Howard Gritton
Assistant Professor
Primary Affiliation
Neurotechnology for Memory and CognitionAffiliations
Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Comparative Biosciences
Email hgritton@illinois.edu
Howard Gritton is an assistant professor in the Department of Comparative Biosciences. His primary affiliation is Neurotechnology for Memory and Cognition.
B.S., biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2004
Ph.D., neuroscience, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2006
Post-doctoral training, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, 2009
2023-2024: Brain Research Foundation Pilot Award
2023-2026: Roy J. Carver Early Career Award
2023-2027: NSF NCS-Frontiers Award
Research Areas:
Systems biology
Learning and Memory
Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
Research Interests:
Neuromodulation of learning and memory
Experience-dependent synaptic plasticity
Circuit mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders
Oscillatory activity in cognitive function
Excitatory/inhibitory balance in circuit function
Gritton’s lab uses animal models to understand how neuromodulators contribute to sensory and memory encoding and how this can facilitate interactions across regions of the brain. They utilize optogenetic and chemogenetic targeting tools to measure how perturbations of neurotransmitter systems associated with illness or disease alter sensory encoding and the coupling of neurons and brain regions together to ultimately influence learning and memory or cognitive and social behavior in mice.
- Mind In Vitro Platforms: Versatile, Scalable, Robust, and Open Solutions to Interfacing with Living Neurons Zhang, X., Dou, Z., Kim, S. H., Upadhyay, G., Havert, D., Kang, S., Kazemi, K., Huang, K. Y., Aydin, O., Huang, R., Rahman, S., Ellis-Mohr, A., Noblet, H. A., Lim, K. H., Chung, H. J., Gritton, H. J., Saif, M. T. A., Kong, H. J., Beggs, J. M. and Gazzola, M., Mar 20 2024, In: Advanced Science. 11, 11, 2306826.
- Special issue on cholinergic signalling Gritton, H. J., Booth, V. and Howe, W. M., May 2024, In: European Journal of Neuroscience. 59, 9, p. 2131-2137 7 p.
- A Robust and Compact Population Code for Competing Sounds in Auditory Cortex Nocon, J. C., Witter, J., Gritton, H., Han, X., Houghton, C. and Sen, K., Sep 1 2023, In: Journal of neurophysiology. 130, 3, p. 775-787 13 p.
- Parvalbumin neurons enhance temporal coding and reduce cortical noise in complex auditory scenes Nocon, J. C., Gritton, H. J., James, N. M., Mount, R. A., Qu, Z., Han, X. and Sen, K., Dec 2023, In: Communications biology. 6, 1, 751.
- Striatal cholinergic interneuron membrane voltage tracks locomotor rhythms in mice Shroff, S. N., Lowet, E., Sridhar, S., Gritton, H. J., Abumuaileq, M., Tseng, H. A., Cheung, C., Zhou, S. L., Kondabolu, K. and Han, X., Dec 2023, In: Nature communications. 14, 1, 3802.
- Theta and gamma rhythmic coding through two spike output modes in the hippocampus during spatial navigation Lowet, E., Sheehan, D. J., Chialva, U., De Oliveira Pena, R., Mount, R. A., Xiao, S., Zhou, S. L., Tseng, H. A., Gritton, H., Shroff, S., Kondabolu, K., Cheung, C., Wang, Y., Piatkevich, K. D., Boyden, E. S., Mertz, J., Hasselmo, M. E., Rotstein, H. G. and Han, X., Aug 29 2023, In: Cell Reports. 42, 8, 112906.
- Dopamine depletion selectively disrupts interactions between striatal neuron subtypes and LFP oscillations Zemel, D., Gritton, H., Cheung, C., Shankar, S., Kramer, M. and Han, X., Jan 18 2022, In: Cell Reports. 38, 3, 110265.
- Hearing in Complex Environments: Auditory Gain Control, Attention, and Hearing Loss Auerbach, B. D. and Gritton, H. J., Feb 10 2022, In: Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16, 799787.
- Distinct neuronal populations contribute to trace conditioning and extinction learning in the hippocampal CA1 Mount, R. A., Sridhar, S., Hansen, K. R., Mohammed, A. I., Abdulkerim, M., Kessel, R., Nazer, B., Gritton, H. J. and Han, X., 2021, In: eLife. 10, e56491.
- Fast, multiplane line-scan confocal microscopy using axially distributed slits Tsang, J. M., Gritton, H. J., Das, S. L., Weber, T. D., Chen, C. S., Han, X. and Mertz, J., Mar 1 2021, In: Biomedical Optics Express. 12, 3, p. 1339-1350 12 p.
- Large-scale voltage imaging in behaving mice using targeted illumination Xiao, S., Lowet, E., Gritton, H. J., Fabris, P., Wang, Y., Sherman, J., Mount, R. A., Tseng, H. A., Man, H. Y., Straub, C., Piatkevich, K. D., Boyden, E. S., Mertz, J. and Han, X., Nov 19 2021, In: iScience. 24, 11, 103263.
- Region-specific effects of ultrasound on individual neurons in the awake mammalian brain Tseng, H. A., Sherman, J., Bortz, E., Mohammed, A., Gritton, H. J., Bensussen, S., Tang, R. P., Zemel, D., Szabo, T. and Han, X., Sep 24 2021, In: iScience. 24, 9, 102955.
- Theta-gamma coupling emerges from spatially heterogeneous cholinergic neuromodulation Yang, Y., Gritton, H., Sarter, M., Aton, S. J., Booth, V. and Zochowski, M., Jul 2021, In: PLoS computational biology. 17, 7, e1009235.
- A Viral Toolbox of Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Synaptic Tags Bensussen, S., Shankar, S., Ching, K. H., Zemel, D., Ta, T. L., Mount, R. A., Shroff, S. N., Gritton, H. J., Fabris, P., Vanbenschoten, H., Beck, C., Man, H. Y. and Han, X., Jul 24 2020, In: iScience. 23, 7, 101330.
- High-contrast multifocus microscopy with a single camera and z-splitter prism Xiao, S., Gritton, H., Tseng, H. A., Zemel, D., Han, X. and Mertz, J., Oct 22 2020, In: Optica. 7, 11, p. 1477-1486 10 p.
- Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator Shemesh, O. A., Linghu, C., Piatkevich, K. D., Goodwin, D., Celiker, O. T., Gritton, H. J., Romano, M. F., Gao, R., Yu, C. C., Tseng, H. A., Bensussen, S., Narayan, S., Yang, C. T., Freifeld, L., Siciliano, C. A., Gupta, I., Wang, J., Pak, N., Yoon, Y. G. and Ullmann, J. F. P. and 14 others, , Aug 5 2020, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 107, 3, p. P470-486.e11
- A Teensy microcontroller-based interface for optical imaging camera control during behavioral experiments Romano, M., Bucklin, M., Gritton, H., Mehrotra, D., Kessel, R. and Han, X., May 15 2019, In: Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 320, p. 107-115 9 p.
- Muscarinic receptors regulate auditory and prefrontal cortical communication during auditory processing James, N. M., Gritton, H. J., Kopell, N., Sen, K. and Han, X., Jan 2019, In: Neuropharmacology. 144, p. 155-171 17 p.
- Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice Piatkevich, K. D., Bensussen, S., Tseng, H. A., Shroff, S. N., Lopez-Huerta, V. G., Park, D., Jung, E. E., Shemesh, O. A., Straub, C., Gritton, H. J., Romano, M. F., Costa, E., Sabatini, B. L., Fu, Z., Boyden, E. S. and Han, X., Oct 17 2019, In: Nature. 574, 7778, p. 413-417 5 p.
- Unique contributions of parvalbumin and cholinergic interneurons in organizing striatal networks during movement Gritton, H. J., Howe, W. M., Romano, M. F., DiFeliceantonio, A. G., Kramer, M. A., Saligrama, V., Bucklin, M. E., Zemel, D. and Han, X., Apr 1 2019, In: Nature Neuroscience. 22, 4, p. 586-597 12 p.
- Video-rate large-scale imaging with multi-Z confocal microscopy Badon, A., Bensussen, S., Gritton, H. J., Awal, M. R., Gabel, C. V., Han, X. and Mertz, J., Apr 2019, In: Optica. 6, 4, p. 389-395 7 p., 348815.
- A MicroRNA-Based Gene-Targeting Tool for Virally Labeling Interneurons in the Rodent Cortex Keaveney, M. K., Tseng, H. A., Ta, T. L., Gritton, H. J., Man, H. Y. and Han, X., Jul 10 2018, In: Cell Reports. 24, 2, p. 294-303 10 p.
- Automatic cell segmentation by adaptive thresholding (ACSAT) for large-scale calcium imaging datasets Shen, S. P., Tseng, H. A., Hansen, K. R., Wu, R., Han, X., Gritton, H. J. and Si, J., Sep 1 2018, In: eNeuro. 5, 5, e0056-18.2018.
- Video-rate volumetric neuronal imaging using 3D targeted illumination Xiao, S., Tseng, H. A., Gritton, H., Han, X. and Mertz, J., 2018, Optics and the Brain, BRAIN 2018. OSA - The Optical Society, (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers; vol. Part F88-BRAIN 2018).
- Video-rate volumetric neuronal imaging using 3D targeted illumination Xiao, S., Tseng, H. A., Gritton, H., Han, X. and Mertz, J., Dec 1 2018, In: Scientific reports. 8, 1, 7921.
- Acetylcholine release in prefrontal cortex promotes gamma oscillations and theta–gamma coupling during cue detection Howe, W. M., Gritton, H. J., Lusk, N. A., Roberts, E. A., Hetrick, V. L., Berke, J. D. and Sarter, M., Mar 22 2017, In: Journal of Neuroscience. 37, 12, p. 3215-3230 16 p.
- Crucial Roles for SIRT2 and AMPA Receptor Acetylation in Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Wang, G., Li, S., Gilbert, J., Gritton, H. J., Wang, Z., Li, Z., Han, X., Selkoe, D. J. and Man, H. Y., Aug 8 2017, In: Cell Reports. 20, 6, p. 1335-1347 13 p.
- An integrative approach for analyzing hundreds of neurons in task performing mice using wide-field calcium imaging Mohammed, A. I., Gritton, H. J., Tseng, H. A., Bucklin, M. E., Yao, Z. and Han, X., Feb 8 2016, In: Scientific reports. 6, 20986.
- Cortical cholinergic signaling controls the detection of cues Gritton, H. J., Howe, W. M., Mallory, C. S., Hetrick, V. L., Berke, J. D. and Sarter, M., Feb 23 2016, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 8, p. E1089-E1097
- What do phasic cholinergic signals do? Sarter, M., Lustig, C., Berry, A. S., Gritton, H., Howe, W. M. and Parikh, V., Apr 1 2016, In: Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 130, p. 135-141 7 p.
- Young adult born neurons enhance hippocampal dependent performance via influences on bilateral networks Zhuo, J. M., Tseng, H. A., Desai, M., Bucklin, M. E., Mohammed, A. I., Robinson, N. T., Boyden, E. S., Rangel, L. M., Jasanoff, A. P., Gritton, H. J. and Han, X., Dec 3 2016, In: eLife. 5, DECEMBER2016, p. 25 1 p., e22429.
- A systemically-available kynurenine aminotransferase II (KAT II) inhibitor restores nicotine-evoked glutamatergic activity in the cortex of rats Koshy Cherian, A., Gritton, H., Johnson, D. E., Young, D., Kozak, R. and Sarter, M., Jul 2014, In: Neuropharmacology. 82, p. 41-48 8 p.
- Beyond the connectome: The dynome Kopell, N. J., Gritton, H. J., Whittington, M. A. and Kramer, M. A., 2014, In: Neuron. 83, 6, p. 1319-1328 10 p.
- Deterministic functions of cortical acetylcholine Sarter, M., Lustig, C., Howe, W. M., Gritton, H. and Berry, A. S., Jun 2014, In: European Journal of Neuroscience. 39, 11, p. 1912-1920 9 p.
- Cognitive Performance as a Zeitgeber: Cognitive Oscillators and Cholinergic Modulation of the SCN Entrain Circadian Rhythms Gritton, H. J., Stasiak, A. M., Sarter, M. and Lee, T. M., Feb 18 2013, In: PloS one. 8, 2, e56206.
- Antidepressant suppression of non-REM sleep spindles and REM sleep impairs hippocampus-dependent learning while augmenting striatum-dependent learning Watts, A., Gritton, H. J., Sweigart, J. and Poe, G. R., Sep 26 2012, In: Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 39, p. 13411-13420 10 p.
- Bidirectional interactions between circadian entrainment and cognitive performance Gritton, H. J., Kantorowski, A., Sarter, M. and Lee, T. M., Mar 2012, In: Learning and Memory. 19, 3, p. 126-141 16 p.
- Interactions Between Cognition and Circadian Rhythms: Attentional Demands Modify Circadian Entrainment Gritton, H. J., Sutton, B. C., Martinez, V., Sarter, M. and Lee, T. M., Oct 2009, In: Behavioral Neuroscience. 123, 5, p. 937-948 12 p.
- Modulators in concert for cognition: Modulator interactions in the prefrontal cortex Briand, L. A., Gritton, H., Howe, W. M., Young, D. A. and Sarter, M., Oct 2007, In: Progress in Neurobiology. 83, 2, p. 69-91 23 p.
- Species-typical songs in white-crowned sparrows tutored with only phrase pairs Rose, G. J., Goller, F., Gritton, H. J., Plamondon, S. L., Baugh, A. T. and Cooper, B. G., Dec 9 2004, In: Nature. 432, 7018, p. 753-758 6 p.