Arden Rowell, a professor of law, has joined the Beckman faculty.
Rowell’s research interests revolve around risk regulation, the environment, and human behavior. She has taught courses on environmental law, administrative law, behavioral law and economics, risk and the environment, law and sustainable economic development, and valuation. Her research focuses on integrating scientific and social science insights into risk regulation, and on the interactions between law, science, social science, and policy.
Rowell's recent collaborations at Beckman have focused on work with Zahra Mohaghegh, an associate professor of nuclear, plasma, and radiological engineering, and the Socio-Technical Risk Analysis Research Laboratory, or SoTeRiA, in the Grainger College of Engineering. Past partnerships led to a Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program grant (2017-2020) for enterprise risk management, and ongoing partnerships explore the role of regulatory process and law in the regulation and licensing of advanced nuclear reactors.
"I love the platform for collegial, constructive collaboration that Beckman offers, as well as the opportunity to engage with some of the country’s keenest minds. I get my best and most creative ideas when I’m working alongside people whose perspectives, expertise, and background are different from mine," Rowell said.