Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Email mcharp@illinois.edu
Marie Agathe Charpagne is an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. She was a first generation college student born in France. Supported by a fellowship by the French Agency for Research and Technology for her graduate studies , she investigated microstructure evolution mechanisms during high temperature forming in new generation polycrystalline nickel base superalloys. In 2017, she moved to the United States to work with Professor Tresa Pollock at the University of California in Santa Barbara. During 4.5 years spent there, she developed numerical tools to analyze plasticity and strain localization processes statistically and automatically, in a variety of structural materials under mechanical loading (superalloys, titanium alloys, refractory metals, high entropy alloys). This rich experience gives her unique insights on pathways to optimize materials microstructures -hence forming processes- for improved mechanical properties and durability.
Committed to gender equality, she has participated to several conferences dedicated to Women in STEM where she was an invited speaker, including the DEAN's Forum in Paris (2017), Women's Forum in Mexico city (2017) and W.IN Forum in New York (2018).
Aside from science, Marie is an active classical concert pianist and has given over 50 recitals across Europe and the USA. She graduated from the Conservatory of music with the highest honors in 2013 and is a winner of several international piano competitions.
EducationM.Eng., materials and mechanics, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, 2013
M.Sc., energy, materials and processing, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, 2013
Ph.D., materials science, Mines ParisTech, 2017
2023: National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2023: American Chemical Society PRF DNI award
2022: Teachers Ranked as Excellent
2022: Key Reader Award, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
2021: JOM editor's choice for A Multi-modal Data Merging Framework for Correlative Investigation of Strain Localization in Three Dimensions
Research areas:
Polycrystalline Solid
Research interests:
3D materials science
Additive Manufacturing
Correlative microscopy
Marie’s research focuses primarily on materials for energy and the environment and mechanical properties and materials for extreme conditions. Her work includes the fundamental understanding of materials used for energy generation and storage technologies from heat engines to solar cells as well as on materials for water purification. The studies include developing novel materials with advanced heat transport or heat resistance, understanding how these materials work at the atomic scale, and improving them. Her research also includes combining experiments, numerical simulations and modeling to improve existing materials and to develop new materials that will meet the requirements of these demanding applications.
- F. Wang, J.C. Stinville, M.A. Charpagne, M.P. Echlin, S.R. Agnew, T.M. Pollock, M.DeGraef, D.S. Gianola, Dislocation cells in additively manufactured metallic alloys characterized by electron backscatter diffraction pattern sharpness, Materials Characterization 112673, (2023)
- J.C. Stinville, M.A. Charpagne, R. Maass, H. Proudhon, W. Ludwig, P.G. Callahan, F.Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, M.P. Echlin, T.M.Pollock, Insights into Plastic Localization by Crystallographic Slip from Emerging Experimental and Numerical Approaches, Annual Reviews of Materials Research (2023)
- J.M. Hestroffer, JC Stinville, MA Charpagne, MP Miller, TM Pollock, IJ Beyerlein, Slip localization behavior at triple junctions in nickel-base superalloys, Acta Materialia (2023) 118801
- Jonathan M Hestroffer, Marie-Agathe Charpagne, Marat I Latypov, Irene J Beyerlein, Graph neural networks for efficient learning of mechanical properties of polycrystals, Computational Materials Science, vol.217, p.111894 (2023)
- Wyatt A Witzen, McLean P Echlin, Marie-Agathe Charpagne, Tresa M Pollock, Irene J Beyerlein, Subgrain geometrically necessary dislocation density mapping in spalled Ta in three dimensions, Acta Materialia, vol.244, p.118366 (2023)
- Y.Nie, Y.T. Chang, M.A. Charpagne, Functionally graded stainless steels with tailored grain boundary serration. Scripta Materialia vol.237 115714 (2023)
- C Bean, F Wang, MA Charpagne, P Villechaise, V Valle, SR Agnew, DS Gianola, TM Pollock, JC Stinville, Heterogeneous slip localization in an additively manufactured 316L stainless steel, International Journal of Plasticity, vol.159, p.103436 (2022)
- Dominic DR Peachey, Christopher P Carter, Andres Garcia-Jimenez, Anugrahaprada Mukundan, Donovan N Leonard, Marie-Agathe Charpagne, Zachary C Cordero, Directional recrystallization of an additively manufactured Ni-base superalloy, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 60, p.103198 (2022)
- J.M. Hestroffer, M.I. Latypov, J.C. Stinville, M.A. Charpagne, V. Valle, M.P. Miller, T.M. Pollock, I.J. Beyerlein, Development of grain-scale slip activity and lattice rotation fields in Inconel 718, Acta Materialia, 117627 (2022)
- JC Stinville, JM Hestroffer, MA Charpagne, AT Polonsky, MP Echlin, CJ Torbet, V Valle, KE Nygren, MP Miller, O Klaas, A Loghin, IJ Beyerlein, TM Pollock, Multi-modal dataset of a polycrystalline metallic material: 3d microstructure and deformation fields, Scientific Data, vol 9, issue 1, p.1-16 (2022)
- JC Stinville, MA Charpagne, A Cervellon, S Hemery, F Wang, PG Callahan, V Valle, TM Pollock, On the origins of fatigue strength in crystalline metallic materials, Science vol. 377, issue 6610, p.1065-1071 (2022)
- M.A.Charpagne, J.C.Stinville, F.Wang, N.Philips, T.M.Pollock, Orientation dependent plastic localization in the refractory high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr at room temperature, MSEA, (2022).
- K.V. Vamsi, M.A. Charpagne, T.M. Pollock, High-throughput approach for estimation of intrinsic barriers in FCC structures for alloy design, Scripta Materialia 204, 114126 (2021)
- M.A. Charpagne, J. Hestroffer, J.C. Stinville, A.T. Polonsky, M.P. Echlin, D. Texier, V. Valle, I.J. Beyerlein, T.M. Pollock, Slip localization in Inconel 718: a three-dimensional and statistical perspective, Acta Materialia (2021)
- MA Charpagne, JC Stinville, AT Polonsky, MP Echlin, TM Pollock, A Multi-modal Data Merging Framework for Correlative Investigation of Strain Localization in Three Dimensions, JOM 73, 11, pp. 3263-3271. (2021)
- P.R. Dawson, M.P. Miller, T.M. Pollock, J. Wendorf, L.H. Mills, J.C. Stinville, M.A. Charpagne, M.P. Echlin, Mechanical Metrics of Virtual Polycrystals (MechMet), Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation pp.1-21 (2021)
- S. Katnagallu, S. Vernier, M.A. Charpagne, B. Gault, N.Bozzolo, P. Kontis, Nucleation mechanism of hetero-epitaxial recrystallization in wrought nickel-based superalloys, Scripta Materialia 191 pp.7-11 (2021)
- S.Hemery, J.C. Stinville, F.Wang, M.A.Charpagne, M.Emigh, V.Valle, T.M.Pollock, Strain Localization and Fatigue Crack Formation at Twist Boundaries in Titanium Alloys, Acta Materialia (2021)
- T. Francis, P. Rottmann, A.T. Polonsky, M.A. Charpagne, M.P.Echlin, V. Livescu, D. Jones, G. Gray III, M. De Graef, T.M. Pollock, Multimodal 3D Characterization of Voids in Shock-Loaded Tantalum: Implications for Ductile Spallation Mechanisms, Acta Materialia, in press (2021)
- J. Cappola, J.C. Stinville, M.A Charpagne, P.G. Callahan, M.P. Echlin, T.M. Pollock, A. Pilchak, M. Kasemer, On the Localization of Plastic Strain in Microtextured Regions of Ti-6Al-4V, Acta Materialia (2020)
- J.C. Stinville, M.A. Charpagne, F. Bourdin, P.G. Callahan, T.M. Pollock, Measurement of Elastic and Rotation Fields during Irreversible Deformation using Heaviside-Digital Image Correlation, Materials Characterization 169, 110600 (2020)
- J.C. Stinville, P.G. Callahan, M.A. Charpagne, M.P. Echlin, V. Valle, T.M. Pollock, Direct Measurements of Slip Irreversibility in a Nickel Base Superalloy Using High Resolution Digital Image Correlation, Acta Materialia 186 p.172-189 (2020)
- J.C. Stinville, T. Francis, A.T. Polonsky, C.J. Torbet, M.A. Charpagne, Z. Chen, G.H. Balbus, F.Bourdin; V. Valle, P.G. Callahan, M.P. Echlin, T.M. Pollock, Time-Resolved Digital Image Correlation in the SEM for Analysis of Time Dependent Mechanisms, Experimental Mechanics, pp.1-18 (2020)
- M.A. Charpagne, A. Polonsky., M.P. Echlin, S. Jacomet, J. de Jaeger, M. de Graef, N. Bozzolo, T.M. Pollock Growth accidents induced by primary gamma ' precipitates in a polycrystalline Nickel-based superalloy, Scripta Materialia 138, p.109-113 (2020)
- M.A. Charpagne, J.C. Stinville, P.G. Callahan, P. Villechaise, D. Texier, V. Valle, T.M. Pollock, Automated and quantitative analysis of plastic strain localization via multi-modal data recombination, Materials Characterization 163 (2020)
- M.A. Charpagne, K.V. Vamsi, Y. Eggeler, S. Murray, C. Frey, J. Saal, S. Kolli, A. Van Der Ven, T.M. Pollock, Design of Nickel-Cobalt-Ruthenium Multi-Principal Element Alloys, Acta Materialia (2020)
- M.A. Charpagne, F. Strub, T.M. Pollock, Accurate reconstruction of EBSD datasets by a multimodal data approach using an evolutionary algorithm, Materials Characterization, 150, p.184-198 (2019)
- M.I. Latypov, M.A. Charpagne, M. Souther, B.R. Goodlet, M.P. Echlin, I.J. Beyerlein., T.M. Pollock, Computational homogenization for multiscale forward modeling of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of heterogeneous materials, Materials Characterization, 158 p. 109945 (2019)
- B.R. Goodlet, L. Mills, B. Bales, M.A. Charpagne, S.P. Murray, W.C. Lenthe, L. Petzold, T.M. Pollock Elastic Properties of Novel Co and CoNi-Based Superalloys Determined through Bayesian Inference and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 49-6, p.2324-2339 (2018)
- M.A. Charpagne, J.M. Franchet., N. Bozzolo, Overgrown grains appearing during sub-solvus heat treatment in a polycrystalline gamma-gamma’ Nickel-based superalloy, Materials and Design 144, p.353-360 (2017)
- M.A. Charpagne, P. Vennéguès, T. Billot, J.M. Franchet, N.Bozzolo, Evidence of multimicrometric coherent ?’ precipitates in a hot-forged ? /?’ nickel-based superalloy, Journal of Microscopy 263-1, p.106-112 (2016)
- M.A. Charpagne, T. Billot, J.M. Franchet, N. Bozzolo, Heteroepitaxial recrystallization observed in RENE 65TM and UDIMET 720TM : A new recrystallization mechanism possibly occurring in all low lattice mismatch ? /?’ Nickel based superalloys , Superalloys 2016 : 13th International Symposium on Superalloys, p. 417-426. (2016)
- M.A. Charpagne, T. Billot, J.M. Franchet, N. Bozzolo, Heteroepitaxial recrystallization: A new mechanism discovered in a polycrystalline ?-?' nickel based superalloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688, p.685-694 (2016)