Kathryn Clancy
Primary Affiliation
Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and ResilienceAffiliations
Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Anthropology
Phone 244-1509
Email kclancy@illinois.edu
Address 2009 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Kathryn Clancy is a professor in the Department of Anthropology. Her work has significant repercussions for the general public and for science: She has testified before Congress, and co-authored a report by the National Academies on sexual harassment of women in STEM fields. She has spoken at conferences both nationally and internationally, led seminars, and offered advice on legal matters regarding sexual harassment in the scientific community. She also co-directs a research that examines how menstrual experiences are under-examined in vaccine studies, especially the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, and how this medical ignorance increases the likelihood of vaccine reluctance and rejection.
- B.A. cum laude, biological anthropology and women's studies, Harvard University, 2001
- Ph.D., anthropolgy, Yale University, 2007
2022: LAS Dean’s Distinguished Professorial Scholar
Research areas:
intersectional feminist biology
health and hormones
women scientists
Research interests:
environmental stressors and their impact on the physiology of menstruating people
sexual harassment in science
under-explored menstrual experiences in vaccine trials
The Clancy Lab is an intersectional feminist biology research playground that critically engages with questions around the influence of environmental stressors on the life history and reproductive physiology of women and gender minorities. Their main goals are to create opportunities for diverse research questions within this biocultural space, engage our STEM colleagues with their social science perspectives, and train the next generation of badass feminist researchers.
The Clancy Lab values justice and growth. Their value of justice comes from our longstanding interest in intersectional feminist biology: they prioritize racial, gender, sexual, and reproductive justice for their participants, their colleagues, and the constituencies affected by our research. Their value of growth comes from how scientific advancement rests on the successful mentoring of the next generation of scientists. They prioritize the mentoring of a diverse crew of trainees in order to maximize the perspectives and interpretations brought to bear on the research questions they ask, and in order to push for the asking of new questions.
- Managing menstruation with dignity: Worries, stress and mental health in two water-scarce urban communities in India Choudhary, N., SturtzSreetharan, C., Trainer, S., Brewis, A., Wutich, A., Clancy, K., Fatima, U. A. and Jobayer Hossain, M., 2023, In: Global Public Health. 18, 1, 2233996.
- Period: The Real Story of Menstruation Clancy, K., Apr 18 2023, Princeton University Press. 264 p.
- Dietary protein source matters for changes in inflammation measured by urinary C-reactive protein in rural polish women Ban, H. E., Lee, K. M. N., Rogers-LaVanne, M. P., Zablocka-Slowinska, K., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G. and Clancy, K. B. H., May 2022, In: American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 178, 1, p. 182-190 9 p.
- Investigating trends in those who experience menstrual bleeding changes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination Lee, K. M. N., Junkins, E. J., Luo, C., Fatima, U. A., Cox, M. L. and Clancy, K. B. H., Jul 2022, In: Science Advances. 8, 28, eabm7201.
- Role of Extracellular Matrix Biomolecules on Endometrial Epithelial Cell Attachment and Cytokeratin 18 Expression on Gelatin Hydrogels Zambuto, S. G., Jain, I., Clancy, K. B. H., Underhill, G. H. and Harley, B. A. C., Sep 12 2022, In: ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 8, 9, p. 3819-3830 12 p.
- The Embodiment of Insult: A Theory of Biobehavioral Response to Workplace Incivility Cortina, L. M., Sandy Hershcovis, M. and Clancy, K. B. H., Mar 2022, In: Journal of Management. 48, 3, p. 738-763 26 p.
- "There's realizing, and then there’s realizing": How social support can counter gaslighting of women of color scientists Rodrigues, M. A., Mendenhall, R. and Clancy, K. B. H., 2021, In: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 27, 2, p. 1-23 23 p.
- Bone density and frame size in adult women: Effects of body size, habitual use, and life history Lee, K. M. N., Rogers-LaVanne, M. P., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G. and Clancy, K. B. H., Mar 1 2021, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 33, 2, e23502.
- The Pieces of Me: The Double Bind of Race and Gender in Engineering Cross, K. J., Mendenhall, R., Clancy, K. B. H., Imoukhuede, P. and Amos, J., 2021, In: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 27, 3, p. 79-105
- Tuning Trophoblast Motility in a Gelatin Hydrogel via Soluble Cues from the Maternal-Fetal Interface Zambuto, S. G., Clancy, K. B. H. and Harley, B. A. C., Aug 1 2021, In: Tissue Engineering - Part A. 27, 15-16, p. 1064-1073 10 p.
- What are friends for? The impact of friendship on communicative efficiency and cortisol response during collaborative problem solving among younger and older women Rodrigues, M. A., Yoon, S. O., Clancy, K. B. H. and Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., 2021, In: Journal of Women and Aging. 33, 4, p. 411-427 17 p.
- Declining ages at menarche in an agrarian rural region of Poland Rogers, M. P., Lee, K. M. N., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Klein, L. D., Zablocka-Slowinska, K., Jasienska, G. and Clancy, K. B. H., May 1 2020, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 32, 3, e23362.
- From maternal tending to adolescent befriending: The adolescent transition of social support Rodrigues, M. A., Sanford, S. R., Rogers, M. P., Lee, K. M. N., Wilson, M. A., Amos, J., Hunter, C. D. and Clancy, K. B. H., Nov 1 2020, In: American journal of primatology. 82, 11, e23050.
- Sexual harassment of women Johnson, P., Widnall, S., Agogino, A. M., Arnold, N., Barabino, G. A., Bedolla, L. G., Clancy, K., Cortina, L., Dodrill, A., Gold, L. H., Greer, M., Gundersen, L. C., Hillman, E., Johnson, T. R. B., Kirland, A., Lazowska, E., Magley, V. J., Marinelli, R., Morella, C. A. and Pryor, J. B. and 1 others, , Mar 31 2020.
- Use science to stop sexual harassment in higher education Clancy, K. B. H., Cortina, L. M. and Kirkland, A. R., Sep 15 2020, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117, 37, p. 22614-22618 5 p.
- A gelatin hydrogel to study endometrial angiogenesis and trophoblast invasion Zambuto, S. G., Clancy, K. B. H. and Harley, B. A. C., Oct 6 2019, In: Interface Focus. 9, 5, 20190016.
- Physical activity in women of reproductive age in a transitioning rural Polish population Lee, K. M. N., Rogers, M. P., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G. and Clancy, K. B. H., May 1 2019, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 31, 3, e23231.
- Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate female physicists Aycock, L. M., Hazari, Z., Brewe, E., Clancy, K. B. H., Hodapp, T. and Goertzen, R. M., Apr 22 2019, In: Physical Review Physics Education Research. 15, 1, 010121.
- Soylent Is People, and WEIRD Is White: Biological Anthropology, Whiteness, and the Limits of the WEIRD Clancy, K. B. H. and Davis, J. L., Oct 21 2019, In: Annual Review of Anthropology. 48, p. 169-186 18 p.
- Intersecting identities of women in engineering Mendenhall, R., Cross, K. J., Amos, J. R., Clancy, K. B. H., Imoukhuede, P. U. I. and Cromley, J. G., Jun 23 2018, In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2018-June
- Double jeopardy in astronomy and planetary science: Women of color face greater risks of gendered and racial harassment Clancy, K. B. H., Lee, K. M. N., Rodgers, E. M. and Richey, C., Jul 2017, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 122, 7, p. 1610-1623 14 p.
- Proangiogenic Activity of Endometrial Epithelial and Stromal Cells in Response to Estradiol in Gelatin Hydrogels Pence, J. C., Clancy, K. B. H. and Harley, B. A. C., Sep 2017, In: Advanced Biosystems. 1, 9, 1700056.
- Signaling Safety: Characterizing Fieldwork Experiences and Their Implications for Career Trajectories Nelson, R. G., Rutherford, J. N., Hinde, K. and Clancy, K. B. H., Dec 2017, In: American Anthropologist. 119, 4, p. 710-722 13 p.
- The double bind of race and gender: A look into the experiences of women of color in engineering Cross, K. J., Clancy, K. B. H., Mendenhall, R., Imoukhuede, P. U. I. and Amos, J. R., Jun 24 2017, In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2017-June
- Cycle-phase dependent associations between CRP, leptin, and reproductive hormones in an urban, Canadian sample Clancy, K. B. H., Baerwald, A. R. and Pierson, R. A., Jul 1 2016, In: American journal of physical anthropology. 160, 3, p. 389-396 8 p.
- Race, inclusion, and science: Things that really do go together Amos, J. R., Hunter, C. D.-A., Clancy, K. B. H. and Tillman, A. S., 2015, In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society, 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for...
- The induction of pro-angiogenic processes within a collagen scaffold via exogenous estradiol and endometrial epithelial cells Pence, J. C., Clancy, K. B. H. and Harley, B. A. C., Oct 1 2015, In: Biotechnology and bioengineering. 112, 10, p. 2185-2194 10 p.
- Women who deliver twins are more likely to smoke and have high frequencies of specific SNPs: Results from a sample of African-American women who delivered preterm, low birth weight babies Huang, H., Clancy, K. B. H., Burhance, C., Zhu, Y. and Madrigal, L., Sep 1 2015, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 27, 5, p. 605-612 8 p.
- Survey of Academic Field Experiences (SAFE): Trainees report harassment and assault Clancy, K. B. H., Nelson, R. G., Rutherford, J. N. and Hinde, K., Jul 16 2014, In: PloS one. 9, 7, e102172.
- Building babies: Primate development in proximate and ultimate perspective Clancy, K. B. H., Hinde, K. and Rutherford, J. N., Jan 1 2013, Springer. 531 p.
- Inflammation, reproduction, and the goldilocks principle Clancy, K. B. H., Jan 1 2013, Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Springer, p. 3-26 24 p.
- Preface Hinde, K., Clancy, K. B. H. and Rutherford, J. N., Jan 1 2013, Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Springer, p. vii-ix
- Relationships between biomarkers of inflammation, ovarian steroids, and age at menarche in a rural polish sample Clancy, K. B. H., Klein, L. D., Ziomkiewicz, A., Nenko, I., Jasienska, G. and Bribiescas, R. G., May 2013, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 25, 3, p. 389-398 10 p.
- Systemic Inflammation Is Associated with Ovarian Follicular Dynamics during the Human Menstrual Cycle Clancy, K. B. H., Baerwald, A. R. and Pierson, R. A., May 22 2013, In: PloS one. 8, 5, e64807.
- Variation in adolescent menstrual cycles, doctor-patient relationships, and why we shouldn't prescribe hormonal contraceptives to twelve year olds. Emmerling, T., Higgins, A. and Clancy, K. B. H., 2011, Abstracts of AAPA Poster and Podium Presentations, American Journal of Physical Anthropology v. 144 no. 1. Vol. 144. p. 133
- Endometrial thickness is not independent of luteal phase day in a rural Polish population Clancy, K. B. H., Ellison, P. T., Jasienska, G. and Bribiescas, R. G., 2009, In: Anthropological Science. 117, 3, p. 157-163 7 p.
- Reproductive ecology and the endometrium: Physiology, variation, and new directions Clancy, K. B. H., 2009, In: American journal of physical anthropology. 140, SUPPL. 49, p. 137-154 18 p.
- Unexpected luteal endometrial decline in a healthy rural Polish population Clancy, K. B. H., Sep 2007, In: European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 134, 1, p. 133-134 2 p.
- Menstruation does not cause anemia: Endometrial thickness correlates positivelyl with Erythrocyte count and hemoglobin concentration in premenopausal women Clancy, K. B. H., Nenko, I. and Jasienska, G., Sep 2006, In: American Journal of Human Biology. 18, 5, p. 710-713 4 p.
- Study investigates the incidence of harassment in gender and sexual minorities in planetary science
- Study investigates the effects of parental relationships on female friendships
- Workshop focuses on transdisciplinary research on incivility in STEM contexts
- How does sexual harassment affect young women in physics?
- An academic reported sexual harassment. Her university allegedly retaliated.
- Rodrigues compares behavior of captive chimpanzees, bonobos in recent publication
- Report: Sexual harassment isn't just about sex
- When will the gender gap in science disappear?
- How a friend’s assault led one researcher to study sexual harassment in science
- Clancy testifies before U.S. Congress
- Clancy to discuss ‘intersectional feminist biology’ at March 1 Beckman Director’s Seminar