Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Speech and Hearing Science
Email husainf@illinois.edu
Address 2065 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Fatima T. Husain is a professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science. She worked for several years as a Postdoc and later as a Research Fellow in the Brain Imaging and Modeling lab of NIDCD, National Institutes of Health. She first came to the US as an international student from India. She has been at University of Illinois since January 2008.
Ph.D., Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University
2015-present: Member, Group 3 – Neuroimaging, TINNET COST (Tinnitus Network, European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
2012-present: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, American Tinnitus Association
2011-2012: Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, UIUC
Research Areas:
Normal Hearing
Hearing Loss
We conduct research on hearing and speech perception, as well as the disorders (e.g., hearing loss, tinnitus) associated with them. This is done by using a combination of computational modeling, brain imaging experiments, and behavioral experiments. Computational modeling allows for the generation of detailed, elaborate computer programs that simulate auditory and speech perception in the brain, specifically the cerebral cortex. The modeling allows us to describe the essence of a phenomenon being studied and to make testable predictions. The predictions made by the model are tested using behavioral and imaging tools. We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain detailed images of the structure and function of the brain, in particular, to investigate the differences between patient populations and healthy controls. This will allows us to evaluate therapies and to propose novel treatment methods for a particular disorder.
- Husain, F. T., Neural Networks of Tinnitus in Humans: Elucidating Severity and Habituation. Hearing Research 2016, 334, 37-48.
- Mudar, R. A.; Husain, F. T., Neural Alterations in Acquired Age-Related Hearing Loss. Frontiers in Psychology 2016, 7, 828, DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00828.
- Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; McAuley, E.; Husain, F. T., Physical Activity, Tinnitus Severity, and Improved Quality of Life. Ear and Hearing 2015, 36, (5), 574-581.
- Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A.; Husain, F. T., Neural Plasticity of Mild Tinnitus: An fMRI Investigation Comparing Those Recently Diagnosed with Tinnitus to Those That Had Tinnitus for a Long Period of Time. Neural Plasticity 2015.
- Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A.; McAuley, E.; Husain, F. T., Physical activity and tinnitus: Howe physical activity may decrease tinnitus severity. Proceedings of the 9th International TRI Tinnitus Conference, 2015, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S.; McAuley, E.; Husain, F. T., Increased Frontal Response May Underlie Decreased Tinnitus Severity. Plos One 2015, 10, (12).
- Husain F. T.; Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A., (in press). Alterations to the attention system in adults with tinnitus are modality specific. Brain Res. 2015 [Epub ahead of print]
- Husain, F. T.; Akrofi, K.; Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A., Alterations to the Attention System in Adults with Tinnitus Are Modality Specific. Brain Research 2015, 1620, 81-97.
- Husain, F. T.; Akrofi, K.; Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A., Alterations to the Attention System in Adults with Tinnitus Are Modality Specific. Brain Research 2015, DOI:10.1016/ j.brainres.2015.05.010.
- Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Akrofi, K.; Schmidt, S. A.; Dolcos, F.; Husain, F. T., Alterations of the Emotional Processing System May Underlie Preserved Rapid Reaction Time in Tinnitus. Brain Research 2014, 1567, 28-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.04.024.
- Husain, F. T.; Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Schmidt, S. A., The Effect of Mild-to-Moderate Hearing Loss on Auditory and Emotion Processing Networks. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2014, 8, 10, DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00010.
- Husain, F. T.; Schmidt, S. A., Using Resting State Functional Connectivity to Unravel Networks of Tinnitus. Hearing Research 2014, 307, 153-162, DOI: 10.1016/j.heares.2013.07.010.
- Husain, F. T., Effect of Tinnitus on Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions Varies with Hearing Loss. American Journal of Audiology 2013, 22, (1), 125-134, DOI: 10.1044/1059-0889(2012/12-0059).
- Roberts, L. E.; Husain, F. T.; Eggermont, J. J., Role of Attention in the Generation and Modulation of Tinnitus. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2013, 37, (8), 1754-1773, DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.07.007.
- Schmidt, S. A.; Akrofi, K.; Carpenter-Thompson, J. R.; Husain, F. T., Default Mode, Dorsal Attention and Auditory Resting State Networks Exhibit Differential Functional Connectivity in Tinnitus and Hearing Loss. Plos One 2013, 8, (10), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076488.
- Husain, F. T.; Patkin, D. J.; Kim, J.; Braun, A. R.; Horwitz, B., Dissociating Neural Correlates of Meaningful Emblems from Meaningless Gestures in Deaf Signers and Hearing Non-Signers. Brain Research 2012, Oct 10, (1478), 24-35.
- Akrofi , K.; Sutton, B. P.; Ouyang , C.; Husain, F. T. Cluster Sizes in Interleaved Silent Steady State (Isss) Imaging,Conference Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biological Society (EMBC),   Boston, MA, 2011, 7001-7004.
- Husain, F. T.; Medina, R. E.; Davis, C. W.; Szymko-Bennett, Y.; Simonyan, K.; Pajor, N. M.; Horwitz, B., Neuroanatomical Changes Due to Hearing Loss and Chronic Tinnitus: A Combined VBM and DTI Study. Brain Research 2011, 1369, 74-88.
- Husain, F. T.; Pajor, N. M.; Smith, J. F.; Kim, H. J.; Rudy, S.; Zalewski, C.; Brewer, C.; Horwitz, B., Discrimination Task Reveals Differences in Neural Bases of Tinnitus and Hearing Impairment. PLoS One 2011, 6, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026639.
- Rong, F.; Holroyd, T.; Husain, F. T.; Contreras-Vidal, H., Task-specific modulation of human auditory evoked responses in a delayed-match-to-sample task. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience 2011, 2, (85), 1-15.
- Smith, J. F.; Alexander, G. E.; Chen, K.; Husain, F. T.; Kim, J.; Pajor, N.; Horwitz, B., Imaging systems level consolidation of novel associate memories: a longitudinal neuroimaging study. NeuroImaging 2010, 50, (2), 826-36.
- Husain, F. T.; Patkin, D.; H., T.-V.; Braun, A. R.; Horwitz, B., Distinguishing the Processing of Gestures from Signs in Deaf Individuals: An fMRI Study. Brain Research 2009, 1276, 140-50.
- Ulloa, A.; Husain, F. T.; Kemeny, S.; Xu, J.; Braun, A. R.; Horwitz, B., Neural mechanisms of auditory discrimination of long-duration tonal patterns: A neural modeling and fMRI study. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 2008, 7, (4), 501-27.
- Wen, S.; Ulloa, A.; Husain, F. T.; Horwitz, B.; Contreras-Vidal, J. L., Simulated neural dynamics of decision-making in an auditory delayed match-to-sample task. Biological Cybernetics 2008, 99, (1), 15-27.
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