Communications Office

Communications Office

The Beckman Institute Communications Office builds local, national, and global recognition for the institute’s barrier-breaking research, interdisciplinary collaborations, and world-class facilities.

An aerial image of the Beckman Institute's south-facing side.

The Communications Office is responsible for marketing and branding the institute, producing high-quality promotional materials like the Beckman Institute Annual Report, sharing scientific advances with a general audience, and spearheading outreach activities like the Beckman Institute Open House. The office also prepares and sends the Beckman Bulletin, the institute’s monthly internal e-newsletter.

Beckman faculty members, staff, students, and resource units can contact the Communications Office for support in the following areas:


  • website development and templates
  • digital signs
  • media relations
  • news releases and storytelling
  • directory updates
  • brand building
  • video
  • photo
  • social media management
  • branded mass emails and registration forms
  • print and digital marketing materials
  • event promotion
  • outreach
  • campus and community engagement


Ready to get started with your communication strategy? Email  

A group of grad students pose at an outreach event

Get involved in Beckman outreach

Beckman offers resources for planning outreach and other broader impacts-related work. Learn more.

Get started


Screenshot of a website that says Beckman Web Template

Website development and templates

Beckman's branded web templates are ideal for labs, groups, and projects. They allow individuals to control their own content while the Communications Office provides design, security, and accessibility expertise. Questions? Contact

Get started


Websites using the Beckman template


Digital signs

Anyone may submit digital ads highlighting events and opportunities with a broad appeal to faculty members, staff, and students at the Beckman Institute and UIUC. Beckman charges no fees for digital ads.

Advertise now

Student presents her poster to a faculty member

Share your event with the Beckman community

Hosting an event you think will be of interest to people who conduct research at Beckman? Submit it to our weekly newsletter.

Submit an event


Tips for talking about Beckman

Use the Beckman elevator pitch to confidently discuss how your research aligns with the institute's core values.Download the PDF

A newspaper clipping with the headline "UI microscope gives school kids close-up view of creepy crawlers" advertises a Bugscope session.

News releases

The Communications Office writes articles about innovative research, publications in peer-reviewed journals, faculty awards, and select grant announcements. We also highlight the excellent work of our student researchers and staff members.Send an idea

Nancy Sottos' directory entry in the Beckman Directory.

Directory profiles

Want to swap out your latest headshot or add a new award? The Communications Office maintains the faculty biography, honors, and publications information included in Beckman Institute's online directory listings. You can request an update at any time.Request an update

Two Beckman Institute branded cookies

Communication tools

The Communications Office can help you implement the Beckman brand and stay up to date with the latest guidelines. Some resources:

We also share the Beckman wordmark and campus logo upon request. We may ask you a few questions about how you plan to use it.

Request the wordmark

Interactive furniture makes the Beckman Atrium a fun, colorful Zoom background.

Download a custom Beckman Zoom background

Show off the Beckman Institute during your virtual meeting. Our custom backgrounds offer a few different views.

Download now

Image of powerpoint template on a computer screen

Downloadable PowerPoint templates

Block I with Beckman decorations

Social media management

The Communications Office maintains the Beckman Institute's social media presence.

Questions about social media?
In honor of events planned around Arnold Beckman's birthday on April 10, hissculpture (statue) at the Beckman Institute wears a green, blue, red top hat with "It's My Birthday" on the front.

Contact us

Beckman Communications Office

Phone (office) 217-300-6664

Meet the team

Meg Dickinson's directory photo.

Meg Dickinson Executive Director of Communications

Meg Dickinson oversees Beckman's Communications Office, advises Beckman's leadership on communications and marketing strategy, and serves as a chief communications officer. Meg is a former print journalist who specializes in STEM writing and communication.


Malinda Carlisle's directory photo.

Malinda Carlisle New Media Design Coordinator

Lindy Carlisle designs graphics for digital ads, web interfaces, and digital signs. She develops and manages Beckman's network of digital signs that feature directories, wayfinding maps, event listings, and rotating menu boards. She also creates and styles websites, and makes sure all of Beckman's visual designs fit with campus brand standards.


Stephen  Barker's directory photo.

Stephen Barker Senior Web Application Developer

Steve Barker manages all of Beckman's web development projects, including the Beckman website, the Beckman web template, the Beckman Café online ordering system, and various APIs. Steve is Beckman's resident expert on the Sitefinity content management system, as well as web security and accessibility.

Steven J. Drake's directory photo.

Steven J. Drake Creative Specialist

Steve Drake is a four-time regional Emmy award winning video producer. He produces, films, and edits short and long-form programs featuring the research taking place at Beckman. Steve’s previous work includes creating programs for PBS, the Discovery Channel, Network of the World, and the BBC.

Lexie Kesler's directory photo.

Lexie Kesler Outreach and Communications Specialist

Lexie Kesler plans and implements community outreach programs and events at Beckman. She serves as a liaison among Beckman researchers, faculty, students, and the surrounding Champaign-Urbana community.

Communications Office student workers and contributors

  • Elizabeth Bello, science writer
  • Lily Dokhanchi, science communication student worker
  • Maple Modesto, digital image and directory student worker
  • Lauren Otolski, science writer
  • Samantha Jones Toal, contributing science writer
  • Emily Toledo, digital marketing student worker