Meet Candace Pummill, an eight-year Beckman Institute staff member who works as an IT professional for Information Technology Services. She also has been in the Air National Guard for 14 years. Recently she was activated in support of the Civil Disturbance Operation, which provided military aid to enforce the law or for the purpose of providing assistance to civil authorities in the protection or saving of life, property, or the prevention of injury in Chicago.
Candace Pummill, from left, poses with three of her sisters -- Meaghan Pummill, Maria Pummill, and Ashley Pummill -- in 2018.
What do you do at Beckman?
As an IT professional, I help manage the ITS Help Desk and support the Beckman Institute with its hardware, software, networking, and technology needs.
How long have you been in the National Guard?
I have served in the National Guard for 14 years, and I am currently a first lieutenant as a cyber security officer for the 264 Combat Communications Squadron.
Where were you for your recent deployment and what were your duties?
We were at McCormick Place Arena in Chicago for two weeks.
The 264 CBCS personnel were tasked to support the Task Force MP (33rd Military Police Battalion) Tactical Operating Center personnel to meet the civil disturbance mission criteria. The focus of the mission was to support Army Command and Control Operations with communication assets. We supported 21 Command and Control personnel providing voice, data, printing, scanning, copying, and help desk support enabling C2 personnel to command 375 National Guard members.
Candace Pummill, center, with unit members of the Air National Guard's 264 Combat Communications Squadron in 2016.How many other times have you been deployed and where were you?
I have been activated three other times. One other State Active Duty to Alton, Illinois, in support of flood relief in 2008; and twice overseas (Iraq and Jordan).
Do you have other military experience?
I was previously an enlisted noncommissioned officer for 12 years as a network operator.
Generally, what do you like about these deployments and what do you not like?
I enjoy the opportunity to serve my country. It is my way of making a small impact. I do miss my family and friends when I must leave.
I have really enjoyed my experience with the Air National Guard. I have been exposed to what our military members go through and simultaneously have the opportunity to work as a member of our community at the Beckman Institute.