Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Phone 265-5581
Email ajwj@illinois.edu
Amy Wagoner Johnson received her Master of Science and Ph. D. in Engineering from Brown University. Now she is an assistant professor in the University of Illinois Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, and an affiliate faculty in the Department of Bioengineering and the Institute for Genomic Biology. Since 2003 she has been an affiliate faculty member in the Beckman Institute and a member of the Autonomous Materials Systems Group.
Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising, UIUC, 2009; Honorable Mention for the 2009 Early Career Faculty Fellow Award from The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, 2009; Alice L. Jee Memorial Award, Sun Valley Workshop on Skeletal Tissue Biology, August 2008; Research featured in NCSA news magazine, ACCESS. “Bone Builder” Vol 21 No 2, Summer 2008; Research featured on front page of Daily Illini, “Professor Develops Bone Implant, Synthetic Scaffold Boosts Regrowth, Restores Function,” December 11, 2008; Paper listed at the Top 10 most downloaded Biomaterials (IF 5.196) papers, June 27, 2007;GANN Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education, 1996-1998; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; American Society for Materials (ASM) Scholar, 1995; Fontana Scholarship, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1993-1994; Society of Women Engineers/Central Intelligence Agency Scholarship, 1993-1994.
Amy Wagoner Johnson’s research activities center primarily around bone tissue engineering including design, fabrication, and mechanical and microstructural characterization of bone scaffolds (3D, in vivo or in vitro) or substrates (2D, in vitro), as well as the characterization of scaffold- or substrate-bone composites.
- Durgam, S.S.; Stewart, A. A.; Sivaguru, M.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; and Stewart, M. C., Tendonderived progenitor cells improve healing of collagenase-induced flexor tendinitis, Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2016, doi: 10.1002/jor.23251.
- Poellmann, M. J.; Estrada, J. B.; Boudou, T.; Berent, Z. T.; Franck, C.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Differences in Morphology and Traction Generation of Cell Lines Representing Different Stages of Osteogenesis. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2016, 137, (12), 124503.
- Rustom, L.E.; Boudou, T.; Lou, S.; Pignot-Paintrand, I.; Nemke, B. W.; Lu, Y.; Markel, M.; Picart, C; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Micropore-induced Capillarity Enhances Bone Distribution in vivo in Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds, Acta Biomaterialia, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.08.025
- Xie, Y.; Rustom, L. E.; McDermott, A. M.; Boerckel, J. D.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Hoelzle, D. J., Net Shape Fabrication of Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Multiple Material Domains. Biofabrication 2016, 8, 015005, DOI:10.1088/1758-5090/8/1/015005.
- Hoelzle, D.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Alleyne, A., A Bumpless Transfer Filter for Exogenous Feedforward Signals. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2014, 22, (4), 1581-1588.
- Poellmann, M. J.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Multimaterial Polyacrylamide: Fabrication with Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing, Applications, and Modeling. Journal of Biofabrication 2014, 6, 1-12.
- Santos, M. P.; Gutierrez-Nibeyro, S. D.; Horn, G. P.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Stewart, M. C.; D. J. Schaeffer, D. J., Mechanical Properties of Various Suture Materials and Placement Patterns Tested with Surrogate in Vitro Model Constructs Simulating Laryngeal Advancement Tie-Forward Procedures in Horses. American Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2014, 75, (5), 500-506.
- Lau, T. Y.; Sangha, H. K.; Chien, E. K.; McFarlin, B. L.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Toussaint, K. C., Application of Fourier Transform-Second-Harmonic Generation Imaging to the Rat Cervix. Journal of Microscopy 2013, 251, (1), 77-83.
- Poellmann, M. J.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., A Method to Functionalize Polyacrylamide Substrates for Cell Culture. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 2013, 6, (3), 299-309.
- Polak, S. J.; Rustom, L. E.; Genin, G. M.; Talcott, M.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., A Mechanism for Effective Cell-Seeding in Rigid, Microporous Substrates. Acta Biomateriala 2013, 9, (8), 7977-7986.
- Polak, S. J.; Candido, S.; Levengood, S. K. L.; Johnson, A. J. W., Automated Segmentation of Micro-Ct Images of Bone Formation in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2012, 36, (1), 54-65.
- Barton, K. L.; Hoelzle, D. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Johnson, A. J. W., Cross-Coupled Iterative Learning Control of Systems with Dissimilar Dynamics: Design and Implementation. International Journal of Control 2011, 84, (7), 1223-1233.
- Hoelzle, D. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Johnson, A. J. W., Basis Task Approach to Iterative Learning Control with Applications to Micro-Robotic Deposition. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2011, 19, (5), 1138-1148.
- Hoelzle, D. J.; Svientek, S. R.; Alleyne, A. G.; Johnson, A. J. W., Design and Manufacture of Combinatorial Calcium Phosphate Bone Scaffolds. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 2011, 133, DOI: 10.1115/1.4005173.
- Levengood, S. K. L.; Poellmann, M. J.; Clark, S. G.; Ingram, D. A.; Yoder, M. C.; Johnson, A. J. W., Human Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Undergo Vasculogenesis within Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Bone Tissue Engineering Constructs. Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7, (12), 4222-4228.
- Norato, J. A.; Johnson, A. J. W., A Computational and Cellular Solids Approach to the Stiffness-Based Design of Bone Scaffolds. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 2011, 133, DOI: 10.1115/1.4004994.
- Poellmann, M. J.; Barton, K. L.; Mishra, S.; Johnson, A. J. W., Patterned Hydrogel Substrates for Cell Culture with Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing. Macromolecular Bioscience 2011, 11, (9), 1164-1168.
- Polak, S. J.; Lan Levengood, S. K.; Wheeler, M. B.; Maki, A. J.; Clark, S. G.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Analysis of the roles of Microporosity and BMP-2 on Multiple Measures of Bone Regeneration and Healing in Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7, (4), 1760-1771. 
- Ramachandra Rao, R. A.; Toussaint, K. C.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., The Effect of Keratoconus on the Structural, Mechanical, and Optical Properties of the Cornea. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2011, 4, 223-226.
- Thorpe, M.; Valentine, R.; Moulton, C.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Evans, E.; Layman, D., Breast Tumors Induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea are Damaging to Bone Strength, Structure and Mineralization in the Absence of Metastasis in Rats. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2011, 26, (4), 769-776. 
- Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Harley, B. A. C. (Eds), Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions. Springer: New York, 2011; Vol. XIV, p 322. 
- Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Herschler, B. A., A Review of the Mechanical Behavior of CaPs and CaP/polymer Composites for Applications in Bone Repair and Replacement. Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7, 16-30. 
- Lan Levengood, S. K.; Polak, S. J.; Wheeler, M. B.; Maki, A. J.; Clark, S. G.; Jamison, R. D.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Multiscale osteointegration as a new paradigm for the design of calcium phosphate scaffolds for bone regeneration.Biomaterials 2010, 31, (13), 3552-3563.
- Poellmann, M. J.; Harrell, P. A.; King, W. P.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Geometric microenvironment directs cell morphology on topographically patterned hydrogel substrates. Acta Biomaterialia, 2010, on-line.
- Lee, J. S.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J.; Murphy, W. L., A Modular, Hydroxyapatite-binding Version of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. Advanced Materials 2010, 22, (48), 5494-5498. 
- Levengood, L.; Polak, S. S.; Poellmann, M.; Hoelzle, D.; Maki, A.; Clark, S. G.; Wheeler, M. B.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., The Effect of BMP-2 on Micro and Macroscale Osteointegration of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Multiscale Porosity. Acta Biomaterialia 2010, 6, 3283-3291.
- Levengood, L.; Polak, S. S.; Wheeler, W. B.; Maki, A.; Clark, S. G.; Jamison, R. D.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Multiscale Osteointegration as a New Paradigm for Bone Scaffold Design. Biomaterials 2010, 31, 3552-3563.
- Poellmann, M.; Harrell, P.; King, W. P.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Geometric Microenvironment Directs Cell Morphology on Topographically Patterned Hydrogel Substrates. Acta Biomaterialia 2010, 6, 3514-3523.
- Morgan, A. W.; Baldrighi, J. M.; Choy, Y. B.; Choi, H.; Goldwasser, M. S.; Kim, K.; Lan, S.; Mello, M.; Park, C. J.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J; Wheeler, M. B and Jamison, R. D., Dual Release of rhBMP-2 and rhTGF-beta 1 Improves Bone Healing in a Rabbit Calvarial Defect. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (submitted).
- Hilldore A. J.; Morgan, A. W.; Woodard, J. R. and W. Johnson, A. J., The Curve Integration Method Is Comparable to Manual Segmentation for the Analysis of Bone/Scaffold Composites Using Micro-CT. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 2009, 88B:1, 271-279.
- Lee, J.S., Lee, J.S., Wagoner Johnson, A., Murphy, W.L., Engineered, modular growth factors for substrate-mediated stem cell differentiation. Nature Biotechnology (submitted).
- McIntosh, L.; Cordell, J. and Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Impact of Bone Geometry on Effective Properties of Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia, 2009, 5:2,680-692.
- Park C. J.; Gabrielson, N. P.; Pack, D. W.; Jamison, R. D.; Johnson, A. J. W., The Effect of Chitosan on the Migration of Neutrophil-like HL60 Cells, Mediated by IL-8. Biomaterials 2009, 30:4, 436-444.
- Barton, K. L.; Hoelzle, D. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Cross Coupled Iterative Learning Control of Dissimilar Systems Using a Dynamic Filter, Proceedings of the Symposium on Learning Control at IEEE CDC 2009, Shanghai, China, 2009.
- Hoelzle, D. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Cross Coupled Iterative Learning Control of Dissimilar Systems, Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Hollywood, CA, 2009.
- Park, C. J.; Clark, S. G.; Lichtensteiger, C. A.; Jamison, R. D.; Wagoner Johnson, A. J., Accelerated wound closure of pressure ulcers in aged mice by chitosan scaffolds with and without bFGF. Acta Biomaterialia 2009, 5, (6), 1926-1936.
- Cordell, J.; Vogl, M. and Wagoner Johnson, A. J., The Influence of Micropore Size on Bulk Hydroxyapatite and Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (accepted) 2009,2, (5), 560-570.
- Hoelzle, D. J.; Alleyne, A. G.; Johnson, A. J. W., Micro-robotic deposition guidelines by a design of experiments approach to maximize fabrication reliability for the bone scaffold application. Acta Biomaterialia, 2008, 4, (4), 897-912.
- Hilldore, A.; Wojtowicz, A.; Johnson, A. W., Micro-CT based quantification of non-mineralized tissue on cultured hydroxyapatite scaffolds. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2007, 82A, (4), 1012-1021.
- Woodard, J. R.; Hilldore, A. J.; Lan, S. K.; Park, C. J.; Morgan, A. W.; Eurell, J. A. C.; Clark, S. G.; Wheeler, M. B.; Jamison, R. D.; Johnson, A. J. W., The mechanical properties and osteoconductivity of hydroxyapatite bone scaffolds with multi-scale porosity. Biomaterials 2007, 28, (1), 45-54.
- Johnson, A. J. W.; Hamilton, R. F.; Sehitoglu, H.; Biallas, G.; Maier, H. J.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Woo, H. S., Analysis of multistep transformations in single-crystal NiTi. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 2005, 36A, (4), 919-928.
- Wagoner Johnson, A.; Serrano, N. J.; Morgan, A. W.; Jamison, R.; Choy, Y. B.; Choi, H.; Kim, K.; DeCarlo, F., Imaging therapeutic proteins in gelatin for controlled drug release. Macromolecular Symposia 2005, 227, 295-305.
- Efstathiou, C.; Sehitoglu, H.; Johnson, A. J. W.; Hamilton, R. F.; Maier, H. J.; Chumlyakov, Y., Large reduction in critical stress in Co-Ni-Al upon repeated transformation. Scripta Materialia 2004, 51, (10), 979-985.
- Yu, N.; Polycarpou, A. A.; Johnson, A. J. W., Measuring mechanical properties of fine-wire cross-sections used in medical devices. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2004, 70B, (1), 106-113.