Aron K. Barbey
Research Affiliate
Primary Affiliation
Intelligence, Learning, and PlasticityAffiliations
Aron Keith Barbey is the Mildred Francis Thompson Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, and the Decision Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He began his career at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2011, where he was promoted to full professor in 2019. Dr. Barbey maintains a research affiliation with the Beckman Institute as a member of the Intelligence, Learning, and Plasticity initiative. His research investigates the neural mechanisms of human intelligence and decision making, with particular emphasis on enhancing these functions through cognitive neuroscience, physical fitness, and nutritional intervention. His research has been supported by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Defense, the White House BRAIN Initiative, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and private industry (Abbott Nutrition, Google Brain, and PepsiCo). Dr. Barbey has received multiple research awards and is the editor of the Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and Cognitive Neuroscience and the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Enhancement and Brain Plasticity. He earned his doctorate in Psychology from Emory University and completed a research fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience at the National Institutes of Health.
Ph.D., psychology, Emory University, 2007
Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Intelligence
Unlocking the nature and biological origins of human intelligence remains one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time – with the potential for transformative impact in the cognitive and clinical sciences. By achieving a deeper understanding of the network architecture of intelligence in the human brain, we aim to develop more precise biological phenotypes of cognitive function, establish neuroscience-guided interventions to enhance performance, and design personalized training protocols for precision health.
Our research suggests that intelligence is made possible by the brain’s remarkable capacity to reconfigure itself – to continually update prior knowledge on the basis of new information and to actively generate internal predictions that guide adaptive behavior and decision making. Rather than lying dormant until stimulated, we now recognize that the brain is a dynamic and active inference generator that anticipates incoming sensory inputs, forming hypotheses about that world that can be tested against sensory signals that arrive in the brain. Plasticity and adaptation are therefore critical for the emergence of human intelligence, providing a powerful mechanism for updating prior beliefs, generating dynamic predictions about the world, and adapting in response to ongoing changes in the environment.
This perspective provides a catalyst for contemporary research on human intelligence, breaking away from the classic view that intelligence originates from individual differences in a fixed set of cortical regions or a primary brain network. Our research suggests that general intelligence emerges from global, system-wide brain network dynamics and reflects the interaction of executive, social, and emotional processes. We believe scientific advances in the study of human intelligence will be propelled by bringing together these core facets of intelligence – infused by new research on the dynamic and adaptive nature of brain network function and modern AI methods from computer science and engineering to elucidate the information processing architecture of intelligence in the human brain.
Our work in clinical and translational neuroscience has focused on traumatic brain injury and sports-related concussion, conducting studies to investigate the network architecture of intelligence and guide the design of novel interventions to promote recovery of function (e.g., through non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS), mindfulness meditation, physical activity and aerobic fitness training, and nutritional intervention).
- Babak Hemmatian, Lav R. Varshney, Frederick Pi, Aron K. Barbey,The utilitarian brain: Moving beyond the Free Energy Principle,Cortex, Volume 170, 2024, Pages 69-79, ISSN 0010-9452, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2023.11.013. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010945223003076)
- Zwilling, C.E., Wu, J. and Barbey, A.K. Investigating nutrient biomarkers of healthy brain aging: a multimodal brain imaging study. npj Aging 10, 27 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41514-024-00150-8
- Anderson, Evan D., and Aron K. Barbey. “Investigating Cognitive Neuroscience Theories of Human Intelligence: A Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling Approach.” Human Brain Mapping, 20 Dec. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26164.
- Aron K Barbey, Teresa A Davis, Nutrition and the Brain – Exploring Pathways for Optimal Brain Health Through Nutrition: A Call for Papers, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 153, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 3349-3351, ISSN 0022-3166, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.10.026. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623726862)
- Drocco JA, Halliday K, Stewart BJ et al. Efforts to enhance reproducibility in a human performance research project [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 4 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2023, 12:1430 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.140735.1)
- Evan D Anderson, Tanveer Talukdar, Grace Goodwin, Valentina Di Pietro, Kamal M Yakoub, Christopher E Zwilling, David Davies, Antonio Belli, Aron K Barbey, Assessing blood oxygen level–dependent signal variability as a biomarker of brain injury in sport-related concussion, Brain Communications, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2023, fcad215, https://doi.org/10.1093/braincomms/fcad215
- Ramsey R Wilcox, Aron K Barbey, Connectome-based predictive modeling of fluid intelligence: evidence for a global system of functionally integrated brain networks, Cerebral Cortex, Volume 33, Issue 19, 1 October 2023, Pages 10322–10331, https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad284
- Tanveer Talukdar, Christopher E. Zwilling, Aron K. Barbey, Integrating Nutrient Biomarkers, Cognitive Function, and Structural MRI Data to Build Multivariate Phenotypes of Healthy Aging, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 153, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 1338-1346, ISSN 0022-3166, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.03.016.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623354853)
- Elizabeth, et al. “The Effects of Sustained Literacy Engagement on Cognition and Sentence Processing among Older Adults.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13, 11 July 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.923795.
- 1. Barbey AK, Karama S, Haier RJ, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge University Press; 2021.
- 1. Barbey AK. Human Intelligence and Network Neuroscience. In: Barbey AK, Karama S, Haier RJ, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge University Press; 2021:102-122.
- J. Tanprasertsuk, T.M. Scott, M.A. Johnson, L.W. Poon, P.T. Nelson, A. Davey, J.L. Woodard, R. Vishwanathan, A.K. Barbey, K. Barger, X.-D. Wang, E.J. Johnson, Brain ?-Tocopherol Concentration is Inversely Associated with Neurofibrillary Tangle Counts in Brain Regions Affected in Earlier Braak Stages: A Cross-Sectional Finding in the Oldest Old, The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle, Volume 10, 2021, Pages 8-16, ISSN 2534-773X, https://doi.org/10.14283/jarlife.2021.2.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2534773X24000119)
- Sloman, Steven A., et al. “Cognitive Neuroscience Meets the Community of Knowledge.” Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 15, 21 Oct. 2021, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnsys.2021.675127.
- Stine-Morrow, Elizabeth A. L., and others, 'The Potential for Socially Integrated and Engaged Lifestyles to Support Cognitive Health With Aging: Precursors and Pathways', in Grzegorz Sedek, Thomas Hess, and Dayna Touron (eds), Multiple Pathways of Cognitive Aging: Motivational and Contextual Influences (New York, 2021; online edn, Oxford Academic, 21 Oct. 2021), https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197528976.003.0013, accessed 19 Mar. 2025.
- Varshney, L. R., and Barbey, A. K. (2021). Beyond IQ: The Importance of Metacognition for the Promotion of Global Wellbeing. Journal of Intelligence, 9(4), 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence9040054
- Ana M. Daugherty, Bradley P. Sutton, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Neal J. Cohen, Aron K. Barbey, Individual differences in the neurobiology of fluid intelligence predict responsiveness to training: Evidence from a comprehensive cognitive, mindfulness meditation, and aerobic exercise intervention, Trends in Neuroscience and Education, Volume 18, 2020, 100123, ISSN 2211-9493, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tine.2019.100123. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211949319300560)
- Di Pietro, V., Yakoub, K. M., Caruso, G., Lazzarino, G., Signoretti, S., Barbey, A. K., Tavazzi, B., Lazzarino, G., Belli, A., and Amorini, A. M. (2020). Antioxidant Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury. Antioxidants, 9(3), 260. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9030260
- Hiscox LV, McGarry MDJ, Schwarb H, et al. Standard-space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020; 41: 5282–5300. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25192
- Jirayu Tanprasertsuk, Guylaine Ferland, Mary Ann Johnson, Leonard W Poon, Tammy M Scott, Aron K Barbey, Kathryn Barger, Xiang-Dong Wang, Elizabeth J Johnson, Concentrations of Circulating Phylloquinone,but Not Cerebral Menaquinone-4, Are Positively Correlated with a Wide Range of Cognitive Measures: Exploratory Findings in Centenarians, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 150, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 82-90, ISSN 0022-3166, https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz200.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316622020107)
- Larsen, R.J., Raine, L.B., Hillman, C.H. et al. Body mass and cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with altered brain metabolism. Metab Brain Dis 35, 999–1007 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11011-020-00560-z
- Michael I. Posner, Aron K. Barbey, General intelligence in the age of neuroimaging, Trends in Neuroscience and Education, Volume 18, 2020, 100126, ISSN 2211-9493, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tine.2020.100126. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211949320300028)
- Pindus, D.M., Zwilling, C.E., Jarrett, J.S. et al. Opposing associations between sedentary time and decision-making competence in young adults revealed by functional connectivity in the dorsal attention network. Sci Rep 10, 13993 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70679-7
- Rajesh, Aishwarya MA; Daugherty, Ana M. PhD; Jain, Sanjiv MD; Henry, Dawn SLP; Barbey, Aron K. PhD; Rubin, Rachael D. PhD. Comorbid Conditions Differentiate Rehabilitation Profiles in Traumatic Versus Nontraumatic Brain Injury: A Retrospective Analysis Using a Medical Database. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 35(6):p E524-E534, November/December 2020. | DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000578
- Zwilling, C.E., Strang, A., Anderson, E. et al. Enhanced physical and cognitive performance in active duty Airmen: evidence from a randomized multimodal physical fitness and nutritional intervention. Sci Rep 10, 17826 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74140-7
- Barbey, A. K. (2019). Choosing wisely. Science.
- Daugherty, A., Sutton, B., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., Barbey, A. K. (2019). Individual differences in the neurobiology of fluid intelligence predict responsiveness to training: Evidence from a comprehensive cognitive, mindfulness meditation, and aerobic fitness intervention. Trends in Neuroscience and Education.
- Di Pietro, V., Yakoub, K., Caruso, G., Amorini, A., Lazzarino G., Tavazzi, B., Barbey, A. K., Belli, A., Lazzarino, G. (2019). Antioxidant therapy in traumatic brain injury. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.
- Harshman, S., Pitsch, R., Schaeublin, N., Smith, Z., Strayer, K., Qualley, A., Cowan, D., Rose, S., O’Connor, M., Eckerle, J., Das, T., Barbey, A. K., Strang, A., Martin, J. (2019). Metabolic stability of exercise-induced sweat. Journal of Chromatography B.
- Key, M., Zwilling, C. E., Talukdar, T., & Barbey. A. K. (2019). Essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals moderate the relationship between the right frontal pole and measures of memory. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.
- Roman, J., Colom, R., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey. A. K. (2019). Cognitive and neural architecture of decision making competence. NeuroImage.
- Tanprasertsuk, J., Johnson, E. J., Johnson, M. A., Poon, L. W., Nelson, P. T., Davey, A., Martin, P., Barbey, A. K., Barger, K., Wang, X., Scott, T. M. (2019). Clinico-neuropathological findings in the oldest old from the Georgia Centenarian Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Turner, B. O., Paul, E. J., Barbey, A. K. & Miller, M. B. (2019). Reply to ‘fMRI replicability depends upon sufficient individual-level data’. Nature Communications Biology.
- Turner, B. O., Paul, E. J., Miller, M. B., & Barbey, A. K. (2019). Small sample sizes reduce the replicability of task-based fMRI studies. Nature Communications Biology.
- Yakoub, K., Davies, D., Zhangie, S., Bentley, C., Toman, E., Hammond, D., Forcione, M., Watson, C., Bishop, J., Cooper, L., Barbey, A. K., Sawlani, V., Di Pietri, V., Grey, M., Belli, A., (2019). An investigation into Repetitive Concussion in Sport (RECOS): A study protocol of a prospective, observational cohort study. BMJ Open.
- Zwilling C. E., Daugherty, A., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey. A. K. (2019). Enhancing decision making through multi-modal training. Nature Science of Learning.
- Barbey, A. K. (2018). Network neuroscience theory of human intelligence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 8-20.
- Daugherty, A. M., Zwilling, C., Paul, E. J., Sherepa, N., Allen, C., Kramer, A. F., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey, A. K. (2018). Multimodal fitness and cognitive training to enhance fluid intelligence. Intelligence, 66, 32-43.
- Di Pietro, V., Porto, E., Ragusa, M., Barbagallo, C., Davies, D., Forcione, M., Logan, A., Di Pietro, C., Purrello, M., Grey, M., Hammond, D., Barbey, A. K., Belli, A. (2018). Salivary microRNAs: Diagnostic markers of mild traumatic brain injury in contact-sport. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 11, 290.
- Hammer R., Paul E. J., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey. A. K. (2018). Individual differences in analogical reasoning revealed by multivariate task-based functional brain imaging. NeuroImage.
- Johnson, C. L., Schwarb, H., Horecka, K. M., McGarry, D. J., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., Barbey, A. K. (2018). Double dissociation of structure-function relationships in memory and fluid intelligence observed with magnetic resonance elastography. NeuroImage, 1, 99-106.
- Sandroff, B., Motl, R., Reed, W., Barbey, A. K., Benedict, R., De Luca, J. (2018). Integrative CNS plasticity with exercise in MS: The PRIMERS (Processing, Integration of Multisensory Exercise-Related Stimuli) conceptual framework. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 32, 847-862.
- Sharp, P. B., Sutton, B. P., Paul, E. J., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., Heller, W., Telzer, E. H., & Barbey, A. K. (2018). Mindfulness training induces structural connectome changes in mechanisms of interoception. Nature Scientific Reports.
- Talukdar, T., Román, F. J., Zwilling, C. E., Operskalski, J. T., & Barbey, A. K. (2018). Individual differences in decision making competence revealed by multivariate fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 2664-2672.
- Talukdar, T., Zamroziewicz, M., Zwilling, C., Barbey, A. K. (2018). Nutrient biomarkers shape individual differences in functional brain connectivity. Human Brain Mapping.
- Zwilling, C. E., Talukdar, T., Zamroziewicz, M., Barbey, A. K. (2018). Nutrient biomarker patterns, cognitive function, and fMRI measures of network efficiency in the aging brain. NeuroImage.
- Kruepke, M., Molloy, E. K., Bresin, K., Barbey, A. K., & Verona, E. (2017). A brief assessment tool for investigating facets of moral judgment from realistic vignettes. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 922-936.
- Barbey, A. K. (2018). Network neuroscience theory of human intelligence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 8-20.
- Daugherty, A. M., Zwilling, C., Paul, E. J., Sherepa, N., Allen, C., Kramer, A. F., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey, A. K. (2018). Multimodal fitness and cognitive training to enhance fluid intelligence. Intelligence, 66, 32-43.
- Greenlee, T. A., Greene, D. R., Ward, N. J., Reeser, G. E., Allen, C. M., Baumgartner, N. W., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., Hillman, C. H., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Effectiveness of a 16-week high-intensity cardio-resistance training program in adults. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31, 2528-2541.
- Johnson, C. L., Schwarb, H., Horecka, K. M., McGarry, D. J., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., Barbey, A. K. (2018). Double dissociation of structure-function relationships in memory and fluid intelligence observed with magnetic resonance elastography. NeuroImage, 1, 99-106.
- Paul, E. J., Turner, B. O., Miller, M. B., & Barbey, A. K. (In Press). Small sample sizes reduce the replicability of task-based fMRI studies. Communications Biology.
- Schwarb, H., Johnson, C. L., Daugherty, A. M., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Aerobic fitness, hippocampal viscoelasticity, and relational memory performance. NeuroImage, 179-188.
- Sharp, P. B., Sutton, B. P., Paul, E. J., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., Heller, W., Telzer, E. H., & Barbey, A. K. (In Press). Mindfulness training induces structural connectome changes in mechanisms of interoception. Scientific Reports.
- Talukdar, M. T., Nikolaidis, A., Zwilling, C. E., Paul, E. J., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Aerobic fitness explains individual differences in the functional brain connectome of healthy young adults. Cerebral Cortex, 14, 1-10.
- Talukdar, T., Román, F. J., Zwilling, C. E., Operskalski, J. T., & Barbey, A. K. (2018). Individual differences in decision making competence revealed by multivariate fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 2664-2672.
- Ward, N., Paul, E. J., Watson, P., Cooke, G., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Enhanced learning through multimodal training: Evidence from a comprehensive cognitive, physical fitness, and neuroscience intervention. Scientific Reports, 7, 5808.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., Paul, E. J., Zwilling, C. E., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Determinants of fluid intelligence in healthy aging: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid status and frontoparietal cortex structure. Nutritional Neuroscience, 11, 1-10.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., Paul, E. J., Zwilling, C. E., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Predictors of memory in healthy aging: Polyunsaturated fatty acid balance and fornix white matter integrity. Aging and Disease, 8, 372-383.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., Talukdar, M. T., Zwilling, C. E., & Barbey, A. K. (2017). Nutritional status, brain network organization, and general intelligence. NeuroImage, 161, 241-250.
- Nikolaidis, A., Baniqued, P., Kranz, M., Newman, M., Scavuzzo, C., Paul, E. J., Barbey, A. K., Kramer, A. F., & Larsen, R. (2016). Multivariate associations of fluid intelligence and NAA. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 2607-2616.
- Operskalski, J. T., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Methodological Considerations in Cognitive Training Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1481.
- Operskalski, J. T., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Risk literacy in medical decision-making: How can we better represent the statistical structure of risk? Science, 352, 413-414.
- Paul, E. J., Larsen, R. J., Nikolaidis, A., Ward, N., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Dissociable brain biomarkers of fluid intelligence. NeuroImage, 137, 201-211.
- Ponsoda, V., Martínez, K., Pineda-Pardo, J. A., Abad, F. J., Olea, J., Román, F. J., Barbey, A. K., & Colom, R. (2016). Structural brain connectivity and cognitive ability differences: A multivariate distance matrix regression analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 803-816.
- Watson, P. D., Paul, E. J., Cooke, G. E., Ward, N., Monti, J. M., Horecka, K. M., Allen, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Cognitive and anatomical data in a healthy cohort of adults. Data in Brief, 7, 1221-1227.
- Watson, P. D., Paul, E. J., Cooke, G. E., Ward, N., Monti, J. M., Horecka, K. M., Allen, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., Kramer, A. F., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Underlying sources of cognitive-anatomical variation in multi-modal neuroimaging and cognitive testing. NeuroImage, 129, 439-449.
- Watson, P. D.; Paul, E. J.; Cooke, G. E.; Ward, N.; Monti, J. M.; Horecka, K. M.; Allen, C. M.; Hillman, C. H.; Cohen, N. J.; Kramer, A. F.; Barbey, A. K., Underlying Sources of Cognitive-Anatomical Variation in Multi-Modal Neuroimaging and Cognitive Testing. Neuroimage 2016, 129, 439-449.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Nutritional cognitive neuroscience: Innovations for healthy brain aging. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 240.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., Paul, E. J., Zwilling, C. E., Johnson, E. J., Kuchan, M. J., Cohen, N. J., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Parahippocampal cortex mediates the relationship between lutein and crystallized intelligence in healthy, older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 297.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K., Zwilling, C. E., & Barbey, A. K. (2016). Inferior prefrontal cortex mediates the relationship between phosphatidylcholine and executive functions in healthy, older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 226.
- Barbey, A. K.; Belli, A.; Logan, A.; Rubin, R.; Zamroziewicz, M.; Operskalski, J. T., Network Topology and Dynamics in Traumatic Brain Injury. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2015, 4, 92-102.
- Lewis, J. D.; Krueger, F.; Raymont, V.; Solomon, J.; Knutson, K. M.; Barbey, A. K.; Poore, J. C.; Wassermann, E. M.; Grafman, J., Anhedonia in Combat Veterans with Penetrating Head Injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2015, 9, (3), 456-460.
- Lewis, J. D.; Krueger, F.; Raymont, V.; Solomon, J.; Knutson, K. M.; Barbey, A. K.; Poore, J. C.; Wassermann, E. M.; Grafman, J., Anhedonia in Combat Veterans with Penetrating Head Injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2015, DOI:10.1007/s11682-015-9414-4.
- Operskalski, J. T.; Paul, E. J.; Colom, R.; Barbey, A. K.; Grafman, J., Lesion Mapping the Four-Factor Structure of Emotional Intelligence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, 9.
- Patterson, R.; Operskalski, J. T.; Barbey, A. K., Motivated Explanation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, 9.
- Paul, E. J.; Smith, J. D.; Valentin, V. V.; Turner, B. O.; Barbey, A. K.; Ashby, F. G., Neural Networks Underlying the Metacognitive Uncertainty Response. Cortex 2015, 71, 306-322.
- Van Hoeck, N.; Watson, P. D.; Barbey, A. K., Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Counterfactual Reasoning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, 9.
- Wolff, P.; Barbey, A. K., Causal Reasoning with Forces. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, 9, DOI:ARTN 1 DOI:10.3389/Fnhum.2015.00001.
- Zamroziewicz, M. K.; Paul, E. J.; Rubin, R. D.; Barbey, A. K., Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates the Relationship between O3PUFAS and Executive Functions in APOE e4 Carriers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2015, 7, 87.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Paul, E. J., Chau, A., Solomon, J., Grafman, J.H. In press. Lesion mapping of social problem solving. Brain. 
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Paul, E. J., Forbes, C., Krueger, F., Goldman, D., Grafman, J. (2014). Preservation of general intelligence following traumatic brain injury: Contributions of the met66 brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Plos One.
- Barbey, A. K.; Colom, R.; Grafman, J., Distributed Neural System for Emotional Intelligence Revealed by Lesion Mapping. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2014, 9, (3), 265-272, DOI:10.1093/Scan/Nss124.
- Barbey, A. K.; Colom, R.; Grafman, J., Neural Mechanisms of Discourse Comprehension: A Human Lesion Study. Brain 2014, 137, 277-287, DOI:10.1093/Brain/Awt312.
- Barbey, A. K.; Colom, R.; Paul, E. J.; Grafman, J., Architecture of Fluid Intelligence and Working Memory Revealed by Lesion Mapping. Brain Structure & Function 2014, 219, (2), 485-494, DOI:10.1007/s00429-013-0512-z.
- Forbes, C. P., J., Krueger, F., Barbey, A. K., Solomon, J., Grafman, J. (2014). The role of executive function and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the expression of neuroticism and conscientiousness. Social Neuroscience, 9, 139-151.
- Khemlani, S., Barbey, A. K., Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2014). Causal reasoning: Mental computations and brain mechanisms. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Wolff, P., Barbey, A. K. (2014). Composing causal relations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Grafman, J. (2013). Architecture of cognitive flexibility revealed by lesion mapping. NeuroImage, 82, 547-554.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Grafman, J. (2013). Neural mechanisms of discourse comprehension: A human lesion study. Brain, 137, 277-287.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Paul, E. J., Grafman, J. (2013). Architecture of fluid intelligence and working memory revealed by lesion mapping. Brain Structure and Function, 10.1007/s00429-013-0512-z.
- Bowman, G. L., Dodge, H., Mattek, N., Barbey, A.K., Silbert, L. C., Shinto, L., Howieson, D., Kaye, J., Quinn, J. (2013). Plasma omega 3 PUFA and white matter mediated executive decline in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5, 92.
- Hasadsri, L., Wang, B. H., Lee, J. V., Erdman, J. W., Llano, D. A., Barbey, A. K., Wszalek, T., Sharrock, M. F., Wang, H. (2013). Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 30, 897-906.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Grafman, J. (2012). Distributed neural system for emotional intelligence revealed by lesion mapping. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 265-272.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Grafman, J. (2012). Dorsolateral prefrontal contributions to human intelligence. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1361-1369.
- Barbey, A. K., Colom, R., Solomon, J., Krueger, F., Forbes, C., Grafman, J. (2012). An integrative architecture for general intelligence and executive function revealed by lesion mapping. Brain, 135, 1154-1164.
- Barbey, A. K., Koenigs, M., Grafman, J. (2012). Dorsolateral prefrontal contributions to human working memory. Cortex, 49, 1195-1205.
- Hecht, E. E., Patterson, R., Barbey, A. K. (2012). What can other animals tell us about human social cognition? An evolutionary perspective on reflective and reflexive processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 224.
- Patterson, R., Rothstein, J., Barbey, A. K. (2012). Reasoning, cognitive control, and moral intuition. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 6, 114.
- Barbey, A. K., Grafman, J. (2011). An integrative cognitive neuroscience theory for social reasoning and moral judgment. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2, 55-67.
- Barbey, A. K., Koenigs, M., Grafman, J. (2011). Orbitofrontal contributions to human working memory. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 789-795.
- Barbey, A. K., Patterson, R. (2011). Architecture of explanatory inference in the human prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 162.
- Forbes, C. E., Poore, J. C., Barbey, A. K., Krueger, F., Solomon, J., Lipsky, R. H., Hodgkinson, C. A., Goldman, D., Grafman, J.  (2011). BDNF Polymorphism-Dependent OFC and DLPFC Plasticity Differentially Moderates Implicit and Explicit Bias. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 2602-2609.
- Koenigs, M., Acheson, D. J., Barbey, A. K., Solomon, J., Postle, B. R., Grafman, J. (2011). Areas of left perisylvian cortex mediate auditory-verbal short-term memory. Neuropsychologia, 49, 3612-3619.
- Barbey, collaborators study the collective mind
- Beckman welcomes Barbey, Diao as research theme co-chairs
- Barbey edits new Cambridge Handbook
- Seven students win 2021 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellowships
- Google Research, Beckman researchers tap artificial intelligence to learn more about how intelligence is created in the human brain
- Postdoc from Ireland wins prestigious fellowship to conduct research with Barbey at Illinois
- 2021 Beckman Institute postdoctoral fellows announced
- Exercise and nutrition regimen benefits physical, cognitive health
- NSF grant to support technology development to increase research accuracy
- Understanding the role of cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in brain health
- Seven named 2020 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellows
- Empathy in artificial intelligence
- By imaging the brain, scientists can predict a person's aptitude for training
- DARPA awards $10M to Barbey, colleagues for projects on human performance optimization
- Seven named 2019 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellows
- Mensa honors Barbey for neuroscience research on human intelligence
- Barbey seeking multidisciplinary participation in special issue of ‘Journal of Intelligence’ on human and machine intelligence
- Study links nutrients in blood to better brain connectivity, cognition in older adults
- The biological roots of intelligence
- Study: Larger sample sizes needed to increase reproducibility in neuroscience studies
- New Center for Brain Plasticity launches
- Decision-making is shaped by individual differences in the functional brain connectome
- Lam developing advanced imaging techniques to study brain function and characterize diseases
- The science of intelligence: Barbey explores how to improve human judgement and decision-making
- Theory: Flexibility is at the heart of human intelligence
- Nutrition has benefits for brain network organization, new research finds
- Firmer, fitter frame linked to firmer, fitter brain
- Cognitive cross-training enhances learning, study finds
- Fish oil may boost brain function in older adults
- Studies link healthy brain aging to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the blood
- Brain tissue structure could explain link between fitness and memory
- Nutrition linked to brain health and intelligence in older adults
- Final year of INSIGHT study focuses on data analysis
- Barbey and Posner co-edit special issue in trends in neuroscience and education
- Study links nutrition to brain health and cognitive aging
- Specific brain markers linked to specific intellectual capabilities
- Postdoctoral fellow Ward examines the ability to multitask
- Risk literacy in medical decision-making
- Barbey combines methodologies to make a better brain
- Researchers identify how mental abilities are shaped by individual differences in the brain