Philippe H. Geubelle
Primary Affiliation
Autonomous Materials SystemsAffiliations
Status Affiliate Faculty
Home Department of Aerospace Engineering
Phone 244-7648
Email geubelle@illinois.edu
Originally from Belgium, Philippe Geubelle got his M.S. and Ph.D. in Aeronautics at Caltech in 1989 and 1993, respectively. After a year as Postdoctoral Research Associate at Harvard, he joined the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in January 1995, where he is currently Bliss Professor and Head in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, with joint appointments in Mechanical Science and Engineering, in Civil and Environmental Engineering, at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and at the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology. He is also serving as Director of the Illinois Space Grant Consortium and as President of the National Space Grant Foundation Board.
His research interests pertain to the theoretical and numerical treatment of complex problems in solid mechanics and materials, and, in particular, fracture mechanics, multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials, composite manufacturing, thin films for MEMS and microelectronics applications and the multidisciplinary computational analysis and design of multifunctional, biomimetic materials. Other research activities include computational aeroelasticity, structural/acoustic coupling and parallel programming.
- Barras, F., Geubelle, P. H., and Molinari, J.-F., (2017) Interplay between process zone and material heterogeneities for dynamic cracks. To appear in Physical Review Letters.
- Najafi, A. R., Safdari, M., Tortorelli, D., and Geubelle, P. H., (2017) Shape optimization using a NURBS-based interface-enriched generalized finite element method. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. DOI:10.1002/nme.5482.
- Pal, R. K., Waymel, R. F., Geubelle, P. H., and Lambros J., (2017) Tunable wave propagation in granular crystals by altering lattice network topology. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 139, 011005-1-7.
- Pety, S. J., Tan, M. H. Y., Najafi, A. R., Barnett, P. R., Geubelle, P. H., White, S. R., (2017) “Carbon fiber composites with 2D microvascular networks for battery cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115, 513-522. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.07.047.
- Pety, S. J., Tan, M. H., Najafi, A. R., Gendusa, A. C., Barnett, P. R., Geubelle, P. H., and White, S. R., (2017) “Design of redundant microvascular cooling networks for blockage tolerance.” To appear in Applied Thermal Engineering.
- Tan, M., and Geubelle, P. H., (2017) 3D dimensionally reduced modeling and gradient-based optimization of microchannel cooling networks. Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 323, 230–249. DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2017.05.024.
- Zhang, C., Awasthi, A. P., Geubelle, P. H., Grady, M. E., and Sottos, N. R., (2017) Effects of interface roughness on the cohesive strength of self-assembled monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 397, 192-198.
- Zhang, C., Awasthi, A. P., Geubelle, P. H., Sung, J., and Sottos, N. R., (2017) Multi-scale model of effects of roughness on the cohesive strength of self-assembled monolayers. International Journal of Fracture, in press. DOI:10.1007/s10704-017-0221-3
- Safdari, M.; Najafi, A. R.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H., A Nurbs-Based Generalized Finite Element Scheme for 3D Simulation of Heterogeneous Materials. Journal of Computational Physics 2016, 318, 373-390, DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2016.05.004.
- Tan, M. H. Y., Najafi, A. R., Pety, S. J., White, S. R., and Geubelle, P. H., (2016) Gradient-based design of actively-cooled microvascular composite panels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103, 594-606.
- Zhang, K. D.; Najafi, A. R.; Jin, J. M.; Geubelle, P. H., An Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Analysis for Electromagnetic Problems with Non-Conformal Discretizations. International Journal of Numerical Modelling-Electronic Networks Devices and Fields 2016, 29, (2), 265-279, DOI:10.1002/jnm.2073.
- Awasthi, A.; Wang, Z. Y.; Broadhurst, N.; Geubelle, P., Impact Response of Granular Layers. Granular Matter 2015, 17, (1), 21-31, DOI:10.1007/s10035-015-0547-3.
- Cuba-Ramos, A.; Aragón, A. M.; Soghrati, S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Molinari, J.-F., A New Formulation for Imposing Dirichlet Boundary Conditions on Non-Matching Meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2015, 13, 430-444, DOI:10.1002/nme.4898.
- Najafi, A. R.; Safdari, M.; Tortorelli, D. A.; Geubelle, P. H., A Gradient-Based Shape Optimization Scheme using an Interface-Enriched Generalized FEM. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2015, 296, 1-17, DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2015.07.024.
- Pal, R. K.; Morton, J.; Wang, E. H.; Lambros, J.; Geubelle, P. H., Impact Response of Elasto-Plastic Granular Chains Containing an Intruder Particle. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2015, 82, (1), DOI:Artn 011002 DOI:10.1115/1.4028959.
- Ramos, A. C.; Aragon, A. M.; Soghrati, S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Molinari, J. F., A New Formulation for Imposing Dirichlet Boundary Conditions on Non-Matching Meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2015, 103, (6), 430-444, DOI:10.1002/nme.4898.
- Safdari, M.; Najafi, A. R.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H., A Nurbs-Based Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Method for Problems with Complex Discontinuous Gradient Fields. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2015, 101, (12), 950-964, DOI:10.1002/Nme.4852.
- Soghrati, S.; Duarte, C. A.; Geubelle, P. H., An Adaptive Interface-Enriched Generalized Fem for the Treatment of Problems with Curved Interfaces. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2015, 102, (6), 1352-1370, DOI:10.1002/Nme.4860.
- Tan, M. H. Y.; Safdari, M.; Najafi, A. R.; Geubelle, P. H., A Nurbs-Based Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Scheme for the Thermal Analysis and Design of Microvascular Composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2015, 283, 1382-1400, DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2014.09.008.
- Zhang, K. D.; Geubelle, P. H.; Jin, J. M., A 3D Interface-Enriched Generalized FEM for EM Analysis of Composite Materials. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSO National Radio Science Meeting 2015 173-174.
- Zhang, K. D.; Jin, J. M.; Geubelle, P. H., A 3-D Interface-Enriched Generalized FEM for Electromagnetic Problems with Nonconformal Discretizations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2015, 63, (12), 5637-5649, DOI:10.1109/Tap.2015.2489217.
- Zhang, K. D.; Najafi, A. R.; Geubelle, P. H.; Jin, J. M., A 2D Interface-Enriched Generalized FEM for EM Analysis of Composite Materials. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2015 171-172.
- Zhang, K.; Najafi, A. R.; Jin, J.-M.; Geubelle, P. H., An Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Analysis for Electromagnetic Problems with Non-Conformal Discretizations. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 2015, DOI:10.1002/jnm.2073.
- Baniassadi, M.; Safdari, M.; Garmestani, H.; Ahzi, S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Remond, Y., An Optimum Approximation of N-Point Correlation Functions of Random Heterogeneous Material Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics 2014, 140, (7), DOI: 10.1063/1.4865966.
- Barras, F.; Kammer, D. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Molinari, J. F., A Study of Frictional Contact in Dynamic Fracture Along Bimaterial Interfaces. International Journal of Fracture 2014, 189, (2), 149-162, DOI:10.1007/s10704-014-9967-z.
- Breitenfeld, M. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Weckner, O.; Silling, S. A., Non-Ordinary State-Based Peridynamic Analysis of Stationary Crack Problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014, 272, 233-250, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2014.01.002.
- Grady, M. E.; Geubelle, P. H.; Braun, P. V.; Sottos, N. R., Molecular Tailoring of Interfacial Failure. Langmuir 2014, 30, (37), 11096-11102, DOI:10.1021/La502271k.
- Grady, M. E.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Interfacial Adhesion of Photodefinable Polyimide Films on Passivated Silicon. Thin Solid Films 2014, 552, 116-123, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2013.11.085.
- Manjunath, M.; Awasthi, A. P.; Geubelle, P. H., Plane Wave Propagation in 2D and 3D Monodisperse Periodic Granular Media. Granular Matter 2014, 16, (1), 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s10035-013-0475-z.
- Pal, R. K.; Awasthi, A. P.; Geubelle, P. H., Characterization of Wave Propagation in Elastic and Elastoplastic Granular Chains. Physical Review E 2014, 89, (1), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.012204.
- Pal, R. K.; Geubelle, P. H., Impact Response of Elasto-Plastic Granular and Continuum Media: A Comparative Study. Mechanics of Materials 2014, 73, 38-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2014.02.006.
- Soghrati, S.; Aragon, A. M.; Geubelle, P. H., Design of Actively-Cooled Microvascular Materials: A Genetic Algorithm Inspired Network Optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2014, 49, (4), 643-655, DOI: 10.1007/s00158-013-1000-z.
- Sucheendran, M.; Bodony, D.; Geubelle, P. H., Coupled Structural-Acoustic Response of a Duct-Mounted Elastic Plate with Grazing Flow. AIAA Journal 2014, 52, (1), 178-194.
- Aragon, A. M.; Saksena, R.; Kozola, B. D.; Geubelle, P. H.; Christensen, K. T.; White, S. R., Multi-Physics Optimization of Three-Dimensional Microvascular Polymeric Components. Journal of Computational Physics 2013, 233, 132-147.
- Aragon, A. M.; Soghrati, S.; Geubelle, P. H., Effect of in-Plane Deformation on the Cohesive Failure of Heterogeneous Adhesives. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2013, 61, (7), 1600-1611, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2013.03.003.
- Karanjgaokar, N.; Stump, F.; Geubelle, P.; Chasiotis, I., A Thermally Activated Model for Room Temperature Creep in Nanocrystalline Au Films at Intermediate Stresses. Scripta Materialia 2013, 68, (8), 551-554.
- Makeev, M. A.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Kieffer, J., Interfacial Adhesive Properties between a Rigid-Rod Pyromellitimide Molecular Layer and a Covalent Semiconductor via Atomistic Simulations. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, (11), 4702-4711, DOI: 10.1021/am3031163.
- Ostoich, C. M.; Bodony, D. J.; Geubelle, P. H., Interaction of a Mach 2.25 Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Fluttering Panel Using Direct Numerical Simulation. Physics of Fluids 2013, 25, (11), DOI: 10.1063/1.4819350.
- Pal, R. K.; Awasthi, A. P.; Geubelle, P. H., Wave Propagation in Elasto-Plastic Granular Systems. Granular Matter 2013, 15, (6), 747-758, DOI: 10.1007/s10035-013-0449-1.
- Soghrati, S.; Najafi, A. R.; Lin, J. H.; Hughes, K. M.; White, S. R.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H., Computational Analysis of Actively-Cooled 3D Woven Microvascular Composites Using a Stabilized Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2013, 65, 153-164, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.05.054.
- Wang, E.; Geubelle, P. H.; Lambros, J., An Experimental Study of the Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Contact Behavior of Metallic Granules. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2013, 80, DOI: 10.1115/1/4007254.
- Ashtekar, S.; Lyding, J.; Gruebele, M., Temperature-Dependent Two-State Dynamics of Individual Cooperatively Rearranging Regions on a Glass Surface. Physical Review Letters 2012, 109, (16).
- Awasthi, A. P.; Smith, K. J.; Geubelle, P. H.; Lambros, J., Propagation of Solitary Waves in 2D Granular Media: A Numerical Study. Mechanics of Materials 2012, 54, 100-112.
- Leonard, A.; Daraio, C.; Awasthi, A.; Geubelle, P., Effects of Weak Disorder on Stress-Wave Anisotropy in Centered Square Nonlinear Granular Crystals. Physical Review E 2012, 86, (3).
- Ostoich, C. M.; Bodony, D. J.; Geubelle, P. H., Fluid-Thermal Response of Spherical Dome under a Mach 6.59 Laminar Boundary Layer. AIAA Journal 2012, 50, (12), 2791-2808.
- Soghrati, S.; Geubelle, P. H., A 3D Interface-Enriched Generalized Finite Element Method for Weakly Discontinuous Problems with Complex Internal Geometries. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2012, 217, 46-57.
- Stump, F. V.; Karanjgaokar, N.; Geubelle, P. H.; Chasiotis, I., A Multiscale Model of Rate Dependence of Nanocrystalline Thin Films. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 2012, 10, (5), 441-459.
- Aragon, A. A.; Smith, K. J.; Geubelle, P. H.;White, S. R., Multi-Physics Design of Microvascular Materials for Active Cooling Applications. Journal of Computational Physics 2011, 230, 5178-5198. 
- Jaiman, R.; Geubelle, P.; Loth, E.; Jiao, X., Combined interface boundary condition method for unsteady fluid-structure interaction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2011, 200, (1-4), 27-39.
- Silva, M.; Geubelle, P. H.; Tortorelli, D. A., Energy release rate approximation for small surface-breaking cracks using the topological derivative. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2011, 59, (5), 925-939. 
- Tran, P.; Kandula, S. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Comparison of dynamic and quasi-static measurements of thin film adhesion. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2011, 44, (3).
- Aragon, A. M.; Duarte, C. A.; Geubelle, P. H., Generalized finite element enrichment functions for discontinuous gradient fields. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2010, 82, (2), 242-268.
- Tran, P.; Kandula, S. S. V.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Dynamic Delamination of Patterned Thin Films: A Numerical Study. International Journal of Fracture 2010, 162, 77-90.
- White, S. R.; Geubelle, P. H., Self-Healing Materials Get ready for repair-and-go. Nature Nanotechnology 2010, 5, (4), 247-248.
- Wu, W.; Hansen, C. J.; Aragon, A. M.; Geubelle, P. H.; White, S. R.; Lewis, J. A., Direct-write assembly of biomimetic microvascular networks for efficient fluid transport. Soft Matter 2010, 6, (4), 739-742.
- Kitey, R.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H., A hybrid experimental/numerical approach to characterize interfacial adhesion in multilayer low-kappa thin film specimens. Thin Solid Films 2010, 519, (1), 337-344.
- Kulkarni, M. G.; Matous, K.; Geubelle, P. H., Coupled multi-scale cohesive modeling of failure in heterogeneous adhesives. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2010, 84, (8), 916-946.
- Olugebefola, S. C.; Aragon, A. M.; Hansen, C. J.; Hamilton, A. R.; Kozola, B. D.; Wu, W.; Geubelle, P. H.; Lewis, J. A.; Sottos, N. R.; White, S. R., Polymer Microvascular Network Composites. Journal of Composite Materials 2010, 44, (22), 2587-2603.
- Tran, P.; Kandula, S. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Dyanamic Delamination of patterened thin films: A numerical study. International Journal of Fracture 2010, 162, 77-90. 
- White, S. R.; Geubelle, P. H., Self-healing materials: Get ready for repair-and-go. Nature Nanotechnology 2010, 5, 247-248. 
- Srinivasan, K. R.; Matous, K.; Geubelle, P. H.; Jackson, T. L., Thermomechanical modeling of regressing heterogeneous solid propellants. Journal of Computational Physics 2009, 228, (21), 7883-7901.
- Wei, Y. T.; Geubelle, P. H., A comparative study of GLS finite elements with velocity and pressure equally interpolated for solving incompressible viscous flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2009, 61, (5), 514-535.
- Brassart, L.; Inglis, H. M.; Delannay, L.; Doghri, I.; Geubelle, P. H., An extended Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for finite strain modeling of debonding in particle-reinforced elastomers. Computational Materials Science 2009, 45, (3), 611-616.
- Dooley, I.; Mangala, S.; Kale, L.; Geubelle, P., Parallel Simulations of Dynamic Fracture Using Extrinsic Cohesive Elements. Journal of Scientific Computing 2009, 39, (1), 144-165.
- Kitey, R.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Mixed-mode interfacial adhesive strength of a thin film on an anisotropic substrate. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2009, 57, (1), 51-64.
- Kulkarni, M. G.; Geubelle, P. H.; Matous, K., Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous adhesives: Effect of particle decohesion. Mechanics of Materials 2009, 41, (5), 573-583.
- Aragon, A. M.; Wayer, J. K.; Geubelle, P. H.; Goldberg, D. E.; White, S. R., Design of microvascular flow networks using multi-objective genetic algorithms. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008, 197, (49-50), 4399-4410.
- Inglis, H. M.; Geubelle, P. H.; Matous, K., Boundary condition effects on multiscale analysis of damage localization. Philosophical Magazine 2008, 88, (16), 2373-2397.
- Kandula, S. S. V.; Hartfield, C. D.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Adhesion strength measurement of polymer dielectric interfaces using laser spallation technique. Thin Solid Films 2008, 516, (21), 7627-7635.
- Kandula, S. S. V.; Tran, P.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Dynamic delamination of patterned thin films. Applied Physics Letters 2008, 93, (26).
- Kumar, N. C.; Matous, K.; Geubelle, P. H., Reconstruction of periodic unit cells of multimodal random particulate composites using genetic algorithms. Computational Materials Science 2008, 42, (2), 352-367.
- Mangala, S.; Wilmarth, T.; Chakravorty, S.; Choudhury, N.; Kale, L. V.; Geubelle, P. H., Parallel adaptive simulations of dynamic fracture events. Engineering with Computers 2008, 24, (4), 341-358.
- Matous, K.; Kulkarni, M. G.; Geubelle, P. H., Multiscale cohesive failure modeling of heterogeneous adhesives. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2008, 56, (4), 1511-1533.
- Nittur, P. G.; Maiti, S.; Geubelle, P. H., Grain-level analysis of dynamic fragmentation of ceramics under multi-axial compression. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2008, 56, (3), 993-1017.
- Roe, B.; Jaiman, R.; Haselbacher, A.; Geubelle, P. H., Combined interface boundary condition method for coupled thermal simulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2008, 57, (3), 329-354.
- Srinivasan, K. R.; Matous, K.; Geubelle, P. H., Generalized finite element method for modeling nearly incompressible bimaterial hyperelastic solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008, 197, (51-52), 4882-4893.
- Subhash, G.; Maiti, S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Ghosh, D., Recent advances in dynamic indentation fracture, impact damage and fragmentation of ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2008, 91, (9), 2777-2791.
- Tran, P.; Kandula, S. S. V.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R., Hybrid spectral/finite element analysis of dynamic delamination of patterned thin films. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2008, 75, (14), 4217-4233.
- Dantuluri, V.; Maiti, S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Patel, R.; Kilic, H., Cohesive modeling of delamination in Z-pin reinforced composite laminates. Composites Science and Technology 2007, 67, (3-4), 616-631.
- Inglis, H. M.; Geubelle, P. H.; Matous, K.; Tan, H.; Huang, Y., Cohesive modeling of dewetting in particulate composites: micromechanics vs. multiscale finite element analysis. Mechanics of Materials 2007, 39, (6), 580-595.
- Jaiman, R. K.; Jiao, X.; Geubelle, P. H.; Loth, E., Conservative load transfer along curved fluid-solid interface with non-matching meshes (vol 218, pg 372, 2006). Journal of Computational Physics 2007, 224, (2), 1307-1307.
- Matous, K.; Inglis, H. M.; Gu, X.; Rypl, D.; Jackson, T. L.; Geubelle, P. H., Multiscale modeling of solid propellants: From particle packing to failure. Composites Science and Technology 2007, 67, (7-8), 1694-1708.
- Roe, B.; Haselbacher, A.; Geubelle, P. H., Stability of fluid-structure thermal simulations on moving grids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2007, 54, (9), 1097-1117.
- Tan, H.; Huang, Y.; Liu, C.; Ravichandran, G.; Inglis, H. M.; Geubelle, P. H., The uniaxial tension of particulate composite materials with nonlinear interface debonding. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2007, 44, (6), 1809-1822.
- Jaiman, R. K.; Jiao, X.; Geubelle, P. H.; Loth, E., Conservative load transfer along curved fluid-solid interface with non-matching meshes. Journal of Computational Physics 2006, 218, (1), 372-397.
- Kandula, S. S. V.; Abanto-Bueno, J.; Lambros, J.; Geubelle, P. H., Cohesive modeling of quasi-static fracture in functionally graded materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2006, 73, (5), 783-791.
- Maiti, S.; Shankar, C.; Geubelle, P. H.; Kieffer, J., Continuum and molecular-level modeling of fatigue crack retardation in self-healing polymers. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transactions of the Asme 2006, 128, (4), 595-602.
- Matous, K.; Geubelle, P. H., Finite element formulation for modeling particle debonding in reinforced elastomers subjected to finite deformations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2006, 196, (1-3), 620-633.
- Tan, H.; Huang, Y.; Liu, C.; Geubelle, P. H., Effect of nonlinear interface debonding on the constitutive model of composite materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 2006, 4, (1), 147-167.