
Karen Tabb Dina's directory photo.

Karen Tabb Dina


Primary Affiliation

Intelligence, Learning, and Plasticity


Status Part-time Faculty

Home School of Social Work

Phone 300-0200


Address 2365 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue

  • Biography

    Dr. Karen Tabb Dina’s current research agenda focuses identifying risk factors for morbidity and mortality among perinatal women and clinical factors to improve minority health. Dr. Tabb Dina is also an expert collaborator (in the areas of diabetes, mental health, maternal health, and North America) for the Global Burden of Disease Study where she assists in contributes to estimating population morbidity and mortality for 188 countries.


    • B.A., Sociology, Eastern Michigan University

    • Master of Social Work, University of Michigan

    • Ph.D., Social Welfare, University of Washington

  • Research

    Research Interests/Areas:

    • Perinatal depression

    • Health services research

    • Implementation science

    Dr. Tabb Dina’s research agenda addresses inequities in perinatal mental health as related to maternal mortality and morbidity in populations, clinics, and communities. She is one of the foremost international experts on perinatal patient engagement, perinatal mental health, racial disparities, and social determinants in maternal and child health. She has authored over 90 peer-reviewed journal articles and global burden of disease reports. She regularly speaks for invited medical grand rounds, continuing education seminars, conference plenaries, with policy leaders, and as invited keynote nationally and internationally. She makes regular media appearances—including InStyle Magazine, The Washington Post, and NPR’s All Things Considered to name a few.


    Dr. Tabb Dina’s major sources of funding are PCORI, NIH, and the state of Illinois.

  • 2022

    • Racial differences in immediate postpartum depression and suicidal ideation among women in a Midwestern delivery hospital.


    • Trends in suicidality 1 year before and after birth among commercially insured childbearing individuals in the United States, 2006-2017.