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Yuan Yang joins Beckman faculty

Yuan Yang, an associate professor of bioengineering, has joined the Beckman Institute.
Published on Oct. 13, 2023

Yuan YangYuan Yang, an associate professor of bioengineering, has joined the Beckman Institute.

His research is focused on investigating how the sensorimotor system adapts and reorganizes after a unilateral brain injury caused by stroke using multi-modal brain imaging approaches including EEG, fMRI and DTI. He is also developing targeted non-invasive brain stimulation approaches to restore sensorimotor function in stroke. At the Beckman Institute, Yang is forming new collaborations with investigators Brad Sutton and Zhi-Pei Liang.

Yang is "very excited about the imaging facilities and computational resources in the Beckman," he said, and "is looking forward to interdisciplinary collaborations with many investigators at Beckman to advance our understanding in neuroplasticity and brain recovery."

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  • Yuan Yang
    Yuan Yang's directory photo.

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