
- Behavioral assessment of cognitive function using a translational neonatal piglet model Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Oct 2010, In: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 24, 7, p. 1156-1165 10 p.
- Luteolin inhibits microglia and alters hippocampal-dependent spatial working memory in aged mice Jang, S., Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Oct 2010, In: Journal of Nutrition. 140, 10, p. 1892-1898 7 p.
- Sickness behavior induced by endotoxin can be mitigated by the dietary soluble fiber, pectin, through up-regulation of IL-4 and Th2 polarization Sherry, C. L., Kim, S. S., Dilger, R. N., Bauer, L. L., Moon, M. L., Tapping, R. I., Fahey, G. C., Tappenden, K. A. and Freund, G. G., May 2010, In: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 24, 4, p. 631-640 10 p.
- Cognitive deficits in interleukin-10-deficient mice after peripheral injection of lipopolysaccharide Richwine, A. F., Sparkman, N. L., Dilger, R. N., Buchanan, J. B. and Johnson, R. W., Aug 2009, In: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 23, 6, p. 794-802 9 p.
- Dietary L-homoserine spares threonine in chicks Bryant, K. I., Dilger, R. N., Parsons, C. M. and Baker, D. H., Jul 2009, In: Journal of Nutrition. 139, 7, p. 1298-1302 5 p.
- Responses of pigs to Aspergillus niger phytase supplementation of low-protein or high-phytin diets Sands, J. S., Ragland, D., Dilger, R. N. and Adeola, O., Aug 2009, In: Journal of animal science. 87, 8, p. 2581-2589 9 p.
- Aging, microglial cell priming, and the discordant central inflammatory response to signals from the peripheral immune system Dilger, R. N. and Johnson, R. W., Oct 1 2008, In: Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 84, 4, p. 932-939 8 p.
- Cyst(e)ine imbalance and its effect on methionine precursor utilization in chicks Dilger, R. N. and Baker, D. H., Aug 2008, In: Journal of animal science. 86, 8, p. 1832-1840 9 p.
- Excess dietary L-cysteine causes lethal metabolic acidosis in chicks Dilger, R. N. and Baker, D. H., Sep 2008, In: Journal of Nutrition. 138, 9, p. 1628-1633 6 p.
- Sulfur Amino Acid Deficiency and Toxicity: Research with Animal Models Baker, D. H. & Dilger, R. N., Nov 10 2008, Glutathione and Sulfur Amino Acids in Human Health and Disease. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., p. 289-316 28 p.
- 2-Keto-4-(methylthio)butyric acid (keto analog of methionine) is a safe and efficacious precursor of L-methionine in chicks Dilger, R. N., Kobler, C., Weckbecker, C., Hoehler, D. and Baker, D. H., Aug 2007, In: Journal of Nutrition. 137, 8, p. 1868-1873 6 p.
- Betaine can partially spare choline in chicks but only when added to diets containing a minimal level of choline Dilger, R. N., Garrow, T. A. and Baker, D. H., Oct 2007, In: Journal of Nutrition. 137, 10, p. 2224-2228 5 p.
- DL-methionine is as efficacious as L-methionine, but modest L-cystine excesses are anorexigenic in sulfur amino acid-deficient purified and practical-type diets fed to chicks Dilger, R. N. and Baker, D. H., Nov 1 2007, In: Poultry science. 86, 11, p. 2367-2374 8 p.
- Excess dietary L-cysteine, but not L-cystine, is lethal for chicks but not for rats or pigs Dilger, R. N., Toue, S., Kimura, T., Sakai, R. and Baker, D. H., Feb 2007, In: Journal of Nutrition. 137, 2, p. 331-338 8 p.
- Ileal amino acid and phosphorus digestibility responses of pigs to microbial phytase supplementation of high-phytin diets Sands, J. S., Dilger, R. N., Ragland, D. and Adeola, O., May 15 2007, In: Livestock Science. 109, 1-3, p. 208-211 4 p.
- Oral N-acetyl-L-cysteine is a safe and effective precursor of cysteine Dilger, R. N. and Baker, D. H., Jul 2007, In: Journal of animal science. 85, 7, p. 1712-1718 7 p.
- Effect of reciprocating dietary lysine fluctuations on chick growth and carcass yield Dilger, R. N., Martinez Amezcua, C., Pillai, P. B., Emmert, J. L., Parsons, C. M. and Baker, D. H., 2006, In: Poultry science. 85, 7, p. 1226-1231 6 p.
- Efficacy and equivalency of an Escherichia coli-derived phytase for replacing inorganic phosphorus in the diets of broiler chickens and young pigs Jendza, J. A., Dilger, R. N., Sands, J. S. and Adeola, O., Dec 2006, In: Journal of animal science. 84, 12, p. 3364-3374 11 p.
- Estimation of true phosphorus digestibility and endogenous phosphorus loss in growing chicks fed conventional and low-phytate soybean meals Dilger, R. N. and Adeola, O., 2006, In: Poultry science. 85, 4, p. 661-668 8 p.
- Estimation of true phosphorus digestibility and endogenous phosphorus loss in growing pigs fed conventional and low-phytate soybean meals Dilger, R. N. and Adeola, O., Mar 2006, In: Journal of animal science. 84, 3, p. 627-634 8 p.
- Response of growing pigs to Peniophora lycii- And Escherichia coli-derived phytases or varying ratios of calcium to total phosphorus Adeola, O., Olukosi, O. A., Jendza, J. A., Dilger, R. N. and Bedford, M. R., Oct 2006, In: Animal Science. 82, 5, p. 637-644 8 p.
- Escherichia coli phytase improves growth performance of starter, grower, and finisher pigs fed phosphorus-deficient diets Jendza, J. A., Dilger, R. N., Adedokun, S. A., Sands, J. S. and Adeola, O., 2005, In: Journal of animal science. 83, 8, p. 1882-1889 8 p.
- Digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids in soybean meal with added soyhulls Dilger, R. N., Sands, J. S., Ragland, D. and Adeola, O., Mar 2004, In: Journal of animal science. 82, 3, p. 715-724 10 p.
- Evaluation of microbial phytase in broiler diets Dilger, R. N., Onyango, E. M., Sands, J. S. and Adeola, O., Jun 2004, In: Poultry science. 83, 6, p. 962-970 9 p.
- Utilization of energy and amino acids of spray-dried egg, plasma protein, and soybean meal by ducks Norberg, S. E., Dilger, R. N., Dong, H., Harmon, B. G., Adeola, O. and Latour, M. A., Jun 2004, In: Poultry science. 83, 6, p. 939-945 7 p.