Kara D. Federmeier
Primary Affiliation
Illinois Language and Literacy InitiativeAffiliations
Status Full-time Faculty
Home Department of Psychology
Phone 333-8303
Email kfederme@illinois.edu
Address 2115 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Kara Federmeier is a professor in the Department of Psychology and the Neuroscience program at the University of Illinois and a full-time faculty member in the Beckman Institute Cognitive Neuroscience Group. Her fields of professional interest are language, memory, hemispheric differences, and cognitive neuroscience.
- Ph.D., cognitive science, University of California at San Diego, 2000
- 2013-2016: Named a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Centennial Scholar
- 2013: Named the Emanuel Donchin Professorial Scholar in Psychology
- 2012-2015: University Scholar
- 2012: Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science
- 2010-2016: James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award, Understanding Human Cognition Initiative
- 2010: Cognitive Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award
- 2009: Arnold O. Beckman Research Award, University of Illinois
- 2008-2009: Helen Corley Petit Scholar
- 2006: Society for Psychophysiology Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychophysiology
Research areas:
Language processing
Semantic memory
Research interests:
Neurobiological basis
Hemispheric differences
Electrophysiology (EEG, ERPs)
Certain sensory stimuli—words, pictures, faces, environmental sounds—seem to immediately and effortlessly bring to mind a rich array of knowledge that we experience as the "meaning" of those cues. Federmeier's research examines the neurobiological basis of such meaning, asking how world knowledge derived from multiple modalities comes to be organized in the brain and how such information is integrated and made available for use in varied contexts and often in only hundreds of milliseconds. To study these time-sensitive processes, Federmeier uses event-related brain potentials (ERPs), supplemented by behavioral, eye tracking, and hemodynamic measures.
Federmeier's research has shown, for example, that a crucial part of a sentence context's influence on word processing is mediated through long-term memory structure: the physical and functional similarity between two semantic category members impacts processing, even when such relationships do not alter a word's subjective plausibility in its context. Her research further suggests that this use of world knowledge varies as a function of mood and the availability of various cognitive resources, and also as a function of the representation type used to cue that information. Different semantic information is accessed from words and pictures (and from the same picture as a function of experience), suggesting that semantic processing takes place in a distributed system in which input modality information is not completely lost. Different ERPs to words from different classes (e.g., nouns vs. verbs) further supports the notion of a structured yet shared semantic system, one sensitive to the nature of the information associated with a word (e.g., visual vs. motor associations) as well as to the roles it plays in various contexts. Indeed, Federmeier's work has revealed that perceptual processing itself (as indexed by sensory-and attention-related ERP components) is influenced by language context information, highlighting the inseparability of "perceptual" and "conceptual" analyses of a meaningful stimulus.
By combining ERPs with visual-half-field techniques (used to preferentially stimulate one cerebral hemisphere), Federmeier has also found that the two hemispheres differ in how they use word and picture information to access world knowledge. Whereas left hemisphere-initiated processing seems oriented toward prediction and the use of top-down cues, right hemisphere-initiated processing seems biased toward the veridical maintenance of information and integration with working memory. Overall, Federmeier's research suggests that our experience of meaning is shaped by both the structure of our world knowledge and the structure of the brain network that supports this knowledge. Meaning seems effortless, immediate, and unified—but is, instead, constructed in space and time and multiply expressed.
- Animal cognition: Dogs build semantic expectations between spoken words and objects Murray, M. M., Middelmann, N. K. and Federmeier, K. D., May 6 2024, In: Current Biology. 34, 9, p. R348-R351
- Graded and ungraded expectation patterns: Prediction dynamics during active comprehension Lai, M. K., Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 2024, In: Psychophysiology. 61, 1, e14424.
- Multiple mechanisms of visual prediction as revealed by the timecourse of scene–object facilitation Smith, C. M. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 5 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Psychophysiology. 61, 5, e14503.
- The Impact of Linguistic Prediction Violations on Downstream Recognition Memory and Sentence Recall Hubbard, R. J. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 2024, In: Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 36, 1, p. 1-23 23 p.
- Emotional dissociations in temporal associations: opposing effects of arousal on memory for details surrounding unpleasant events Bogdan, P. C., Dolcos, S., Federmeier, K. D., Lleras, A., Schwarb, H. and Dolcos, F., 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Cognition and Emotion.
- Older Adults Show Intraindividual Variation in the Use of Predictive Processing Jongman, S. R., Copeland, A., Xu, Y., Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., 2023, In: Experimental Aging Research. 49, 5, p. 433-456 24 p.
- Patterns of hemispheric asymmetry provide evidence dissociating the semantic and syntactic P600 Leckey, M., Troyer, M. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 28 2023, In: Neuropsychologia. 179, 108441.
- Read carefully, because this is important! How value-driven strategies impact sentence memory Chung, Y. M. W. and Federmeier, K. D., Oct 2023, In: Memory and Cognition. 51, 7, p. 1511-1526 16 p.
- Virtual Reality Sickness Reduces Attention During Immersive Experiences Mimnaugh, K. J., Center, E. G., Suomalainen, M., Becerra, I., Lozano, E., Murrieta-Cid, R., Ojala, T., Lavalle, S. M. and Federmeier, K. D., Nov 1 2023, In: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 29, 11, p. 4394-4404 11 p.
- Age-related changes in the structure and dynamics of the semantic network Jongman, S. R. and Federmeier, K. D., 2022, In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 37, 7, p. 805-819 15 p.
- Connecting and considering: Electrophysiology provides insights into comprehension Federmeier, K. D., Jan 2022, In: Psychophysiology. 59, 1, e13940.
- Context-based facilitation of semantic access follows both logarithmic and linear functions of stimulus probability Szewczyk, J. M. and Federmeier, K. D., Apr 2022, In: Journal of Memory and Language. 123, 104311.
- Direct feedback and social conformity promote behavioral change via mechanisms indexed by centroparietal positivity: Electrophysiological evidence from a role-swapping ultimatum game Bogdan, P. C., Moore, M., Kuznietsov, I., Frank, J. D., Federmeier, K. D., Dolcos, S. and Dolcos, F., Apr 2022, In: Psychophysiology. 59, 4, e13985.
- Exploring age-related changes in inter-brain synchrony during verbal communication Dikker, S., Mech, E. N., Gwilliams, L., West, T., Dumas, G. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 2022, Cognitive Aging. Federmeier, K. D. & Payne, B. R. (eds.). Academic Press Inc., p. 29-68 40 p. (Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory; vol. 77).
- Masked language models directly encode linguistic uncertainty Jacobs, C., Hubbard, R. J. & Federmeier, K. D., 2022, In: Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics. 5, 23.
- The effect of acute alcohol intoxication on alcohol cue salience: An event-related brain potential study Kang, D., Fairbairn, C. E., Lee, Z. and Federmeier, K. D., Nov 1 2022, In: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 36, 7, p. 861-870 10 p.
- The last course of coarse coding: Hemispheric similarities in associative and categorical semantic processing Mech, E. N., Kandhadai, P. and Federmeier, K. D., Jun 2022, In: Brain and Language. 229, 105123.
- The Power of “Good”: Can Adjectives Rapidly Decrease as Well as Increase the Availability of the Upcoming Noun? Szewczyk, J. M., Mech, E. N. and Federmeier, K. D., 2022, In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 48, 6, p. 856-875 20 p.
- Alcohol and Neural Dynamics: A Meta-analysis of Acute Alcohol Effects on Event-Related Brain Potentials Fairbairn, C. E., Kang, D. and Federmeier, K. D., May 15 2021, In: Biological Psychiatry. 89, 10, p. 990-1000 11 p.
- Dividing attention influences contextual facilitation and revision during language comprehension Hubbard, R. J. and Federmeier, K. D., Aug 1 2021, In: Brain Research. 1764, 147466.
- Inter- and intra-individual coupling between pupillary, electrophysiological, and behavioral responses in a visual oddball task LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J., Federmeier, K. D. and Payne, B. R., Apr 2021, In: Psychophysiology. 58, 4, e13758.
- Representational Pattern Similarity of Electrical Brain Activity Reveals Rapid and Specific Prediction during Language Comprehension Hubbard, R. J. and Federmeier, K. D., Sep 1 2021, In: Cerebral Cortex. 31, 9, p. 4300-4313 14 p.
- The Context of Cognition: Emerging Perspectives Federmeier, K. D. (ed.) and Sahakyan, L. (ed.), 2021, Academic Press Inc. 342 p. (Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory; vol. 75)
- The fate of the unexpected: Consequences of misprediction assessed using ERP repetition effects Lai, M. K., Rommers, J. and Federmeier, K. D., Apr 15 2021, In: Brain Research. 1757, 147290.
- The N300: An Index for Predictive Coding of Complex Visual Objects and Scenes Kumar, M., Federmeier, K. D. and Beck, D. M., Apr 2021, In: Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2, 2, tgab030.
- The Psychology of Learning and Motivation Federmeier, K. D. (ed.), 2021, Academic Press Inc. (Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory; vol. 74)
- Event-related brain potentials in multilingual language processing: The N's and P's Payne, B. R., Ng, S., Shantz, K. and Federmeier, K. D., 2020, Adult and Second Language Learning. Academic Press Inc., p. 75-118 44 p. (Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory; vol. 72).
- Examining the Role of General Cognitive Skills in Language Processing: A Window Into Complex Cognition Federmeier, K. D., Jongman, S. R. and Szewczyk, J. M., Dec 2020, In: Current Directions in Psychological Science. 29, 6, p. 575-582 8 p.
- Execution of Lexical and Conceptual Processes in Sentence Comprehension among Adult Readers as a Function of Literacy Skill Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Liu, X., Anderson, C. J., Federmeier, K. D. and Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Jul 3 2020, In: Scientific Studies of Reading. 24, 4, p. 338-355 18 p.
- Literacy skill and intra-individual variability in eye-fixation durations during reading: Evidence from a diverse community-based adult sample Payne, B. R., Federmeier, K. D. and Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Nov 1 2020, In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73, 11, p. 1841-1861 21 p.
- Talker-specific predictions during language processing Ryskin, R., Ng, S., Mimnaugh, K., Brown-Schmidt, S. and Federmeier, K. D., Jul 2 2020, In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35, 6, p. 797-812 16 p.
- The P3b and P600(s): Positive contributions to language comprehension Leckey, M. and Federmeier, K. D., Jul 1 2020, In: Psychophysiology. 57, 7, e13351.
- Adult Age Differences in the Use of Conceptual Combination as an Associative Encoding Strategy Lucas, H. D., Gupta, R. S., Hubbard, R. J. and Federmeier, K. D., Oct 10 2019, In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13, 339.
- Downstream Behavioral and Electrophysiological Consequences of Word Prediction on Recognition Memory Hubbard, R. J., Rommers, J., Jacobs, C. L. and Federmeier, K. D., Aug 28 2019, In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13, 291.
- Event-related brain potentials reveal how multiple aspects of semantic processing unfold across parafoveal and foveal vision during sentence reading Payne, B. R., Stites, M. C. and Federmeier, K. D., Oct 1 2019, In: Psychophysiology. 56, 10, e13432.
- Individual Differences in Reading Speed are Linked to Variability in the Processing of Lexical and Contextual Information: Evidence from Single-trial Event-related Brain Potentials Payne, B. and Federmeier, K. D., Oct 2 2019, In: Word. 65, 4, p. 252-272 21 p.
- Neural signatures of learning novel object–scene associations Smith, C. M. and Federmeier, K. D., 2019, In: Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 32, 5, p. 783-803 21 p.
- The neural correlates underlying lexically-guided perceptual learning Scharenborg, O., Koemans, J., Smith, C., Hasegawa-Johnson, M. and Federmeier, K. D., 2019, In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 2019-September, p. 1223-1227 5 p.
- What does “it” mean, anyway? Examining the time course of semantic activation in reference resolution Smith, C. M. and Federmeier, K. D., Jan 2 2019, In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 34, 1, p. 115-136 22 p.
- What's “left”? Hemispheric sensitivity to predictability and congruity during sentence reading by older adults Federmeier, K. D. and Kutas, M., Oct 2019, In: Neuropsychologia. 133, 107173.
- Contextual constraints on lexico-semantic processing in aging: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., May 15 2018, In: Brain Research. 1687, p. 117-128 12 p.
- How struggling adult readers use contextual information when comprehending speech: Evidence from event-related potentials Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Stine-Morrow, E. A. L. and Federmeier, K. D., Mar 2018, In: International Journal of Psychophysiology. 125, p. 1-9 9 p.
- Lingering expectations: A pseudo-repetition effect for words previously expected but not presented Rommers, J. and Federmeier, K. D., Dec 2018, In: NeuroImage. 183, p. 263-272 10 p.
- Predictability's aftermath: Downstream consequences of word predictability as revealed by repetition effects Rommers, J. and Federmeier, K. D., Apr 2018, In: Cortex. 101, p. 16-30 15 p.
- Sensory and semantic activations evoked by action attributes of manipulable objects: Evidence from ERPs Lee, C. L., Huang, H. W., Federmeier, K. D. and Buxbaum, L. J., Feb 15 2018, In: NeuroImage. 167, p. 331-341 11 p.
- Your favorite number is special (to you): Evidence for item-level differences in retrieval of information from numerals Dickson, D. S. and Federmeier, K. D., Aug 2018, In: Neuropsychologia. 117, p. 253-260 8 p.
- Age-related shifts in hemispheric dominance for syntactic processing Leckey, M. and Federmeier, K. D., Dec 2017, In: Psychophysiology. 54, 12, p. 1929-1939 11 p.
- Alpha and theta band dynamics related to sentential constraint and word expectancy Rommers, J., Dickson, D. S., Norton, J. J. S., Wlotko, E. W. and Federmeier, K. D., May 28 2017, In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 32, 5, p. 576-589 14 p.
- Event-related brain potentials reveal age-related changes in parafoveal-foveal integration during sentence processing Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., Nov 2017, In: Neuropsychologia. 106, p. 358-370 13 p.
- Evidence for similar patterns of neural activity elicited by picture- and word-based representations of natural scenes Kumar, M., Federmeier, K. D., Fei-Fei, L. and Beck, D. M., Jul 15 2017, In: NeuroImage. 155, p. 422-436 15 p.
- Flexible conceptual combination: Electrophysiological correlates and consequences for associative memory Lucas, H. D., Hubbard, R. J. and Federmeier, K. D., Jun 2017, In: Psychophysiology. 54, 6, p. 833-847 15 p.
- Getting ahead of yourself: Parafoveal word expectancy modulates the N400 during sentence reading Stites, M. C., Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., Jun 1 2017, In: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 17, 3, p. 475-490 16 p.
- Pace yourself: Intraindividual variability in context use revealed by self-paced event-related brain potentials Payne, B. R. and Federmeier, K. D., May 1 2017, In: Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 29, 5, p. 837-854 18 p.
- The effects of context on processing words during sentence reading among adults varying in age and literacy skill Steen-Baker, A. A., Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Anderson, C. J., Federmeier, K. D. and Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Aug 2017, In: Psychology and aging. 32, 5, p. 460-472 13 p.
- The language of arithmetic across the hemispheres: An event-related potential investigation Dickson, D. S. and Federmeier, K. D., May 1 2017, In: Brain Research. 1662, p. 46-56 11 p.
- Use of Contextual Information and Prediction by Struggling Adult Readers: Evidence From Reading Times and Event-Related Potentials Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Steen, A. A., Stine-Morrow, E. A. L. and Federmeier, K. D., Sep 3 2017, In: Scientific Studies of Reading. 21, 5, p. 359-375 17 p.
- Coronel, J. C.; Federmeier, K. D., The N400 Reveals How Personal Semantics Is Processed: Insights into the Nature and Organization of Self-Knowledge. Neuropsychologia 2016, 84, 36-43.
- Do morphemes matter when reading compound words with transposed letters? Evidence from eye-tracking and event-related potentials Stites, M. C., Federmeier, K. D. and Christianson, K., Nov 25 2016, In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 31, 10, p. 1299-1319 21 p.
- Out of the corner of my eye: Foveal semantic load modulates parafoveal processing in reading Payne, B. R., Stites, M. C. and Federmeier, K. D., Nov 1 2016, In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 42, 11, p. 1839-1857 19 p.
- The Effects of Gender Cues and Political Sophistication on Candidate Evaluation: A Comparison of Self-Report and Eye Movement Measures of Stereotyping Coronel, J. C. and Federmeier, K. D., Oct 1 2016, In: Communication Research. 43, 7, p. 922-944 23 p.
- The N400 reveals how personal semantics is processed: Insights into the nature and organization of self-knowledge Coronel, J. C. and Federmeier, K. D., Apr 1 2016, In: Neuropsychologia. 84, p. 36-43 8 p.
- Payne, B. R.; Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Revisiting the Incremental Effects of Context on Word Processing: Evidence from Single-Word Event-Related Brain Potentials. Psychophysiology 2015, 52, (11), 1456-1469.
- Stites, M. C.; Federmeier, K. D., Subsequent to Suppression: Downstream Comprehension Consequences of Noun/Verb Ambiguity in Natural Reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition 2015, 41, (5), 1497-1515.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., Time for Prediction? The Effect of Presentation Rate on Predictive Sentence Comprehension During Word-by-Word Reading. Cortex 2015, 68, 20-32.
- Coronel, J. C.; Federmeier, K. D.; Gonsalves, B. D., Event-Related Potential Evidence Suggesting Voters Remember Political Events That Never Happened. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2014, 9, (3), 358-366, DOI: 10.1093/scan/nss143.
- Dickson, D. S.; Federmeier, K. D., Hemispheric Differences in Orthographic and Semantic Processing as Revealed by Event-Related Potentials. Neuropsychologia 2014, 64, 230-239, DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.037.
- Fischer-Baum, S.; Dickson, D. S.; Federmeier, K. D., Frequency and Regularity Effects in Reading Are Task Dependent: Evidence from ERPs. Language Cognition and Neuroscience 2014, 29, (10), 1342-1355, DOI:10.1080/23273798.2014.927067.
- Gillespie, M.; James, A. N.; Federmeier, K. D.; Watson, D. G., Verbal Working Memory Predicts Co-Speech Gesture: Evidence from Individual Differences. Cognition 2014, 132, 174-180.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., Never Seem to Find the Time: Evaluating the Physiological Time Course of Visual Word Recognition with Regression Analysis of Single-Item Event-Related Potentials. Language Cognition and Neuroscience 2014, 29, (5), 642-661, DOI:10.1080/01690965.2013.866259.
- Awni, H.; Norton, J. J. S.; Umunna, S.; Federmeier, K. D.; Bretl, T.; Towards a Brain Computer Interface Based on the N2pc Event-Related Potential, In 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. IEEE, New York, 2013, 1021-1024.
- Stites, M. C.; Federmeier, K. D.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Cross-Age Comparisons Reveal Multiple Strategies for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution During Natural Reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition 2013, 39, (6), 1823-1841, DOI: 10.1037/a0032860.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K., Two Sides of Meaning:  The Scalp-Recorded N400 Reflects Distinct Contributions from the Cerebral Hemispheres. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences 2013, 4, (181), 1-15.
- Coronel, J. C.; Duff, M. C.; Warren, D. E.; Federmeier, K. D.; Gonsalves, B. D.; Tranel, D.; Cohen, N. J., Remembering and Voting: Theory and Evidence from Amnesic Patients. American Journal of Political Science 2012, 56, (4), 837-848
- Huang, H. W.; Federmeier, K. D., Dispreferred Adjective Orders Elicit Brain Responses Associated with Lexico-Semantic Rather Than Syntactic Processing. Brain Research 2012, 1475, 62-70.
- Huang, H. W.; Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., A "Concrete View" of Aging: Event Related Potentials Reveal Age-Related Changes in Basic Integrative Processes in Language. Neuropsychologia 2012, 50, (1), 26-35.
- Laszlo, S.; Stites, M.; Federmeier, K. D., Won't Get Fooled Again: An Event-Related Potential Study of Task and Repetition Effects on the Semantic Processing of Items without Semantics. Language and Cognitive Processes 2012, 27, (2), 257-274.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Ambiguity's Aftermath: How Age Differences in Resolving Lexical Ambiguity Affect Subsequent Comprehension. Neuropsychologia 2012, 50, (5), 869-879.
- Voss, J. L.; Federmeier, K. D.; Paller, K. A., The Potato Chip Really Does Look Like Elvis! Neural Hallmarks of Conceptual Processing Associated with Finding Novel Shapes Subjectively Meaningful. Cerebral Cortex 2012, 22, (10), 2354-2364.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., Age-Related Changes in the Impact of Contextual Strength on Multiple Aspects of Sentence Comprehension. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, (6), 770-785.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., So That's What You Meant! Event-Related Potentials Reveal Multiple Aspects of Context Use During Construction of Message-Level Meaning. Neuroimage 2012, 62, (1), 356-366.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D.; Kutas, M., To Predict or Not to Predict: Age-Related Differences in the Use of Sentential Context. Psychology and Aging 2012, 27, (4), 975-988.
- Kutas, M.; Federmeier, K. D., Thirty Years and Counting: Finding Meaning in the N400 Component of the Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP), In Annual Review of Psychology; Fiske, S. T., Schacter, D. L., Taylor, S. E., Eds. 2011; Vol. 62, 621-647.
- Kutas, M.; Federmeier, K. D., Thirty Years and Counting: Finding Meaning in the N400 Component of the Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP). In Annual Review of Psychology, Annual Reviews: Palo Alto, 2011; Vol. 62, pp 621-647.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., The N400 as a snapshot of interactive processing: Evidence from regression analyses of orthographic neighbor and lexical associate effects. Psychophysiology 2011, 48, (2), 176-186.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Differential Age Effects on Lexical Ambiguity Resolution Mechanisms. Psychophysiology 2011, 48, (7), 960-972.
- Voss, J. L.; Federmeier, K. D., FN400 potentials are functionally identical to N400 potentials and reflect semantic processing during recognition testing. Psychophysiology 2011, 48, (4), 532-546.
- Voss, J. L.; Gonsalves, B. D.; Federmeier, K. D.; Tranel, D.; Cohen, N. J., Hippocampal brain-network coordination during volitional exploratory behavior enhances learning. Nature Neuroscience 2011, 14, (1), 115-U152.
- Voss, J. L.; Warren, D. E.; Gonsalves, B. D.; Federmeier, K. D.; Tranel, D.; Cohen, N. J., Spontaneous Revisitation During Visual Exploration as a Link among Strategic Behavior, Learning, and the Hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108, (31), E402-E409.
- Boyd, J. K.; Federmeier, K. D., Are the Cerebral Hemispheres Differentially Sensitive to Changing Linguistic Probabilities? Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S36-S36. 
- Federmeier, K. D.; Kutas, M.; Schul, R., Age-related and individual differences in the use of prediction during language comprehension. Brain and Language 2010, 115, (3), 149-161. 
- Huang, H. W.; Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Imagine that! ERPs provide evidence for distinct hemispheric contributions to the processing of concrete and abstract concepts. Neuroimage 2010, 49, (1), 1116-1123.
- Huang, H. W.; Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., A "Concrete View" of Aging: Erps Reveal Age-Related Changes in Basic Integrative Processes in Language. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S36-S37. 
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Automatic and controlled aspects of lexical associative processing in the two cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, (4), 774-785. 
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Hemispheric differences in the recruitment of semantic processing mechanisms. Neuropsychologia 2010, 48, (13), 3772-3781. 
- Laszlo, S.; Stites, M.; Federmeier, K. D., Task and Repetition Effects on the Semantic Processing of Items without Semantics. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S28-S28.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., It's All in the Family: Brain Asymmetry and Syntactic Processing. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S36-S36.
- Matzen, L. E.; Federmeier, K. D., Contributions of Conceptual Priming and Recollection to the Dm Effect. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S37-S37.
- Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Event-related potentials reveal the effects of aging on meaning selection and revision. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, (4), 673-686.
- Stites, M. C.; Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D.; Gao, X. F.; Stine-Morrow, E. A., Linking the Eyes and the Brain: Erp and Eyetracking Effects of on-Line Ambiguity Resolution of Noun/Verb Homographs. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S37-S37.
- Van Petten, C.; Federmeier, K. D.; Holcomb, P. J., For distinguished contributions to psychophysiology: Marta Kutas. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, (3), 403-409.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., I Didn't Know You Were Going to Say That: a Left-Lateralized Negative Brain Potential for Sentences of Moderately Strong Constraint. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S36-S36.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., The Event-Related Optical Signal Reveals Contralateral and Ipsilateral Brain Activity over Time During Lateralized Processing of Words. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S29-S29.
- Hurley, R. S.; Paller, K. A.; Wieneke, C. A.; Weintraub, S.; Thompson, C. K.; Federmeier, K. D.; Mesulam, M. M., Electrophysiology of Object Naming in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Journal of Neuroscience 2009, 29, (50), 15762-15769.
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Making Sense of Hemispheric Differences in Meaning Apprehension. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S108-S109.
- Kutas, M.; Federmeier, K. D., N400. Scholarpedia 2009, 4, (10), 7790.
- Laszlo, S.; Anaya, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Interacting Effects of Lexical Variables on Language-Sensitive Erps at the Single-Item Level. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S109-S109.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., A beautiful day in the neighborhood: An event-related potential study of lexical relationships and prediction in context. Journal of Memory and Language 2009, 61, (3), 326-338.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Hemispheric Differences in Word Class Expectancy-an Event Related Potential Study. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S81-S82.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Wave-ering: An ERP study of syntactic and semantic context effects on ambiguity resolution for noun/verb homographs. Journal of Memory and Language 2009, 61, (4), 538-555.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D.; Kutas, M., Shifts in Hemispheric Contributions to Language Comprehension with Age. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S81-S81.
- Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Left and right memory revisited: Electrophysiological investigations of hemispheric asymmetries at retrieval. Neuropsychologia 2009, 47, (2), 303-313.
- Federmeier, K. D.; Laszlo, S., Time for Meaning: Electrophysiology Provides Insights into the Dynamics of Representation and Processing in Semantic Memory. In Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, 2009; Vol. 51, pp 1-44.
- Gratton, C.; Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., See what I mean? An ERP study of the effect of background knowledge on novel object processing. Memory & Cognition 2009, 37, (3), 277-291.
- Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Uncovering the functional significance of the P2 repetition effect. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S33-S33.
- Federmeier, K. D., Encoding done right: Verbal memory in the two cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S4-S4.
- Federmeier, K. D., I knew you were going to say that ... ERP studies reveal the role of expectancy-driven processes in language comprehension. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S9-S9.
- Federmeier, K. D.; Wlotko, E.; Meyer, A. M. Whats right in language comprehension: ERPs reveal right hemisphere language capabilities. Language and Linguistics Compass 2008, 2, 1-17.
- Gratton, C.; Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., In whole or in part? An ERP analysis of global/local processing asymmetries with naturalistic objects. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S70-S70.
- Huang, H. W.; Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Imagine that! ERPs provide evidence for distinct hemispheric contributions to the processing of concrete and abstract concepts. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S49-S49.
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Coming up next! Event-related potential evidence for word level prediction in the cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S39-S39.
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D., Summing it up: Semantic activation processes in the two hemispheres as revealed by event-related potentials. Brain Research 2008, 1233, 146-159.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., A beautiful day in the neighborhood: An ERP study of lexical relationships and sentential congruity. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S10-S10.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D.; Minding the PS, queues, and PXQs: Uniformity of semantic processing across multiple stimulus types. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, 458-466.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., To watch, to see, and to differ: An event-related potential study of concreteness effects as a function of word class and lexical ambiguity. Brain and Language 2008, 104, (2), 145-158.
- Matzen, L. E.; Federmeier, K. D.; Benjamin, A. S., Wide open spaces: ERPs reveal the role of reminding in memory. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S72-S72.
- Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., The divided visual world paradigm: Eye tracking reveals hemispheric asymmetries in lexical ambiguity resolution. Brain Research 2008, 1222, 166-183.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., The frontal P2 component and the influence of sentential constraint on visual processing. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S9-S9.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D.; Kutas, M., Age-related changes in the use of sentential context. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S33-S33.
- Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., The memory that's right and the memory that's left: Event-related potentials reveal hemispheric asymmetries in the encoding and retention of verbal information. Neuropsychologia 2007, 45, (8), 1777-1790.
- Federmeier, K. D., Thinking ahead: The role and roots of prediction in language comprehension. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, (4), 491-505.
- Federmeier, K. D.; Laszlo, S., Deriving meaning from ERPS ... and other acronyms. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S6-S6.
- Federmeier, K. D.; Wlotko, E. W.; De Ochoa-Dewald, E.; Kutas, M., Multiple effects of sentential constraint on word processing. Brain Research 2007, 1146, 75-84.
- Gratton, C.; Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Generalizing knowledge: ERPS reveal the time-course of retrieval of novel categories. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S61-S61.
- Gutchess, A. H.; Leuji, Y.; Federmeier, K. D., Event-related potentials reveal age differences in the encoding and recognition of scenes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2007, 19, (7), 1089-1103.
- Kandhadai, P.; Federmeier, K. D.; Multiple priming of lexically ambiguous and unambiguous targets in the cerebral hemispheres: The coarse coding hypothesis revisited. Brain Research 2007, 1153, 144-157.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., How I learned to stop worrying and love the VCR: N400 processing of illegal strings in sentence context. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S62-S62.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., The acronym superiority effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2007, 14, (6), 1158-1163.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D.; Better the DVL you know: Acronyms reveal the contribution of familiarity to single-word reading. Psychological Science 2007, 18 (2), 122-126.
- Lee, C. L.; Federmeier, K. D., Hemispheric differences in syntactic modulation on the lexical ambiguity resolution - An event related potential study. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S61-S61.
- Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Visual fixations reveal hemispheric asymmetries in meaning selection and revision. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S81-S81.
- Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D.; The effects of context, meaning frequency, and associative strength on semantic selection: Distinct contributions from each cerebral hemisphere. Brain Research 2007, 1183, 91-108.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., Finding the right word: Hemispheric asymmetries in the use of sentence context information. Neuropsychologia 2007, 45, (13), 3001-3014.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., Two sides of meaning: The scalp-recorded N400 reflects distinct contributions from the cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S62-S62.
- Gratton, C.; Evans, K. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Picturing knowledge: ERPs reveal the acquisition and retrieval of information about novel objects. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S43-S43.
- Hannula, D. E.; Federmeier, K. D.; Cohen, N. J., Event-related potential signatures of relational memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2006, 18, (11), 1863-1876.
- Laszlo, S.; Federmeier, K. D., Acronyms reveal the effects of familiarity and regularity on the N400 ERP component. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S57-S57.
- Meyer, A. M.; Federmeier, K. D., Meaning selection in the cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S67-S67.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D., An investigation of the timecourse of sentential context use by the cerebral hemispheres. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S109-S109.